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This post is more than 5 years old


April 21st, 2012 14:00

Alienware X51 WOW and Starcraft 2 Video Settings

I recently purchased and X51 high end model and I bought Wow and Starcraft 2. What settings do you recommend? Wow DX9 or DX11? Ultra or High? Starcraft 2 High, Ultra, or Extreme? 

133 Posts

April 22nd, 2012 01:00

Hi, checkout nvidias site for best game settings -

The GTX 555 is not listed there so when asked what card you have the GTX 560 is closest. Our x51 gpu's are slightly slower/detuned 560's. I have been using geforce settings for most games and they work great.

133 Posts

April 22nd, 2012 05:00

DX11 no problems, if your not happy with the frame rate lower anti aliasing and texture filtering.

28 Posts

April 22nd, 2012 05:00

Thanks for the help. In Wow though should I do direct x 9 or direct x 11?

28 Posts

April 22nd, 2012 06:00

Thanks. How do you turn off anti aliasing and texture filtering. I know one would be 1x but the other doesn't say that. I think it says biliner and trilearner and some other things. Sorry for the bad spelling.

22 Posts

May 13th, 2012 16:00


I have the i7/GTX555(DX11), and I have SC2 running on all max/ultra settings @ 1920x1080. Fps seems to be well above 30-40 as I've yet to encounter any slowdowns.

2.4K Posts

May 13th, 2012 22:00

Thanks for the help. In Wow though should I do direct x 9 or direct x 11?


 I have shadow issues with WOW and DX11 and I found the performance bump just wasn't there. My guess is because WOW is so old and DX11 was added to it. I also can't get to my desktop when running it in DX11. The Windows key and ctrl-alt-del just wont work which sucks when you are looking up strats or playing with vent channels.

22 Posts

May 13th, 2012 22:00

ALT+ENTER works with some games to go in/out of full screen/windowed mode. Try that if all else fails.

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