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6 Professor


6.4K Posts


March 31st, 2021 18:00

Aurora R10, powers up itself each day

Ever since I upgraded to bios version 2.1.2, I am greeted every evening by my Alienware having itself turned on.

I have double checked my bios settings, I see nothing that is set to auto start it.

It has never done this until bios version 2.1.2.

This is extremely annoying, since I cannot see how to make it stop.



6 Professor


6.4K Posts

April 10th, 2021 10:00

I finally fixed this. Downgrading the bios would still show the same auto power on, just at a different time.

The fix is this:

- Go into your bios settings, and enable "auto power on " and select a day under "auto power on mode".

- Save bios settings, let it boot up to windows.

- Restart, go back into bios and disable "auto power on", save and reboot.


That fixed it finally for me. Like I speculated before, it looks like the bios update is not truly displaying the correct settings for your bios and it shows off when it's actually on. Forcing it on/off fixes it.

6 Professor


6.4K Posts

March 31st, 2021 19:00

Windows is not seeing any wake events. Bizarre, because it has been waking up from a shut down state every day since I installed bios 2.1.2.


Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19042.906]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\system32>powercfg -lastwake
Wake History Count - 0

C:\Windows\system32>powercfg -devicequery wake_armed
HID Keyboard Device
HID Keyboard Device (001)
HID Keyboard Device (002)
HID-compliant mouse (001)
Xbox One Controller
HID-compliant mouse (005)


163 Posts

April 1st, 2021 09:00

Same thing happened when I updated to 1.0.8

Go into BIOS - be sure and snap a pic (i used my smart-phone to take pics) of all your settings especially oc settings.

Then reset to optimized defaults.

Save and exit.

Boot back into Windows.

Shut down and leave off for a few minutes.

Power back up and go into BIOS to set OC settings and stuff back according to the pics you took.

Your computer now should no longer willy-nilly auto-power on 

Good Luck!



6 Professor


6.4K Posts

April 1st, 2021 20:00

Did a down flash to bios version 2.1.1 and no more issues.

35 Posts

April 3rd, 2021 04:00

I don't know that the BIOS version 2.1.2 is inherently bad. It may be akin to the situation where you upgrade 100 Windows machines, and 1 or 2 have an issue until you remove and reapply the update.

If you flash back up to 2.1.2, does the problem return?

6 Professor


6.4K Posts

April 3rd, 2021 11:00

I am going to do that right now, since I confirmed bios version 2.1.1 does not exhibit this auto start behavior.

I have a feeling it is a poor implementation of how bios settings are reset.

I noticed a few times in the past that "load bios optimized defaults" does not always truly load all the defaults and you sometimes have to do it a few times to get it to do it's job.

I checked the settings, screen shots are in this thread. Obviously it should have worked properly with those settings and not auto start-up, but it did.

6 Professor


6.4K Posts

April 5th, 2021 16:00

And I can confirm, a flash to bios version 2.1.2 and the behavior is back. I was greeted by a happily running Alienware R10 when I came home today. 


Back to bios version 2.1.1 until they fix this issue, whatever the issue might be. The changelog said they enhanced the PXE boot environment in bios version 2.1.2 for Ryzen 5000 systems. I am on a Ryzen 3000 system, I have a feeling that is the place to look for this anomaly.


Hopefully I did not wear my flash ram out with all these flashes back and forth!

55 Posts

April 10th, 2021 00:00

Sorry to drag this back up but I believe I have the same problem.

I set up my R10 Wednesday night everything was fine, I turned the system on Thursday night and updated the bios to 2.1.2, Friday night I came it to find the system powered up. If I find it powered on Saturday I will downgrade the bios.

Probably not relevant but after the update my memory is now on OC1 instead of 2

35 Posts

April 12th, 2021 03:00

Good detective work!

55 Posts

April 22nd, 2021 06:00

I can't be 100% sure I had this problem since before my system had a chance to power on again I used the "optimized defaults" button twice while testing some memory settings. Since my tests I have not had the system power itself on again. 

6 Professor


6.4K Posts

April 22nd, 2021 06:00

It's 1 of those problems that take days to fix, because each time you have to wait 24 hours for it to power itself up or not and figure out if what you changed fixed it.

It took me about a week to get this fixed. I am thinking loading default settings might do the same thing as enabling/disabling the setting. 

This is one of those rare moments where you are glad you stopped your computer form doing something.

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