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This post is more than 5 years old


December 4th, 2014 12:00

Alienware Alpha Hardware Question

I purchased this for my son for x-mas. Anyways, I ended up buying him the Xbox 1 as well. I want to hook the Alpha to his flat screen in his bedroom but also to a Dell 24" monitor. The problem is I only see 1 HDMI out on the Alpha.

How do I hook both his flat screen and his computer monitor up at the same time? Some research shows they offer an HDMI amplified splitter. Is that my only option?

In addiiton, the montior has a normal DVI connection so I need to go out from the Alpha HDMI to splitter and 1 side hooks to the Samsumg TV the other to his monitor using a HDMI to DVI convertor.

Is this really the only was this will work? Can I connect using USB?

Please advise.

3 Posts

December 5th, 2014 08:00

Does anyone have a suggestion or recommendation on what I should do?


I would like to use the Alienware Alpha to hook up a 60" flat screen and a 24" monitor. Is this possible or should I purchase an X51?

December 5th, 2014 08:00

Hi, to accomplish that you will need to duplicate the screens using a specific cable. This will only grant you a duplicated screen due to the fact Alpha can only 1 HDMI connection. An x51 will use several video outputs, giving you the option to connect more screens in to it. 

3 Posts

December 5th, 2014 14:00

If you want an extended desktop you should be able to get a USB 3.0 to HDMI adapter and set up the TV as the second display, although this will tax the processor, and the graphics coming out of the USB will not be nearly as fast.

I mean I think you could do that. I don't have any actual expirence setting up dual displays yet.

December 9th, 2014 19:00


12 Posts

December 10th, 2014 10:00

Ok I will take a shot at this. If you search Amazon you can get an HDMI to DVI cable  and a HDMI splitter box  1 in 2 out. Connect the Hdmi out from the Alpha to the Splitter then run one HDMI cable to the TV and one to the computer monitor. Now as far as sound goes unless the computer monitor has built in speakers you will not get any audio unless you use the digital sound port out to sound system of some kind. I think this will work just save your receipts and return things to Amazon if it does not meet what you are trying todo

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