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This post is more than 5 years old



May 15th, 2012 14:00

iDRAC6 connectivity issue

Hi Gents,

One month ago I bought a Dell T410 with iDRAC6. During the installation and initial setup in my companies lab, everything was ok with the DRAC, I could reach it all the time, worked well for a whole month. During this month there were periods while I did not touch the DRAC for days, but when I wanted to reach it, it worked properly.

3 days ago I put the server to my ISP to its final place in a co-location room. I bought a dedicated network for the iDRAC as well, it got a public IP and it is connected to the same switch as the server's NICs.

When I left the server, everything was ok, but when I arrived home, I could not reach the DRAC, the host worked (and always worked) well. I asked the ISP to check, but they said thay were able to see the DRAC live, so the link was ok. 

I pinged the DRAC from the server and everything became good, I was able to reach the WEB GUI and the SSH server as well.

After few hours, it disappeared again, the ISP confirmed that thay can see the DRAC still live. As I pinged the DRAC from the server, it worked for an other few hours again.

I got the server with v1.80 firmware, yesterday I upgraded it to the latest available v1.85.3, but the problem still exists. Today we also connected the DRAC to an other switch and changed the cable as well, but we still have the same issue.

Have you guys experienced an issue like this with these new firmwares ? I saw a few pretty old posts prior to v1.50, but in those cases upgrade to v1.50 solved the issue.

What should I do now ?



793 Posts

May 15th, 2012 17:00

There are a couple possible things to look at here.  First, check the DRAC and the switch port it is attached to, and make sure it is set to Auto Negotiate the settings.  I have seen some odd and intermittent behaviors when the DRAC or switch port is set to a specific speed, duplex, etc.

The second thing to try is remove the DRAC from the public IP and keep it on the internal LAN.  I'd do this anyway because though the DRAC is not particularly hackable, nothing is completely impervious and giving somebody with bad intentions even 5 minutes in a DRAC can be disastrous.  If you keep it on the LAN then you can use a VPN router or other remote access setup to get to a machine on the local network and then open a browser to get to the DRAC.

2 Posts

May 16th, 2012 00:00

Hi Jeff,

Here is my related config parts:

/admin1-> racadm getconfig -g cfgNetTuning






/admin1-> racadm getconfig -g cfgLanNetworking







# cfgNicMacAddress=d4:ae:52:80:8e:47













The switch port is set to Auto Negotiation as well.

Also, unfortunately there is no possibility to get private address, since its a co-location room, as I know, the ISP don't have this "feature", so they does not offer VPN ot any other solution which would allow me to set up private address.

The web server is turned off, ssh default port is moved from 22 and we have a "strong" password for the admin user. I think this is all I can do here.

Do you think it is enough ?

Any other suggestion for the base issue ?



October 24th, 2019 18:00

I have an r710 and I had the same issue that I managed to solve by making sure that my ipv4 IP address's first three sets of numbers matched the network. I hope this helps you.

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