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Dell Lifecycle Controller GUI v2.30.30.30 User's Guide

Configuring a local USB drive

If you are using a private network that does not have access to external sites such as ftp.dell.com, you can provide updates from a locally‑configured USB drive.

The USB drive used as a repository must have at least 8 GB free space.

  • NOTE: A USB drive is not required for users, who have access to ftp.dell.com through a proxy server.

For the latest updates, download the most recent Dell Server Updates ISO images for your system from dell.com/support.

  • NOTE: Lifecycle Controller supports internal SATA optical drives, USB drives, and Virtual Media devices. If the installation media is corrupt or not readable, then Lifecycle Controller may be unable to detect the presence of a media. In this case, an error message is displayed stating that no media is available.

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