Dell Software Update Package (SUP), A00-00

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Adding support of Seagate Cheetah V 36GB hard drives, model number ST336605FC/FCV (Dell p/n
9W190 or K2825), to the PV720/740/760N systems. This zip file contains the qual_devices.txt file (qual device table), the readme.txt file (how to instructions) as well as the tech sheet.

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Fehlerkorrekturen und Verbesserungen

This release allows a customer to replace existing FC hard drives, model numbers ST318304FC/FCV
(Dell p/n 17JTM- 18GB) and ST336704FC/FCV (Dell p/n 50GMD) in PV720/740/760N systems with the
Seagate Cheetah V FC hard drive, model number ST336605FC/FCV (Dell p/n 9W190 or K2825) as a hot swap.

Support of the newer Seagate hard drives on PV720/740/760N requires an updated qual device table.
This release provides the qual device table and procedure. This procedure assumes that the hard
drives have NetApp firmware version NA04.
Mehr erfahren


A00-00, A00-00


31 Jän. 2003






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Default Instructions for

How to appropriately use the qual_devices file.

Once obtained, the qual_devices file should not be opened, edited or
saved in a windows format as this corrupts the qual_devices file.

1. From a windows client map to the root directory of the filer:

2. Find the qual_devices file and rename to qual_devices1.

3. Place the diskette with the qual_devices file in the Windows client.

4. Drag and drop the qual_devices file from the a: drive to the
\\filer\c$\etc directory.

5. Attach the null modem cable from the client to the filer and open a
hyper terminal session before moving to step 6.

6. Attach the DAE to the current enclosure via the second port on the
LCC module that is currently connected to the filer.

To use hyper terminal with the filer you will need a null modem cable to
connect from the COM1 on your Windows client to the Console port on the
back of the filer.

To verify that this file worked correctly, open a hyper terminal session
using the following settings and view the drive initialization.

Bits per Sec: 9600
Data Bits: default
Parity: default
Stop bits: default
Flow Control: none

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