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Dell Command | Monitor Version 9.1 User's Guide

BIOS management profile

  • Determine the BIOS version by enumerating the instance of the class DCIM_BIOSElement..
  • Check whether BIOS attribute values can be modified or not. Get the instance of the class, DCIM_BIOSEnumeration. The attribute can be modified if the property IsReadOnly is set to FALSE.
  • Set the system password (SystemPwd). Run the DCIM_BIOSService.SetBIOSAttributes() method and set the SystemPwd to AttributeName and password value to AttributeValue parameters.
  • Set the BIOS or Admin password (AdminPwd). Run the DCIM_BIOSService.SetBIOSAttributes() method and set the AdminPwd to AttributeName and password value to AttributeValue parameters.
  • Run the DCIM_BIOSService.SetBIOSAttributes() method and specify the AttributeName and AttributeValue parameters.
  • To modify a BIOS Attribute when BIOS or Admin password is set, run the DCIM_BIOSService.SetBIOSAttributes() method and specify the AttributeName, AttributeValue, and current BIOS password as the AuthorizationToken input parameter.

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