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Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Version 7.3 Command Line Interface Guide

Omconfig Preferences Useraccess

Depending on the policies of your organization, you may want to restrict the access that some user levels have to Server Administrator. The omconfig preferences useraccess command allows you to grant or withhold the right of users and power users to access Server Administrator.

The following table displays the valid parameters for the command:
Table 1. Enabling User Access For Administrators, Power Users, And Users
Command Result Description
omconfig preferences useraccess enable=user Grants Server Administrator access to Users, Power Users, and Administrators. Least restrictive form of user access.
omconfig preferences useraccess enable=poweruser Grants Server Administrator access to Power Users and Administrators. Excludes user level access only.
omconfig preferences useraccess enable=admin Grants Server Administrator access to Administrators only. Most restrictive form of user access.

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