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Dell Precision Optimizer Owner's Manual

Maintenance Settings

Figure displaying system maintenance settings screen.

Scheduled Updates

Manual updates or Scheduled automatic weekly or monthly updates can be configured by selecting one of these check boxes.
Table 1. Type of Updates
Type Description
ManualSelect this option if you do not want the application to perform any update operation periodically in the background. You must use Check Updates button to look for available updates and then use Apply Updates to install these updates from the System Maintenance page.
WeeklySelect this option to allow the application to perform weekly update operations based on other filters selected on this page. Select day of the week (M, TU, W, TH, F, SA, SU) and then select the time of the day (AM/PM) when the operation will be scheduled
MonthlySelect this option to allow the application to perform monthly update operations based on other filters selected on this page. Select day of the month (1-28) and then select the time of the day (AM/PM) when the operation will be scheduled


This set of check boxes identifies the action that is performed in the automatic mode (that is, when the Scheduled Updates is set to either weekly or monthly).
Table 2. Check-Box options
Notify when updates are availableThe application notifies the user if any updates (based on the filter selection) are found to be available. Updates is not downloaded to the local system, nor are they automatically installed.
Download and install updatesThe application downloads and installs any available updates (based on the filter selection) before notifying the user.

Update Filters

This page also contains three sets of check boxes allowing you to filter scheduled updates based on their Criticality, Type and Device Category. The checkboxes on this page are applicable to scheduled updates only.

  • Criticality (Critical/Recommended/Optional)
  • Type (Hardware Drivers/BIOS Updates/Application Software/Firmware Updates)
  • Device Category (Audio/Mouse & Keyboard/Storage/Chipset/Network & Bluetooth/Video/All others)

Following options appear on this page: 

CancelClick this button to exit the settings page without saving any changes
Restore SettingsClick this button to load the program default values for all the settings
Save ChangesClick to save changes (if any)

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