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This post is more than 5 years old



May 26th, 2016 05:00

AW 17 r2 - No F8 for recovery, want to reinstall W10, little help if pos.

Hi all

Recieved a second hand Aw 17 r2 yesterday and really want to do a fresh install.

Didnt get any documentation with it so not sure what OS was shipped on it originally but it looks like it was prob 8.1 as it has W10 on with a windows.old dir on root of C.

So, when i boot i dont get safe mode screen after tapping F8, so cant get to recovery options.

Alao, when i look at diwc managment theres 2 partitions called recovery (300 and 450mb) both show as 100% free space? So is there actually any recovery files there?

It did come with an empty cd wallet with a Windows product key, which wont work with my W10pro iso i have.

Any advice peeps?


3 Apprentice


4.4K Posts

May 26th, 2016 13:00


If the system used to have Windows 8, F8 won't go to recovery options. With Windows 10 you need to look for Settings > Update & security > Recovery and there you will have some recovery options. 

In your case you can try a refresh, click here to view a Microsoft article that explains how to do it or you can do a fresh installation with the W10pro ISO media you created.

8 Posts

May 26th, 2016 14:00

Ok great, thanks!

But since posting this i noticed the laptop casing has been opened and the wifi cable has been trapped between the casing and the hinge for the screen!

Ive contacted the last owner and he says the only person to ever open it was a Dell tech that came to his home to replace the mobo around new year time.

He has passed on his name and address details for me to transfer the warranty, would i then be able to get a tech to visit me and fix the issue?


3 Apprentice


4.4K Posts

May 27th, 2016 11:00


Once the ownership has been transferred, if the system is still in warranty, you will be able to get service.

8 Posts

May 28th, 2016 07:00

Ok Great, whats the best way to swap over the warranty? Can you link me? ;-)


2.3K Posts

May 28th, 2016 11:00

3 Apprentice


4.4K Posts

May 31st, 2016 10:00

That depends, if you got the system from another person you should do an Ownership Transfer.

If you got it from a retail, then you should do a Retail Registration

8 Posts

May 31st, 2016 18:00

Thanks! All sorted now.

Do i have to wait 14days before asking for onsite tech assistance?

3 Apprentice


4.4K Posts

June 1st, 2016 10:00

Send a PM with your service tag please so I can check.

8 Posts

June 1st, 2016 11:00

Ok, i would PM you if i could find the button/link to do so?

Ive clicked on your Name hyperlink and just get your activity?

No Events found!
