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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 5.0 Release Notes

Important notes

  1. From OMIVV 5.0 onwards, only VMware vSphere Client (HTML-5) is supported and the vSphere Web Client (FLEX) is not supported.
  2. For using the DNS server, the recommended practices are:
    1. OMIVV supports only IPv4 IP addresses. Although both static IP assignment and DHCP assignment are supported, Dell recommends you to assign a static IP address. Assign a static IP address and hostname when you deploy an OMIVV appliance with a valid DNS registration. A static IP address ensures that during the system restart, the IP address of the OMIVV appliance remains same.
    2. Ensure that OMIVV hostname entries are present in both forward and reverse lookup zones in your DNS server.
  3. For the OMIVV appliance mode, ensure that you deploy OMIVV in the appropriate mode based on your virtualization environment. For more information, see the System requirements for deployment modes topic in OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 5.0 Installation Guide.
  4. Configure your network to match the port requirements. For more information, see the Port information topic in OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 5.0 Installation Guide.
  5. For 14th generation PowerEdge servers, iDRAC mounts the NFS through TCP on port 2049.
  6. When restoring the OMIVV data, ensure that you end all the vCenter sessions.


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