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12 Posts


October 26th, 2022 11:00

AW3423DW, AWCC, missing basic settings

Hey there mates!

Just unpacked my brand new AW3423DW and it feels a bit like a downgrade from my previous LG EP950-B, but that's not why I'm here and typing my soul out. [downgrade - matte [LG] vs. shiny surface [Alienware], low resolution on the side of Alien and what I'm about to write...]

I like the Command Center You've got here mates, but...I'm severely missing features like Aours, and other monitors have. I'd like to switch profiles via the App, not only the Power Profiles, but Game 1, Game 2, etc. also. I'd like to manually set the Brightness and Contrast and many others.

Would this be possible? I know I can use 3rd party App for this, but I'd like to have it integrated within the App. Also, could you make the App run in tray please? It's not cool to have it down on the task bar.

Here, be inspired!


Thank You for considering my request!

With best regards


Community Manager


54.4K Posts

October 27th, 2022 05:00

To get more exposure for your AWCC enhancement/upgrade suggestions, consider posting on Alienware Support on Twitter = @AlienwareTech

12 Posts

October 29th, 2022 12:00

Well, Chris, there's not much feedback there mate


12 Posts

November 26th, 2022 07:00


Seriously, please enable brightness, contrast and profiles on Dell AW3423DW. I'm not even gonna write how impossible this is that it's not there after year of its release, so please just do it. It's like super basic and people who use your AWCC most likely need primarily this function and secondarily all the other gimmicks like RGB control and stuff.


Please, I literally beg you,. I have to use 3rd party SW like Monitorian, but Your DDC/CI protocol is somehow botched, so it won't remember as soon as the monitor goes to sleep and wakes up. All the other monitors do remember it, even Your old Alienware ones, just not the OLED one. This is literally desperate, I spent dozens of Euros on many DDC/Ci SW but none works.

Please fix it ASAP. Thank You!

With best regards,



1 Rookie


2 Posts

May 14th, 2024 03:40

2 years later and Dell still won't fix their broken DDC protocols, cannot do basic functions through any desktop utilities. Their high end hardware doesn't come with high end firm at all.

6 Professor


6.1K Posts

May 14th, 2024 15:08

In my opinion, software is the weak point with Dell products For some reason they do not seem to be able to get it right. AWCC is a huge program that takes up over a GB of drive space, and does not provide even close of the functionality that a program the fraction of the size provides.

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