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PowerVault LTO4 Tape Drive - Reference Articles

Yhteenveto: Using the PowerVault LTO4 drive for backup and storage. How to update the drivers and firmware using ITDT (IBM Tape Diagnostic Tool).

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Artikkelin sisältö


Support Library - PowerVault LTO4 Tape Drive

SLN317775_en_US__1LTO 4 Drive

Product Overview:

Simplify data backup and archive by easily integrating the LTO family of tape drives into your data center. With up to 800GB of native capacity on a single cartridge, LTO drives provide decades of shelf life for industries and tasks that need reliable, long-term and large-capacity data retention.  LTO tape drives deliver peace of mind that your data is securely stored and in regulatory compliance against problems like hardware failure, natural disasters, theft or cyber threats.

Getting Started:



Not Applicable


Not Applicable

Artikkelin ominaisuudet

Tuote, johon asia vaikuttaa

PowerVault LTO4-120HH

Edellinen julkaisupäivä

20 maalisk. 2024



Artikkelin tyyppi
