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  • Zobrazit objednávky a sledovat stav expedice
  • Vytvořte a přistupujte k seznamu svých produktů
  • Spravujte své profily, produkty a kontakty na úrovni produktů na stránkách Dell EMC pomocí správy společnosti.

Dell Precision Optimizer Owner's Manual

Resource Utilization

Figure displaying resource utilization screen.
The home page displays the utilizations of the following resources:
  • CPU
  • Graphics
  • Storage
  • Memory
The needle of the speedometers shows the current utilization of CPU, Graphics, Memory and Storage. This data is refreshed every 2 seconds. If Dell System Analysis is enabled on the system, you may also see a green portion in the speedometer arc. The green portion (if present) represents the previous utilization average read from the last Dell Smart Tracking report. For Example: If the Average Memory Utilization (previously recorded) was 38%, then the green bar will go from 0-38% in the first speedometer dial.
Figure displaying the needle.

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