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September 4th, 2012 14:00

Alienware Aurora R4 BSOD, Freezing, Unexpected Shutdown, etc. (Problems & Solutions)

 I ordered my Alienware Aurora R4 on August 14, 2012. Me and my brother were really excited and can't wait for it.  One week later, we received the Dell U2410 Monitor (August 22, 2012), and it looks really nice the design was perfect and it made us more excited even more. We watched people unbox their Alienware on YouTube and we see some positive comments so far. Two days later we received the system unit (August 24, 2010). The package is huge and the Purolator delivery guy asked me to help him carry it inside. It was really nice, I can't wait to open and unbox it, but I had to wait for 4 hours since my brother is at work and we wanna open it together. We opened it, and we did not expect it to be so big and nice. We measure it and It can't fit to our computer desk so we went to ikea and bought a new computer desk. When we got back home, we asked our friend to help us build the new desk. He's really good at assembling ikea furniture, he finished it  without a hassle.

          Finally, it's time to set it up! We unboxed it slowly and carefully since we waited for this and doesn't want to scratch our new computer. It's done! We turned it on and it asked us to choose our language, compter name, all the common computer start up stuff. We tried to play music then we realized it didn't come with a speaker. "It's okay, it's just a speaker." So we went to BestBuy and got a decent Logitech speaker for $79. We plugged it in at the back and it didn't work. We thought it's the speaker so we tried to plug in our iPhone headset and still no sound. We tried to plug it in the front then it worked. We thought there's a problem with the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 555 because it was plugged there at the back, it turnes out we just have to change the sound settings to Stereo because we're not using a surround sound system.

          Yaay, everything is done! We did all that in one day (August 24, 2010). Since it's friday and we don't have work Saturday and Sunday, we tried to install StarCraft 2. We still have time to play and we played two league games online, everything were perfect. The graphics, smooth fps and it didn't heat up. After playing for one hour, we quit the game and just left computer to eat. When we came back, the screen were off, we thought it's on sleep mode so we just left it there and went to bed.

          The next morning (August 25, 2012), I tried to move the mouse. It's not waking up, I pressed the keyboard and it's not responding. The Alienware head light was on and the fan was on. We don't know what's going on so we called customer support. We waited in queue for 15 minutes and finally, someone answered. He asked for our service code number right away and since it's our first time calling Dell's Customer Support, we had no idea what it is. The guy was friendly enough and told us where to find it. We told him the problem and he said we should hold the power button to force the computer to shutdown. We asked him what's the problem and he said he'll find out. We want to Alienware support and he gave us a code so he could control our computer remotely and check for the problem. He deleted the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 555 Driver, went online, downloaded a new driver and installed it. He restarted the computer and he said it should be fine now. The manager asked us to answer a quick survey, and of course, we gave them a positive feedback for helping us. A few hours later while we were watching a video on YouTube, the computer freezes up in front of us. We can't move the mouse nor the keyboard. The monitor went to sleep mode saying "Entering Power Save Mode", no signal detected. We thought it was the monitor so we called Dell Customer Support again for the second time. A guy answered, we explained what happened. The same routine happened again but this time he deleted and updated our sound driver as well. He also checked if it was due to overheating, tested it and result turned out negative. He tried to update the Alienware BIOS and in the middle of nowhere, he got disconnected on the phone. We can still see him moving the mouse, but after a while, even though the update was only 25%, he disconnected and left the session. We thought he's gonna call back, but he didn't. So we called Customer Support again and a new guy answered. All he did was canceled the download and check the computer drivers and that's it.

          We thought they know what they're doing so we trusted them and thought everything will work normally now. Another hour passed, the computer was frozen again, only this time we were just listening to music. The monitor went to sleep mode and the system unit shuts off. The light on the hard disk indicator was still on and blinking, so we know it's still on, but we can't do anything. We called Customer Support for the fourth time, a girl answered. She asked what happened and we told her that the computer suddenly shuts off by itself. She then said "What do you mean shuts off?", she sound really rude. We said "We were listening to music and then the computer froze and shuts off and we don't know why. It happened more than twice now." and then she said "No, it didn't shut down. What happened?". She keeps insisting that it didn't shut down as if she was here. My brother said "What do you want me to say? That's what we saw. It happened in front of us." She then asked us to shut it down by holding the power button and unplug the monitor and the system unit, open the side and check if the Video Card was intact. She then asked me to make sure that everything was plugged in all the way. I checked and followed what she told me. She also told us to unplug the computer from the power surge protector and plug it directly on the wall. We followed everything she said. "Is there anything else I can help you?" she became friendlier and told us "I will call back on Wednesday (August 29, 2012) and see if everything's working fine. We did the survey and gave her a good rating. Five days have passed and she didn't call, and in those 5 days the computer worked normally. At last, we finally solved the the problem. We thought it was caused by the power surge protector. In 5 days, it was fine. After all that's happened everything's working now.

          (August 31, 2012) I went to Facebook and tried to upload some pictures. I clicked browse and then the computer stops responding, it freezes up again. The monitor went to power save mode and the system unit shuts off by itself. What was going on? I restarted the computer like they always tell us and and went to Dell's website and run Dell PC Diagnostics. Test finished up with

- Tested and need attention: (1) 
Network Card: 802.11 n WLAN
USB Status Test Cannot Run Cannot get device property.
• Search "Help and Support Center"

- Tested Successfully: (91)

          We called Customer Support again, waited for 20 minutes this time and then a guy answered asked for the service code and we explained what happened. He replied "It says here on our note everything was fixed and fine.", we told him,"No, the last person who helped us and told us she will call us back to check if everything was fine didn't follow up." (But even if she did call, we would have told her that everything was fine because in the last 5 days, it worked perfectly.), and he said "Okay, okay I'l check... Would you hold on for a moment?" Okay, we said... He left us on hold for another 20 minutes despite that we already waited on queue. Why would they write on their note that everything was fixed? He answered and said sorry for the wait and he said we should backup all our data and he will re-install the OS and everything again. We backed-up our files, he asked us for the Windows 7 disc, we followed everything he said and took us about 3 hours on the phone with his trial-an-error. Even though it was like that, he was very nice unlike the first girl we talked to. Everything was restored, and then he said "I'm gonna give you another code and type it online. She will help you update all your drivers as I she knows more than me." Thank you so much, we said. He left the phone, we answered another survey, we gave him a 10/10 rating. Now, we're just waiting for her to update our driver. She was one of the nicest customer support. She finished installing all the drivers around 10PM. We told her thank you and she says bye. We didn't get any survey this time and hopefully after all this calling, waiting, explaining, following instructions, troubleshooting, everything was done.

          (September 1, 2012) Around 7AM, we installed StarCraft 2 again. We played like normal, everthing was fine until I played music. It crashed again. Although this time it restarted saying "The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly." Again? We're so tired of dealing with Dell's Customer Support over the phone. We said, nah, forget it, let's just call them next Tuesday. We don't want to waste our long weekend calling them, then wait in queue and put us on hold.

          Today, Tuesday (September 4, 2012) around 7:59:44AM, while we were watching StarCraft 2 battle on YouTube, the computer freezes up again. My brother said, "We should call them later when I get back. Just press the power button and restart it. There's nothing we can do for now." We restarted it and it started up normally. I went online again, and then in less than a minute after the restart, it froze up. But now the screen turned blue and it restarted again. After the restart we got this message:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 4105

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 116
BCP2: FFFFF88016066AE4
BCP4: 0000000000000004
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 768_1

Files that help describe the problem:

Read our privacy statement online:

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Isn't this supposed to be a NEW Computer? Why is it acting like this? What should we do? Here's the computer's specification:

Alienware Aurora R4, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHz 3.60GHz, 8.00GB Memory (RAM), 64-bit Operating  System, PLDS BD-RE DH-8B2SH SCSI CdRom Device, ATA ST1000DM003-9YN1 SCSI Disk Device 1TB, ACPI x64-based PC, 8x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-820 CPU @ 3.60GHz, NVIDIA High Definition Audio, Intel(R) C600 Series Chipset SATA RAID Controller, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 555, Thermal Cooling, etc.

We'll call the Customer Support again later but maybe we'll get answer in this forum. Hope someone who know's what's happening can help us. After all this, it's not exciting anymore... sigh

It seems like this two is causing the problem: 
Screen goes black then long delay and BSOD with the nvlddmkm.sys as the problem. 
This usually happens while playing video game, watching flash player videos and playing music.
On Tue 04/09/2012 7:58:49 AM UTC your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\090412-18470-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: nvlddmkm.sys (nvlddmkm+0xC3BAE4)
Bugcheck code: 0x116 (0xFFFFFA800ECF84E0, 0xFFFFF88016066AE4, 0xFFFFFFFFC000009A, 0x4)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\nvlddmkm.sys
product: NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 285.76
company: NVIDIA Corporation
description: NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 285.76
Bug check description: This indicates that an attempt to reset the display driver and recover from a timeout failed.
A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error. It is suggested you look for an update for the following driver: nvlddmkm.sys (NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 285.76 , NVIDIA Corporation).
Google query: nvlddmkm.sys NVIDIA Corporation VIDEO_TDR_ERROR

On Tue 04/09/2012 7:58:49 AM UTC your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\memory.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: dxgkrnl.sys (dxgkrnl!TdrResetFromTimeout+0x214)
Bugcheck code: 0x116 (0xFFFFFA800ECF84E0, 0xFFFFF88016066AE4, 0xFFFFFFFFC000009A, 0x4)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\dxgkrnl.sys
product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
company: Microsoft Corporation
description: DirectX Graphics Kernel
Bug check description: This indicates that an attempt to reset the display driver and recover from a timeout failed.
The crash took place in a standard Microsoft module. Your system configuration may be incorrect. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver on your system which cannot be identified at this time. 
I found a list of soulution that I think might work:
Solution 1:

Right-click on Computer, go to Properties > Device Manager
Expand "Display Adapters", double-click your videocard
Go over to the Details tab
The menu that can switch between which details to show, change it to "Hardware IDs"
TAKE NOTE OF THE "VEN_####" AND "SUBSYS_########", do NOT close the window
Expand "System devices"
There should be at least one "High Definition Audio Controller"
Find the one with the same "VEN_####" and "SUBSYS_######" as your video card
DISABLE (Not uninstall!) it
People's comment: "Did this about a month ago, haven't had a problem since. I hope this works for you, too."
Solution 2:
About this file
nvlddmkm.sys is part of your Nvidia® display driver installation, and it is located under the following path:
nvlddmkm.sys file

Blue screens of death crashes (STOP errors) associated with this file usually occur on all popular Windows platforms: XP, Vista, and even Windows 7. Crashes might occur randomly or at different situations such as playing video games, playing music, immediately after installing Windows, while trying to install new video display drivers, or watching flash videos.

Other reported problems related to this nvlddmkm.sys are that it involves in slowing down Windows startup process.

How to solve the nvlddmkm.sys BSOD
Warning! - Don’t manually try replace that file under any circumstances by another one. Many users try to download that file from random sites, and then they experience other problems. It just doesn’t work that way.

In order to solve the problem you need to make sure that your Nvidia® display driver as well as all your system drivers, and motherboard drivers aren’t outdated/corrupted, and if so, replace them with their ‘healthy’ and most updated versions.

Doing that manually is a time consuming, too risky, and inaccurate task. (You can never tell which are the most updated and exact required drivers). Anyway, I found that the safest (and by far the fastest) way to replace those problematic drivers is by using a reliable drivers repair tool.

To summarize - in order to repair this nvlddmkm.sys BSOD run a quick drivers scan and at the end see which drivers are causing this error, then install their latest, official, and most updated versions.

I suggest you to do the following:

(1) Remove your NVIDIA display driver
(2) Restart Windows
(3) Run another drivers scan
(4) The missing NVIDIA driver should be detected and it should let you download the latest certified version of that driver that matches your specific hardware

A little request...
Since each of you got a differently configured OS, I’d like to know the exact symptoms that you encounter with this problem. Feel free to post this information at the bottom of this page. Thanks.


Right now I'm trying Solution 1 and see if it works. 
I'll ask customer support before trying Solution 2.
I'll update this every week and inform everyone
If you find any solution, please post it here.

UPDATE: (September 4, 2012) 2:47:54 PM

It freezes while watching videos on YouTube.

Event filter with query "SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 99" could not be reactivated in namespace "//./root/CIMV2" because of error 0x80041003. Events cannot be delivered through this filter until the problem is corrected.

- < Event xmlns =" " >
- < System >
< Provider Name =" Microsoft-Windows-WMI " Guid =" {1edeee53-0afe-4609-b846-d8c0b2075b1f} " EventSourceName =" WinMgmt " />
< EventID Qualifiers =" 49152 " > 10 EventID>
< Version > 0 Version>
< Level > 2 Level>
< Task > 0 Task>
< Opcode > 0 Opcode>
< Keywords > 0x80000000000000 Keywords>
< TimeCreated SystemTime =" 2012-09-04T21:47:54.000000000Z " />
< EventRecordID > 1873 EventRecordID>
< Correlation />
< Execution ProcessID =" 0 " ThreadID =" 0 " />
< Channel > Application Channel>
< Computer > heartnotsubasa Computer>
< Security />
- < EventData >
< Data > //./root/CIMV2 Data>
< Data > SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 99 Data>
< Data > 0x80041003 Data>

UPDATE: (September 4, 2012) 2:58:24 PM

Again watching videos on YouTube.

Event filter with query "SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 99" could not be reactivated in namespace "//./root/CIMV2" because of error 0x80041003. Events cannot be delivered through this filter until the problem is corrected.

- < Event xmlns =" " >
- < System >
< Provider Name =" Microsoft-Windows-WMI " Guid =" {1edeee53-0afe-4609-b846-d8c0b2075b1f} " EventSourceName =" WinMgmt " />
< EventID Qualifiers =" 49152 " > 10 EventID>
< Version > 0 Version>
< Level > 2 Level>
< Task > 0 Task>
< Opcode > 0 Opcode>
< Keywords > 0x80000000000000 Keywords>
< TimeCreated SystemTime =" 2012-09-04T21:58:24.000000000Z " />
< EventRecordID > 1901 EventRecordID>
< Correlation />
< Execution ProcessID =" 0 " ThreadID =" 0 " />
< Channel > Application Channel>
< Computer > heartnotsubasa Computer>
< Security />
- < EventData >
< Data > //./root/CIMV2 Data>
< Data > SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 99 Data>
< Data > 0x80041003 Data>

UPDATE: (September 4, 2012) 4:35:36 PM


We went to YouTube and watch Tekken Tag 2 game play and it hangs. We can still hear the sound but the mouse, keyboard and the screen is frozen. A few seconds later everything stops and turns off. I tried to turn it on again and it won't turn on anymore. It just beeps twice every second constantly. I called Dell customer support and luckily, they answered faster than before. The guy asked me how many beep does it make before stop and I said 2. He then told me to turn it off, unplug it, press the power button to remove excess power, open the side and remove all 4 memory module and place it back. We turned it on again and nothing happened. Still the same beep. He then asked us to try a bunch of stuff but all did nothing. After all that, he said it might be a defective mother board. Sigh... All those days working with this computer and all those time wasted. He transferred us to a different department and a girl answered and said we are still under 20 days so they can replace it. Well, if you ask me, it didn't work right on the first day, so even if we pass 20 days, they should keep record on what day we reported it's defects. Now we can't use it and we have ship it back. Is this a new problem? Why hasn't Dell doing anything? Why is it like this? It's an expensive computer and it should work out of the box.


UPDATE: (September 6, 2012) 7:13:12 AM


We called Dell this morning to asked if they can give us a student discount since they implemented the discount 2 weeks later and we didn't know that. They made all this mess by sending us a defective computer and they should at least give us the discount or compensation. They said they can't do anything about it. So we decided to cancel the replacement and we're just going to return it. All my files are gone and we can't even do anything. All I can ask them is to format the hard disk drive and protect my files from being stolen. If we can just turn this computer on and format the HDD, but we can't. I don't have another computer except the laptop so I can't move the HDD there since the laptop requires a thinner one. Now I think Dell is the WORST computer ever. This has been the most wasted time ever. Dell wasted both our time, money and trust. I can't even write this anymore since this is so depressing and I'm very disappointed at the same time. Hope you stop what you're doing. That's all I can say.... sigh


September 24th, 2012 16:00

UPDATE: (September 24, 2012) 3:40:12 PM

We got the new replacement. Unbelievably it was set up perfectly when we turned it on. The sound works right away

and it looks really nice. I just hope that this one won't turn off randomly like the old one. We haven't installed anything yet.

Right now we're just browsing the web and changing the wallpaper. We're gonna try to install StarCraft 2 and play once

we're done eating dinner. I'll keep updating this everyday for 31 days to let Dell know of our experience and to help

this community. :)

September 4th, 2012 16:00

I was watching YouTube and it stops responding. I can't do anything so I turned the computer off and now when I turned it on, the system unit is beeping and there's nothing I can do. What happened? 

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

September 4th, 2012 16:00


Due to the Forum being slow loading your post, I removed the error data. Check your private message.

September 4th, 2012 17:00

I called Customer Support and they told me I got a defective motherboard. After talking to them like forever, they asked me to do this and that and all the trial and error that they possibly can to the point that the computer is defective. 

September 6th, 2012 09:00

UPDATE: (September 6, 2012) 7:13:12 AM

We called Dell this morning to asked if they can give us a student discount since they implemented the discount 2 weeks later and we didn't know that. They made all this mess by sending us a defective computer and they should at least give us the discount or compensation. They said they can't do anything about it. So we decided to cancel the replacement and we're just going to return it. All my files are gone and we can't even do anything. All I can ask them is to format the hard disk drive and protect my files from being stolen. If we can just turn this computer on and format the HDD, but we can't. I don't have another computer except the laptop so I can't move the HDD there since the laptop requires a thinner one. Now I think Dell is the WORST computer ever. This has been the most wasted time ever. Dell wasted both our time, money and trust. I can't even write this anymore since this is so depressing and I'm very disappointed at the same time. Hope you stop what you're doing. That's all I can say.... sigh

98 Posts

September 6th, 2012 14:00

You should have called back and ask to speak to somebody higher.  It sounds like you got one of the poorly motivated dingbats that find their way into customer service/support in all companies. Unless you haven't told us the whole story it sounds like you got poor service.  Never let one or two or even three people just try to rush a solution stand firm but stay polite and you will get what you want as a paying customer.  

September 6th, 2012 16:00

We called back many many times. My brother and I are very polite people and we treat them like we want to be treated. Most of them are nice but some of them are rude. It feels like they don't believe us when we're explaining to them what happened to the computer. As if we were lying and they're trying to correct us. What should we do? We gave up and just ask them not to send the replacement anymore. We're just gonna send this rubbish back. So much for our excitement.

2.4K Posts

September 7th, 2012 04:00

We called back many many times. My brother and I are very polite people and we treat them like we want to be treated. Most of them are nice but some of them are rude. It feels like they don't believe us when we're explaining to them what happened to the computer. As if we were lying and they're trying to correct us. What should we do? We gave up and just ask them not to send the replacement anymore. We're just gonna send this rubbish back. So much for our excitement.



If you resinstalled the driver and used different dirver versions then most likely it's not the video driver. Did you try updating the BIOS yet? If haven't then you should call Dell back and have them walk you through updating it.

Try reseating the expanson cards and cable connections. Remove the GPU and any other expansion card in the system along with all the sticks of memory and then put them back in. Then check all the power and SATA connections in the system. Just pull them out and then put them back in too. With all the BSOD's it could cause corruption in the Windows OS so a reinstall would take care of that.

If all of that does nothing then push them to replace the Mothetboard, PSU and GPU all in one visit. Those 3 are the top of the list for 116 BSOD's. Just remember to keep being nice on the phone like you have been. If you get upset it won't help you any. If you get someone on the phone that is rude,you have trouble understanding them or whatever the case my be just ask for another tech to speak to or hang up and call back.

September 7th, 2012 13:00

Oh well... I guess we'll call them to send the replacement. I hope the replacement will take care of this.  already thought me how to troubleshoot it, but it didn't work. He said we should just wait for the replacement. We'll try this one more time and hopefully, they keep their words. 

19 Posts

September 7th, 2012 15:00

Don't listen to morblore, you shouldn't have to go through all of the hardware and software troubleshooting that you have been through. If you go to BestBuy and buy something that doesn't work, "out of the box", you take it back and you either get a refund or a replacement. You shouldn't have to be an expert to get your computer to work.

So far it seems that you have had the patience of a saint, to go through what you have been through.

That said, I have had excellent help from customer and technical support with Alienware. They have a seperate support department from Dell itself. Like me, I am sure Dell would have transfered you to Alienware support.

I bought my first Aurora R4 in August 2012. My first unit died and tech support not being able to walk me through fixing a dead computer, tranfered me immediately to customer service and I had a brand new computer within a few days. They even paid to have UPS pickup the defective computer because it was just too heavy for me to handle. Before the first unit actually died, tech support spent a huge amount of time, patiently trying to help me fix problems with the computer. I am somewhat tech saavy so I didn't just ask for a replacement right off the bat. I also learned a great deal from them since they seem to be very well trained in the computers they sell.

They were all kind, respectful and helpful. I don't understand why I hear such bad things about Alienware support. And "no" I was not paid to write this.

I now have a great Aurora, "keeping my fingers crossed", but I would not have gone through what you went through. Someone who is a general customer should expect a working computer right off the bat or a replacement.

September 7th, 2012 15:00

Alienware/Dell Support was great. It's just that there's some of them who act like they saw what happened and even try to correct me while I was explaining. The computer turns off by itself and won't turn on anymore but the power button light is still on. That's what I said to the lady on the phone and she said "What do you mean shuts off? Don't say it shuts off when if it's still on!" What's she supposed to mean? Isn't she supposed to listen to me while I'm explaining and not correct me? And there was another guy updating the BIOS and we got disconnected from the phone. The BIOS is still updating and we saw him cancelled it half way and left. It's not all that bad because 60% of the people who helped us was nice and respectful. We'll just not forget that girl.

19 Posts

September 7th, 2012 16:00


I believe you. I'd have just been more assertive a long time ago if I were you. You don't need to go through what you have been through.

I was more than happy to go through sessions with support because I am already computer saavy. A regular buyer like you should just ask for a refund or a replacement. If they don't know what you are talking about then you shouldn't have to know what they are talking about.

They should send out a repair technician, it is part of the warranty. If not, then get a refund and get a computer from a local retail store. I know you want a high performance PC that usually you can't find at a retail store, but you can get a decent one.

Another option is to find a local independent store that builds custom PC's. Google "computers and the name of your city". At least then you have a face to go complaining to if something is wrong with the computer.

It is not your responsibility to trouble shoot a computer that should be delivered to you trouble free. This is probably a problem all over the Internet with computer manufacturers. There are a lot of people going to Web sites with no idea what all of the components are and trying to throw together a high performance PC. I am a knowledgeable PC user and I am confused by all of the choices computer manufacturers are offering. I think online purchasers should have fewer choices, it would probably reduce complaints.

I actually chose Alienware because they offered fewer choices than some others and their prices were very competitive with similarly configured computers from other manufacturers. Also, I read some excellent reviews of their computers. You'll read a ton of negative reviews about their computers and other manufacturers, too. That's because you have so many people buying computers on the Internet and they have a huge audience to complain to on the Internet.

Until you learn more about computers go to a retail store and see if you can buy a computer that's upgradable. Or, go to Dell's Web Site and buy a high end XPS desktop. I did that a few years ago. They are excellent computers, bar none. You'll have fewer choices in components, "probably a good thing" and you should end up with a great computer that you can upgrade in the future. That's the route I went about 5 years or so ago.

19 Posts

September 7th, 2012 16:00

Also, she actually did know what she was talking about. If there is a light on, such as your power on button on your computer, then it is actually not all of the way off. If there is a light on then there is electricity coming into the computer, so it can't be all of the way off even if you don't hear any fans and your monitor does not display anything. But she shouldn't have been rude to you.

I never do anything with my computers regarding hardware, ie: plugging in a monitor or entering the interior of the computer, unless the computer is unplugged from the wall. Otherwise, even powered off you have electricity in the system and risk damage to the computer.

September 26th, 2012 13:00

2 days have passed and there's still no errors, glitch, lag and unexpected shut down. We're  happy so far and hopefully this new replacement won't stop working suddenly.

September 28th, 2012 15:00

Today Purolator took the broken computer. Good thing they can pick it up because I don't know how to send a big box like that to them. So far, the computer is still working 100% and I couldn't be more happier!

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