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This post is more than 5 years old


January 12th, 2011 13:00

M15X extreme overheating

I recieved my M15X last December and when i had it for the first 8 months or so it ran like a charm, running all games on max settings with no problems. But recently performance has drastically been reduced. It only takes 5 minutes of playing a game to cause a very high drop in FPS and when i check the temperatures, they are 85 degrees celcius, this is far too high, this is only on each of the I7 cores ranging from 80-85 on all 8 of em, but the GPU and HD remain at 50-56.

 Is this perhaps a broken processor fan, or a general fan problem? However I have checked and my BIOS is only AO3 and not AO8, I'm not sure whether this would be the cause as I did not have this problem when I was first using my laptop. The fans also seem to be louder on startup, than they ever go whilst playing a game, not sure if that is relevant.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as right now i can only play Company of heroes for 5 minutes before it turns unplayable, where before, I could go hours on end. Thanks

30 Posts

January 13th, 2011 06:00

Edit: Im not sure the fans are even on. It sounds like it but I can feel no airflow on the back vents, and after 5 minutes the surface becomes too hot to even touch.


Again I would appreciate any help thx, I really want to be able to use this beast again.

30 Posts

January 13th, 2011 15:00

Yes i have done that recently, but no change, i know something is up as when i first used in and for a while afterwards there was no graphics lag in any games when everything was maxed out, but now literally a few minutes of doing anything brings the performance right down.

1.2K Posts

January 13th, 2011 15:00

okay first is a  easy question .. have you cleaned out fans with compressed air reversed way i know my M17X i have to do it every week or 2 since it gets alot of dust in it second 85C isnt that bad  but is a little high my M17X runs in the 70C area from day one and is only 2 weeks old now( replacment system # 3) lol  and my video hovers in the 90's alot  while ingame  to me sounds like dust has collected but i could be wrong ..

16 Posts

January 13th, 2011 17:00

Did you overclock your CPU?

16 Posts

January 13th, 2011 17:00

Are you in ''STEALTH'' MODE? On your keyboard on the top right. The icon with the odometer, is it light up?

30 Posts

January 13th, 2011 17:00

No I havnt altered anything to my knowledge

30 Posts

January 14th, 2011 04:00

Its always difficult to tell, but no im not, it does seem though while playing im on the integrated chip rather than seperate one, maybe theres a mix up, is there a way to tell which card is active other than that difficult to tell button?

30 Posts

February 12th, 2011 12:00

Just to give an update on the situation I have done some temperature logging, and it is definetly the problem, and am going to get a tech round to fix it, but im not sure what exactl is causing. It could either be the fans or the heat sink, or both, is there anyway of telling, since I dont want to pay for both is one is unecessary. My warranty has run out recently, so cost is an issue, rather than just replacing all parts that could be the problem.


Any suggestions?

82 Posts

February 13th, 2011 08:00

In the left portion in  alien fusion it will show the text "running in stealth mode" if you are in stealh mode.

30 Posts

February 13th, 2011 08:00

By alien fusion i presume you mean the command center and the fusion section, i checked there and nothing is shown about stealth mode, i have made sure it is turned off though. So temperature is the problem.

82 Posts

February 13th, 2011 09:00

yup, command center -  kinda a sanity check to make sure. I have had mine for about 2 months now and the gpu stays around 70c with fan around 30% running an rc flight sim maxed out settings. I recently added 9 cell battery option which does a nice job of lifting the rear of the machine up. I noticed a big differance when I added that battery option - expecially the fact that the fans would not kick in at a 100% as compared to it laying flat with the 6 cell. NOt saying this is your issue - just want to share my experiance with the m15 maybe to help you troubleshoot your cooling issue.


Best Regards,





30 Posts

February 13th, 2011 09:00

I got the 9 cell when i first got the laptop, and i cant actually feel any air comming out the back, but i can hear the fans are on, or at least i think they are the fans. The laptop is too hot to touch at the back vents after half an hour and the underneath, you cant hold your figer there gor more than a second before you have to withdraw.

82 Posts

February 13th, 2011 09:00

also - i can feel the exhaust out of both rear vents.

30 Posts

February 15th, 2011 15:00

uick question, im about to contact dell support, but are there any other fans in the m15x, apart from the 2 back left and right ones. And what kind of things should be replaced to fix an overheating problem? So far i have in mind the 2 fans and the heat sink with thermal paste. I sthere anything else I should be aware of like smaller cpu fans or gpu fans? This really matters you see as il have to pay for all this stuff so I want to know everything tht may be the issue.


Thanks in advance

38 Posts

May 6th, 2014 17:00

i dont mean to bring this up again but did you sort this problem out??

as i have an alienware M15x and i cant play game at all with out stealth mode on as my M15x will freeze up and reboot after a while and my heat is real bad same as yours just wondering if yours ever froze 

thanks Chris :)

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