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This post is more than 5 years old


August 9th, 2013 12:00

Alienware 18, Random Lockups

I've got an odd problem here I've never seen before.  I took the plunge and bought a top of the line Alienware 18 with all the bells and whistles (My wallet hates me right now).  The only problem is, it randomly locks up.  Not like a Blue Screen Of Death....I mean it just locks up completely.  The screen freezes, and nothing responds.  No mouse, no keyboard activity...nothing works.  It also locks up so quick, nothing is reported to the event logs.  It's literally like it just stops....completely. I've run through all the standard trouble shooting options I can think.  I disabled the SLI Video change.  Turned off the SDD Cache.  No change.  Run through the Dell hardware diagnostics, everything is AOK.  Even disabled the IntelBoost.....still just locks up.  And there is no rhyme or reason as to when it locks up.  I can be surfing the internet, burning a DVD, even looking at a text file in notepad.  It just suddenly stops, and the only thing to do at that point is a hard reboot. Anyone else have these problems with the new Alienwares?  I'm beginning to think I've got a defective unit and am trying to figure out what the next step should be.  Thanks.

25 Posts

August 26th, 2013 18:00

I'm adding to the ongoing saga of this system.  Let me start of by saying I used to think Dell was THE Cadillac of computers.  I only buy dell, because the systems and the quality rocks.  My feelings on that point are wavering.

So to catch everyone up, I'll re-cap everything that has happened.

On June 26, I spent $5000 for the biggest, baddest Alienware laptop money could buy.  I had 32GB of ram, 4.3 GHZ processor, 1.5TB Raid 0 with SSD cache, dual Nvidia GTX 780M graphics cards.  This was the most powerful laptop in existence.  I was excited.

So they go to build it, it gets delivered in the beginning of July.  WOOHOO!!!!

I plug it in, and notice problems.  The main one being it just randomly locks up.  No crash, no blue literally freezes like someone hit a pause button on the CPU.  I run the benchmark tests, the self diagnostic tests, everything comes back green.  So I get in touch with tech support.  They run tests, they do their thing.  Spent like 90 minutes on the phone, and they decide to RMA it. 

OK, I can live with that....bad hardware or something.  They'll get me a new one, easy as pie.  But it's not.

As they start building the replacement system, I get a phone call.  Turns out they are out of the 780 video cards and they don't know when they will get them back.  The guy I speak with says they can downgrade me to 770 video cards and in order to make up for it, they will upgrade the hard drive to a 512GB SSD mSata drive plus a 750GB normal drive. 

Ok, I can live with that (Even though the 'new' system was 400 less than what I paid, I just wanted my computer).

So, they start building the new-new system.  A week goes buy.  That new-new system get's cancelled.  No notice, just BLAMO....done.  So I call, I ask why?  They say "Oh, some hardware issue with that hard drive and windows 8....we are gonna rebuild another one, no worries". 

So I say ok, and let them restart again.  New order number, in production.  August 15 (month and a half after I ordered it originally) rolls around.  The new-new-new order is cancelled.  I'm beginning to lose it.  I call.  Turns out the mSata drive is flat out not compatible with Windows 8.  No hardware issue, it just doesn't work. 

I say ok, now what?  They begin again.  That day, I see the new order.  Low and behold, it has the SAME 512GB mSata drive....which, by the can't even select on the website any more.  It won't let you because there are known windows 8 issues.

I call them back.  I say hey....that configuration won't work.  I was just told that.  The person I spoke to said it will work fine.  I said, then why was my last order cancelled?  They said they didnt know.  I asked them to confirm everything was AOK.  They went, talked to the 'engineers' who insisted that hard drive would work fine with Windows 8.  I say ok.  And let them do their thing.

So, today rolls around.  August 22.  Guess what, the order is cancelled AGAIN!!!!!!!!!  The reason, that hard drive won't work with windows 8.  Like I told them last week.  Like they insisted would work fine.

So, I call tech support AGAIN.  They are gonna rebuild AGAIN.  And they insist the mSata drive they put in this time will work fine with Windows 8.

Now....the definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.  So, dell must be crazy.

So, at this point in time.  I've spent $5,000.00 for a laptop that is broken.  Tech support is running in circles and I have no faith they will ever build a system that works.  I've been transferred, re-transferred, and transferred some more.  I've spoke to a million people there, of course with no call back numbers of extensions.  There is no accountability from anyone, other than some tier 1 tech saying it will be ok.  And now, I get to wait another week for the new-new-new-new system to be cancelled again.

There is no solution.  Tech support can't help.  Customer support doesn't exist.  And my faith in Dell has all but vanished.  If this isn't resolve by next week, the ONLY recourse I have left is to dispute the charges with my credit card company, file a claim with the better business bureau, and resolve myself to find another brand. 

I'm disappointed guys.  And I don't anyone there even cares.

8 Posts

August 26th, 2013 19:00

I am awaiting this new HDD installation to see if, as the tech suggested but I'm not so sure of, the HDD is faulty and causing the lock ups. Of course my HDD diagnostics all check out. I'm less than convinced but fingers are crossed. This entire experience with dell has been disastrous. I will not recommend alienware to anyone. I LOVE this machine when its working but that should be 100% of the time after spending $4500 on it and it just isnt.

25 Posts

August 26th, 2013 19:00

Mine freezes after 30 minutes.  The box is useless.  Can't believe it.  Dell used to be awesome.  Now it's just another corporation.  Customers don't matter, it's all about the bottom dollar.

ANYONE WHO SPENDS OVER 4K FOR A LAPTOP should be catered to.  I should have a freaking phone call every day from some tech saying what is going on with the system.

25 Posts

August 26th, 2013 20:00

Too fed up. I'm canceling this order.

25 Posts

September 8th, 2013 11:00

Don't hold your breath. I tried to get mine replaced for over a month. 

8 Posts

September 8th, 2013 11:00

Mine is being RMAd new machine being sent out this Tuesday. We'll see how it works. I agree, if you have someone buying one of the most expensive products you're offering, they should be taken care of. 

763 Posts

September 14th, 2013 12:00

Bugcheck code: 0x124 (0x0, 0xFFFFFA80247E1028, 0xFF800000, 0x124)


This bug check is frequently associated with using the wrong CPU power configuration. Alienware is working on a new BIOS for the 18 that will allow the CPU to function correctly. At one point I experience exactly what you are encountering and I was able to correct it.

If you have used any tweaks to try to get your 4930MX CPU to perform correctly, this might be causing the problem if the wrong settings were implemented. It can also be happening without any tweaks because of the incorrect default power settings. If you have not tweaked anything, then you might be able to fix the problem through tweaks using Intel Extreme Tuning Utility (XTU). By default, Core Current Limit is way too low. It is set to 32.000A and cannot be changed. It needs to be at least 112.000A... 120.000A would be better. Additionally, the Core Voltage default is too high and the default Processor Current Limit is too low. Fortunately, both of these values can be changed with XTU.

Here what I recommend you try:

  • Enter the BIOS and reset to the defaults. Press F10 to save and exit, then F2 to go back in. Enable overclocking and set the Extreme Edition setting to BIOS (not cTDP).
  • Download and install the latest version of XTU from the Intel Download Center. Lower the Core Voltage setting to 1.165v and leave it set to adaptive mode. Change the Processor Current Limit to 120.000A. Save the new settings.

This may reduce or eliminate your system freezing problem. If it does it less frequently, but still occasionally, try lowering the voltage to 1.125v.

8 Posts

September 23rd, 2013 00:00

Received my new system. Had done absolutely nothing to it other than download chrome before I experienced my first lockup. I have done as you suggested and initially had a few blue screens but I've since made it a day with no crashes. So it sounds like we're waiting on a new BIOS to adjust core current limit to appropriate levels in order to eliminate these lockups altogether? You'd think there would be a little more testing of these things before selling $5000 laptops to people 

763 Posts

October 16th, 2013 11:00

Received my new system. Had done absolutely nothing to it other than download chrome before I experienced my first lockup. I have done as you suggested and initially had a few blue screens but I've since made it a day with no crashes. So it sounds like we're waiting on a new BIOS to adjust core current limit to appropriate levels in order to eliminate these lockups altogether? You'd think there would be a little more testing of these things before selling $5000 laptops to people 

If the BSOD was a 0x124 STOP error the CPU voltage is too low. Raise Core Voltage a little bit if that happens any more. Glad my tips helped.

14 Posts

December 26th, 2013 20:00

Doing a search on lockups and found this - I also have a fully loaded 18 and am having the "EXACT" same problem, to the T.  At first I thought it might be overclocking but that doesn't exist.  I then went into msconfig and have begun troubleshooting that.  I received my laptop on Monday afternoon and before I had a chance to load much software, the system began locking up.  I did three hard reboots today alone.  And getting hold of tech support that knows anything other than perform a reimaging of the system? Not likely.  In the old XPS days, Dell would hook you up with an actual gamer who knew the systems inside and out.  Today...

25 Posts

December 26th, 2013 20:00

My solution?  RMAd it and bought a system from XOTIC PC.  My new MSI Laptop runs circles around the alienware.

1 Message

May 21st, 2014 16:00

Exact same problem since DAY 1..
Tried everything
Support people are very poor mean :/
I don't know why I wasted my money buying this <ADMIN NOTE: Profanity removed as per TOU>

whats wrong !
and now my warranty period is over ?
So can anything be done ?
or Do I have to file legal suit !
Knowing that these guys might ultimately win because the product is theirs.. and they can market it best..!

1 Message

January 2nd, 2015 16:00

I have had the exact scenario play out since I received my Alienware 18 system in Sept '13. Every technical problem has been the same.

Bought this top-of-the-line system for graphics work and hoping for best-in-class product and service - haven't seen it yet (seems Michael Dell's open letter hasn't made it to the rest of his team ). Called support, had a component replaced, but the lockups still occur.

Sometimes the system freezes, other times it goes to bluescreen and tries to restart, but usually doesn't, so I have to do a hard restart.

While doing photo and video editing, the system completely slows's unbelievable. My Surface Pro can handle the editing better than this Alienware 18!!!!! Thankfully I had another option for my graphics business, and haven't paid too much attention to the lockups, until now. I need this machine for my business again, and the lockups are frustrating.

I'll look for the BIOs update, and try a few other tricks mentioned here, but will be calling support first thing in the morning and plan to spend the entire day on the phone with them - I hope that they have learned something from wwwdaze2000...but I'm not too confident.

1 Message

May 19th, 2016 16:00


My laptop has been doing the same thing.  Did you ever get a resolution?

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