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Get a list of Windows 7 automated fixes for your computer

Yhteenveto: Learn how to run automated troubleshooters in Windows 7.

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Artikkelin sisältö


To view and search the automated solutions available on your computer in Microsoft Windows 7, launch the Action Center and search the Troubleshooting section using the steps below.

  1. Click Start, then click Control Panel.

  2. Click the Action Center link.

  3. Click Troubleshooting near the bottom of the window.

  4. To ensure you always have the latest troubleshooters and solutions available, under Do you want the most up-to-date content available for troubleshooting? Click Yes.

    This feature will allow your computer to automatically download new troubleshooters and updates as they become available.
  5. To view the troubleshooters available, click View All in the upper left corner.

  6. To search for specific troubleshooters, click the Search Troubleshooting box in the upper right corner of the window.

  7. To find troubleshooters created for Dell computers, simply type Dell and press <ENTER>. Alternatively, search for specific solutions and narrow down your search by typing a specific category, such as sound, display or wireless.

  8. Browse and click the desired solution from the results returned or continue to use the Search function to narrow down your results further.

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Edellinen julkaisupäivä

21 helmik. 2021



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