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This post is more than 5 years old


November 28th, 2009 17:00

Buying from Alienware, so far so good!

Well for the past few 6 months I have been waiting to buy a new machine. I also waited for Windows 7. I have vista on my laptop and just didnt want to deal with that mess on my desktop. I was also waiting for the 5870s to release as well. Once the market refreshed it self with all the bran new stuff I did a ton of research from basically all the computer brands out there. In the end Alienware Aurora came out on top. For varies personal reasons but price for price the Aurora is priced very nice. Now my machine hasnt landed here yet as I just ordered it a few weeks ago but heres some good news. Orginally my estimated shipping date was December 9th, well I just got a email and its already been shipped and I should have it December 3rd. So its not all doom n gloom as others may seem it to be.

If my desktop does land here on time then I only had to wait a little over 3 weeks for it.  Which is very good since its the holiday season, I was expecting far bigger delays.

So if your some one whos on the rocks on buying a Alienware machine and worried of all the "talk" you hear. Its not always the case since I just proved that the buying experince and wait time isnt always a horror story. Once I get my hands on it i'll do a full review, post pictures and what not.

244 Posts

November 28th, 2009 20:00

I have a success story as well.  Ordered my Area-51 (non-ALX) on 21 October and had an initial 11/27/09 delivery date.  The beast shipped on 11/19 and was delivered on 11/24 just in time for the Thanksgiving break!  While this is the longest build for any of the previous dozen or so Dells I've owned, the wait has been worth it!  I realize there are some who've not been as fortunate, but hang in there... Dell usually comes through in the end.


10 Posts

December 3rd, 2009 13:00

Well as promised I received the computer! It was in great shape too, just minor scratches or small dents on the outside box, every thing inside was perfect. I'm still currently taking pictures of it and unboxing/getting things set up. So later on i'll post pictures with a full review too. But I must say the packing of this is amazing. It has to be some of the best packing i've ever seen. Not to mention the computer looks fantastic. Also I got this computer during the deal they had that you get the tactX mouse and keyboard so i'll have pictures of those too. If any one was wondering about the TactX mouse or keyboard I can already tell you the keyboard feels great, the keys feel great to the touch and the Mouse fits perfectly in your hand.

More to come on the way. As I said before, So far, So good!!

22 Posts

December 3rd, 2009 16:00


There are a lot of very green envious waiters out  here looking in at your good times and machine talk. I know I'm glad for you. Expecting mine to ship at the end of next week. So I'm scarfing all the good vibes I can until it comes. Looking forward to your pics and comments on the new ET you birthed. Have fun.   :^)

19 Posts

December 3rd, 2009 17:00

Congrats, I ordered mine on the 28th and the status shows "delivery preparation" as of this morning. Hoping it changes to shipped soon.

76 Posts

December 3rd, 2009 17:00

Can you let us know if you hear any audio interference in the front audio jack? It happens on mine along with a few others when the sound is low and even muted. The interference gets worse when you are watching a video, scrolling with the mouse etc. Thanks!

91 Posts

December 3rd, 2009 20:00

28th of November or October?

10 Posts

December 4th, 2009 09:00

Well ok, ive spent all last night messing around with the computer and pretty much from the get go the experience has been flawless. Setting up was incredible easy and booting up, installing software and playing a game or two was done with little to no effort. I say this because typically when you get a new computer and trying to play game you go through what I like to call "Driver Hell" where you have to install drivers for what seems hours but no, this Alienware machine was seriously ready right out of the box. Which is really REALLY delightful. Typically in my own experinces when you get a new computer you usally turn it on and spend the next few hours tweaking, uninstalling bloat ware, updating drivers, security stuff, updating windows software ect ect. Thats usually  the sweet an sour experience of getting a new computer. Well that is NOT the case when it came to this Alienware Machine.  I found zero bloat ware on the computer and for the most part its an clean OS thats all yours with no uninstalling but not only that the desktop is kept clear of almost every thing. You dont find an army of icons on your desktop. Which I delighted to find to the eyes on the first boot up. 

Now i'm a graphic artist. Dealing with computers every day is a part of my life. Ive spent time on countless computers from just about every brand. From small slim all in ones to massive Dell work stations. I personally feel I got a good taste to computers so i'm a bit seasoned when it comes to computers. I'll nack at any issues and dock points from it!

But ok, I felt ive spent enough time with it to give a review over this. So ok Alienware/dell you ready? Take note!

Packaging: When the computer first arrived it was in great shape and securely wrapped up. An out side box (shell) protects every thing inside which is made further up of other boxes. Removing every thing was simple and easy. Every thing was taped and placed snug. Almost every single piece was enclosed with plastic covers and handled well with no visible signs of any finger prints nor scratches of any of the products. Possible the greatest unboxing of my life. It was seriously done so professionally you'll feel like a little kid in a candy shop. Score[ 10 out of 10]

Computer Case (outside): When you do any research on any computer you always take note of the case. Alienware always shows off how great their cases are and how amazing it will be to use. At first I was skeptical to just how "great" the design will be when using it but wow, it was simply an amazing experience to behold. When you first lift up the soft fabric veil that covers the computer your first reaction is jaw dropping. I was expecting some cheap plastic nothing close to that. It looks all high grade material and not only that it feels "strong". Nothing about it feels cheap. The design "perks" were indeed true such as the the front panel connections made on top to keep your disk try clear was nice. Now of course a big thing is the "lighting". At first I didn't care at all about the lighting but since i'm paying for it might as well use it. Moments in to playing around with it i felt that it was just simply cool. I mean you cant hate it. My girl thought it was the coolest thing and kept demanding that keep changing the color scheme a thousand times. Basically its just a cool feature to have that you cant hate. The only thing I had going against it was in the back. The connection ports are some what embedded deep in the case. Typically you find most back ports flush with the case but on this system its some what dug in the case. I understand its done so that all your connections arn't sticking out and giving you a great look but it was tad hard reaching behind there. Nothing that i found worth taking points off though. more of a preference I suppose. Score[ 10 out of 10]

Computer Case Inside/build quality: Every computer can look great but its the inside that counts. Ive seen amazing computer look great but a horrid mess inside making installing any thing a nightmare. So I held my breath, opened the computer and behold....flawless. There wasn't a single loose wire inside not to mention every thing was securely placed. For most the part the first thing you do when you get a computer mailed to you is remove the video cards and replace them since shipping always loosens them. This however was not the case. Both video cards were secure and ready for action. The design was great and despite it being a micro atx board I felt i still had space to easily work around with. All the wiring was snugly fit away giving a clear and open look for you. The only thing I could of wished for was that the case were just an inch taller. I say this because and extra inch would give you a tad more space to work around more with your video cards or even have another PCI slot. I understand its a micro so it has to be small and to its credit its the most impressive micro computer i've ever seen. Still that extra inch would of been the icing on the cake. Score[ 9 out of 10]

Setting up: One of Apples claim to fame is when you buy a mac setting up your computer is a snap. For the most part i've always agreed with that till now. Alienware to me has proven buying a PC can have a easily setting up experience that the most uncomputer savvy could set up in a matter of mins. I can recall one day at the office we got a new line up of workstation computers and we had to set them up..."hours later" what was something that seemed to only take a few mins end up taking all day. because of packing was a nightmare having powercords placed in the oddest of places not to mention you had to dig to uncover any adapters. Alienware however had it all straight forward and just about every piece you touched had its own separate instructions to help if you needed it. I'm computer savvy guy so setting this up could been done in my sleep. So for those who find setting up a computer to be a choir would find this an easy process. Score[ 10 out of 10]

First Boot up: Another one of Apples claim to fame is once you get your computer your ready from the get go. Just hit the power button and bam your ready. Again i've always agreed with that. In the past I once bought a computer at a retailer and turning it on was terrible. Painfully slow and with so much bloatware i spent hours a top of hours uninstalling random software and then the computer it self has never been updated so you sit there with a bran new computer unable to do nothing because your updating about a bajjilion updates. I was expecting the same at first for Alienware...MAN oh man could i ever been so wrong. Turning it on for the first time the machine went through every thing in a snap. Before I knew it I was at the desktop screen. It had to been the fastest cold boot Ive ever had. Not to mention there wasn't a single bloatware around. Funny thing was when I was first meet with the desktop screen I was expecting to wait several mins for programs to boot up. So here I am sitting, looking at the blank desktop screen waiting but to my surprise it was already done. I was just siting wasting time lol. I had no idea the computer was already done loading and was waiting on me. I was seriously expecting to waste my weekend updating software and uninstalling, not even close. Infact the first thing I did was install Crysis lol and was expecting a storm of driver issues...nope not a single one. Moments later after popping the disk in I was playing. Alienware again continues to impress me. Score[ 10 out of 10]

Performance: Like I said earlier i'm a graphic artist and a big gamer. So performance is the biggest issue and absolutly the most vital thing when it comes to computers for me. My time spent with this has been awesome. I had no idea a computer could ever be so fast. Loading up software was done in a snap. From Adobe products to big 3D modeling programs. Every thing was done effortless and for the big gamers out there. Yes my machine ate Crysis alive. running at the highest options I never dipped in frames nor did it ever hiccup. First time ive ever seen crysis run at the max. The computer also handled several apps at the same time with no problems. I found no problem juggling from multiple windows. Score[ 10 out of 10]

TactX Mouse and Keyboard: I bought the computer during the deal where you bought any desktop you got both the high end mouse and keyboard. The mouse is nice, it fits comfortable in your hand and is surprisingly light. The buttons feel smooth but easy to touch. Also has a little light on top that you can even customize to your taste.The wheel is smooth and the mouse seems to almost float and glide effortlessly across the mouse pad love it~! The keyboard is also nice, its design is great and also has several different lights you can change to any flavor. However I have a few gripes on the keyboard. The keys feel really stiff. Typing can seem a bit "strongly" to do but works great for gaming. You can really pound on those keys lol and the media buttons on top, you have to really press on those to use them. I was expecting a bit softer touch to work them. Over all i'm glad I got them. Mouse with out a doubt i loved. Keyboard is nice but taking some breaking in to get used to. Score[ 8 out of 10]

Over All: At first what I had planned was to spend a weekend getting the computer up to shape was no way near the case. The computer was ready from the get go. Crafted amazing by the masters at Alienware. The brand does indeed live up to the name and despite the price the over all experience was something I would gladly pay over again. Of course I had my pc buddies come over who at first laughed and disappointed with me for buying a computer and not making my own but once they were met with the machine they were both astonished. It was hard for them to argue when faced with it. In the end they loved it. To quote one friend "Basically if you dont want to build your next pc then Alienware seems to be the best PC you can get." Something I couldnt agree more. 

Thank you Alienware and thanks to Fed-ex who arrived on time! My first Alienware experience and with out a doubt the best pc ive had the pleasure of buying!



And there you have it. My massive post and all its glory. I dont know where this mythology came from that dell ruined Alienware because its clearly not true. However I do understand some people get hit by bad luck and there could be a problem or two which is understandable. I also know theres been some delays on the Area 51s but I can understand why, its huge and weighs like 80 pounds! lol but if you have any questions please ask or if you want me to take a picture of any thing in detail i'm sure I can take a few for ya! Hope your Alienware arrives great and happy holidays!!!

76 Posts

December 4th, 2009 11:00

Do you hear any audio interference through the front audio port? Specifically when the volume is low and even muted? A few of us have the problem with our Auroras.

22 Posts

December 4th, 2009 11:00

10/10 post Zues101. Enjoyed and looking forward to my day. Looks like a bute and enjoy yourself. Thanks for the time you took to post this review.

10 Posts

December 4th, 2009 12:00


hey sorry but I haven't had any of those audio problems. Sorry to hear that theres been some audio issues. So far with my system the audio been flawless. 

19 Posts

December 4th, 2009 17:00


28th of November....I thought I seen you ordered on the 27th. Still says Delivery Preparation...this is my 2nd Dell so I'm used to delays, Hope I luck out this time with none.

91 Posts

December 4th, 2009 20:00



28th of November....I thought I seen you ordered on the 27th. Still says Delivery Preparation...this is my 2nd Dell so I'm used to delays, Hope I luck out this time with none.


Yes, the 27th :/ This is odd and weird....

19 Posts

December 5th, 2009 12:00

1 224-6493 Alienware Aurora Desktop $
1 317-1885 Intel Core i7 920 (2.66GHz, 8MB Cache) $0.00
1 317-2669 9GB Triple Channel 1067Mhz DDR3 $0.00
1 330-6074 Alienware MM Keyboard, US $0.00
1 320-7810 No Monitor $0.00
1 320-0862 Single 1.8GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 $0.00
1 341-0490 750GB - SATA-II 3Gb/s 7200RPM, 16MB Cache HDD $0.00
1 313-8324 Cosmic Black, Alienware Aurora Chassis, 525W PSU $0.00
1 421-2064 Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium, 64bit, English $0.00
1 420-9691 DataSafe Local BackUp 2.0 Basic $0.00
1 420-6436 PC-Restore, Dim/Insp $0.00
1 317-2818 Accessory Kit, Aurora, Eng $0.00
1 330-4769 Dell Resource DVD with Application Backup $0.00
1 330-6082 Alienware Optical Mouse, MG100 $0.00
1 313-8751 AlienFX Color, Mars Red $0.00
1 410-1867 ADOBE READER 9.0 MULTI- LANGUAGE $0.00
1 313-8339 Single Drive: 24X CD/DVD burner (DVD+/-RW) w/double layer write capability $0.00
1 421-0975 NERO 9, ANW $0.00
1 421-0974 CYBERLINK PDVD 8.0 ANW $0.00
1 313-8948 Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio $0.00
1 330-6350 Automatic Updates: Critical Updates Only $0.00
1 421-1430 Alien Red Glyphs $0.00
1 906-5260 Dell Limited Hardware Warranty 7X24 Technical Support, Initial Year $0.00
1 905-6137 Dell Limited Hardware Warranty Plus In-Home Service [after Remote Diagnosis], Initial Year $0.00
1 906-6980 Next Business Day In-home Service after Remote Diagnosis, Initial Year $0.00
1 988-7347 No Warranty beyond 1 year $0.00
1 990-8029 1 Year Limited Warranty and Next Business Day,Desktop $0.00
1 421-1721 Soft Contracts,Banktec Care,Alienware $0.00
1 330-0172 S and P Drop-in-Box Marcom forDHS Desktops $0.00
1 421-1443 Steam and Portal Factory Installed $0.00
1 421-1439 Alien Red Glyphs $0.00
1 320-8764 Multimedia TV TUNER,TVT9 + Basic Remote $
1 317-1904 Alienware High-Performance Liquid Cooling $0.00

91 Posts

December 5th, 2009 12:00

Hmm, maybe it could our PSU/HD/CPU thats delayed? The video card and virtually everything else is the same for me. Interesting...

91 Posts

December 5th, 2009 12:00

joec63, What was you exact specs on your machine?

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