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This post is more than 5 years old


October 31st, 2016 14:00

1080P Gaming on 4K Screen

Hi all,

I am considering buying the new 17" with the 4K screen ( mainly cause you can only choose the top I7 with that one ) but I am fearfull of how the screen will look when I play games in a non native resolution.

I looked online and only found 2 posts about this blatently contradicting each other. Obviously the 1070 or 1080 wont support gaming in 4K for long.

Please respond if you have the 4k screen

11 Posts

November 1st, 2016 03:00

I have the 2015 17 with the 4k screen. Provided you are sitting about 2 -3 feet from the screen you can not really notice the bilinear blur associated with 1080p scaling because the pixel density is so small.

So, unless your eyes are absolutely perfect I wouldn't worry too much about it. Its never going to look as crisp as native 4k but it looks far better than any kind of scaling on a lower DPI screen.

10 Posts

November 1st, 2016 03:00

I played Battlefield 1 for ages on my 17 R3 at 1080p and have the 15R3 4K now. I have noticed it looks a little blurry when playing it but the 1070 gives off great performance

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