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December 11th, 2013 07:00

Aurora r3 memory issues please help

Hello everyone so I recently purchased new ram (kingston hyperx genesis 2x4gb) for my aurora r3 ( i5 2400 3.10 windows 7 64bit  the motherboard is whatever dell puts in them psu is 800 something gpu Gforce 590) if  left anything important out please tell me I'm not good with computers. Anyway iv ran into the problem of windows freezing at starting windows every time  the computer stays On but signal goes out. I currently only have bios ao5 iv tried to get ao6 in safe mode but it always fails to load driver. Iv done the hard reset with the mobo battery and pins doesn't work and iv tried every combo slot. I also tried to put the old sticks back in but they don't work now either. In bios it reads both sticks the new and old wheN i try to do a manual clock the timing is.9 9 9 27 @1.65V with xmp on I get the same thing when I take it off it goes into a constant restarting loop it stays at 1600mhz at least that's what bios says and I can't manually clock to 1333 because it doesn't let me edit it I'm pretty sure there is a manual way to do this but I don't no how to. if anyone can give me some advice it would be greatly appreciated 

1 Rookie


1.8K Posts

December 11th, 2013 13:00

Here are r3 Troubleshooting steps:

Alienware no post (power on self test) troubleshooting:

Let me try to give you a nudge, but, do not be surprised if you're still stuck by later today. If so, wait a bit, someone else can come along with better advice.

So, your pc was fine - until you replaced the memory - now it's acting up on you?

You can browse your owner's manual, or adobe pdf user manual for how to properly clear the cmos battery w/jumper pins etc. Ground yourself to your case by holding a part of the chassis bare metal when servicing inside - especially in winter/standing on carpets - unplug your pc, remove your memory, remove your onboard battery, (push your power button down for 10 seconds if you prefer), move the cmos jumper pin as prescribed in your owner manual.

Uh, take a digital voltmeter to your battery, make sure it is between 2.5 volts-3volts. Less than 2.5volts = good time to replace it.

With your onboard button cell battery removed for 1-5 minutes, all of the bios settings "clear" & revert to factory default "optimal" values. The next time you go to startup, your mthrbrd will clock your memory at 1333MHz; the base value/speed & "auto(matically optimized)" timings & voltages. I'd be surprised if your old memory (& new memory!) can not be used to start your pc after the battery's been removed (and has a good charge) & the bios settings have all gone back to "optimal" factory settings. If your pc will not start after removing the battery & trying your old memory, you can repeat the battery/memory removal process above - but this time - find a pencil & gently rub an eraser on your memory pins and the top of your memory slots, blow any eraser dust away, and retry starting the pc ... the rubber eraser is known to remove any static build-up,lol. A 1-in-10,000 fix that can work ...

If you're still bogged down, "in a loop", insert your Windows 7 dvd & try to boot into it; see if Windows 7 can't analyze - attempt to do startup repair ...

I will assume your bios version is older, therefore, your memory overclocking options may differ from mine. To my knowledge, all ddr3 memory starts off at 1333MHz - any value over that is "overclocking it". If you enable XMP profile in the bios setting, the bios will read the spd info encoded in the memory itself, & "go with" the best settings to overclock it. If you want to overclock the memory yourself, since it is not uncommon for our Alienware boards to fail to run memory using XMP profiles encoded into the memory card itself; turn off XMP profile, choose an appropriate multiplier (133x10 = 1333MHz - 133x12 = 1600MHz), and if your bios has this option, bump uncore volts from +100mv, +150mv, +200mv til the memory "works"/passes post/ boots up into Windows. Otherwise, browse this forum, bing-google, or youtube for how to overclock memory through the r3 bios.

What else ... sometimes? ... You should try to startup your system - as a test - with just one memory card. If it fails? Try a different slot. When that card fails to post in any slot, try a different single memory card. If one eventually works, install your other card in different slots (if need be) til they both work in the appropriate dual-channel slots. Inspect your gold memory pins for any abnormalities ("chips") as well. If you have another pc - you can use it to test your old/new ram to be sure it's still good. That would include "borrowing" a friends pc for your memory test purposes, even borrowing a friend's memory to test in your pc -  (a friend in need is a pest, lol). 

I do not know why your bios file or your copy of Windows will not update your bios at the present time. If it is important to you to update it at some point - uh - a last resort would be to install Windows clean on some other spare hard drive, then immediately run your bios update file ... lol. I hope you get back up running, if not, wait for further help ... it's 3pm, and I have to run out for a bit now. Let us know if this helped or not, that way, someone else will know to come along and give further help if you need it. Good luck.

1 Rookie


1.8K Posts

December 11th, 2013 16:00

This thread is good for bios update - but - note how the guy ran into all kinds of problems, because he forgot to set ahci mode in his sata bios settings

My cousin removed his battery Thanksgiving in his newly bought custom pc, and his hard drive wouldn't boot past Windows logo screen- it was stuck in a loop, I just remembered that now - and after 10 minutes of this I told him to make sure he'd enabled ahci mode, and it worked, lol, You might need to check ahci mode in your bios ok? I remember you said your pc was in a loop ...

Here is another bios update thread:

Otherwise, search this forum for other Aurora bios related threads, or, start a new thread about why you can't update your bios ...

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