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This post is more than 5 years old


December 9th, 2013 12:00

M17x-R3, Nvidia 580M, Intermittent Problem (Crashes, 8-beep)

I hope someone here will have suggestions on how to fix this problem.  

I have an M17x R3 with 580M and a premium LCD screen for 3D. The warrantee ran out about a year ago and just before then, the LCD screen was replaced along with some repairs to the frame. At that time all the drivers on the system were also checked and any needed updates made.  Since then the only driver I have updated is the video.

From that point, the computer ran flawlessly until 11/11/2013. It then had a single crash then worked normally for several days. Since then the crashes have become more and more frequent. Initially I thought they might be heat related and it is possible the computer overheated at some point, although I had used compressed air to blow out the vents I did not open it until the crashes became more frequent and the heatsinks had accumulated lint.

My initial diagnosis based on the lint was a heat-related video card failure. I cleaned out the lint with the hope that maybe nothing was damaged and it would work ok once the overheating was eliminated.

However, the computer continues to run off and on, sometime experiencing periods where it will run fine for a full day, other days crashing within minutes everytime I try to boot it up or even going to the 8-beep error code.  It seems to crash faster when there is a heavier load on the system (crashes sooner if attempting to play Skyrim than it does idle or browsing).

Hardware testing during longer stable periods has come back with everything checking out fine. Running a GPU status logger records no temperatures much over 60C while online sources suggest it should run to 77C before the overheating limiter kicks in. No significant changes in the GPU status (temp, clock speeds, memory usage) occurred before crashes. Given how far below the limit this is, I'm not sure the amount of lint I cleared out would have caused it to get to the point of causing heat related damage.

Most of the time it runs stable in safe mode -- I have yet to experience a crash while running in safe mode, but have not left it running in that mode for as long a period of time.

I have been using NVidia's GeForce experience to stay on the latest drivers.  I noticed there was a new driver around the time the crashes started so tried doing a roll-back. For a couple hours I thought that had worked then the crashes started again. It was at this point I first experienced the 8-beep code.

An 8-beep error code is indicated to be an LCD failure. I'm not sure how an LCD failure would cause the entire system to shut down rather than the screen just going blank. I'm also not sure whether it might simply be a loose connection on the LCD since it seems intermittent.

Anyone have suggestions on what to try at this point? If it's the video card I'll replace it, but I'd hate to replace the video card then need to replace the LCD or vice versa, or replace them and still not be able to fix the problem, or replace them and find out it's fixable without a major hardware purchase.

December 10th, 2013 09:00

Update:  It seems to work just fine in safe mode as it ran for hours with no problem yesterday.  I'm not sure if that means it is a driver/software problem rather than a hardware problem or whether it could simply be that safe mode also keeps it away from triggering a hardware problem in some cases.

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

December 10th, 2013 10:00


Before spending any money on a replacement GPU, I would disassemble it, remove the graphics card thermal assembly, clean the thermal paste off of it and the GPU. Apply new paste. Test it. Use the online Service Manual and watch this video:

December 10th, 2013 11:00

Thanks Chris,

Right now the GPU isn't coming anywhere close to overheating.  Although I initially expected an overheating problem, the cooling is keeping the GPU at a consistent 60C or lower.  Are you suggesting that parts of the graphics card could be overheating even if the GPU is running cool?  I can see that could be a possibility.



Community Manager


54.9K Posts

December 10th, 2013 12:00

Running in safemode ignores the 580m and is just using the onboard Intel HD3000 with a VGA driver. That also leads me to think that the culprit is the 580m or the paste itself.

December 10th, 2013 14:00

That explains why the 580M could be the problem that is avoided when running in safe mode.

I've been using GPU-Z  to log the temperatures on my tests out of safe mode.  The crashes happen there regularly but the tracked/logged GPU temp never gets over 61C and only touches that for short periods of time.  This is puzzling to me as the GPU should actually be running hotter than that based on the specs I've seen.

When it isn't crashing, it also passes all the video card tests included in Alien Autopsy.

I'll look at getting some paste and trying to remove/clean/paste/reinstall the video card.

1 Message

December 10th, 2013 21:00


I have the same laptop as you, and my issues started happening around the same time..i.e. sometime in November.

I've been playing FFXIV: ARR since beta testing in July through November when all of a sudden my screen went black, then rebooted. I thought it was a fluke thing because it didn't happen again for a couple of days, then it started becoming a regular thing. Sometimes it would happen after playing for a couple of hours, sometimes before I even left the login screen.

At first I thought it was my hard drive. A couple of months before this started happening I put a SSD in and it was a little quirky. It would BSOD upon waking from sleep, and every fifth boot it would get stuck in the loading Windows screen. I called Alienware, even though it's been out of warranty for about a year, and they had me run AlienAutopsy, which I didn't know about. The HD came back as faulty, everything else passed, so I put the old HD in and reinstalled Windows/drivers/updates. My computer continued to crash, only in my game though.

All my temps are fine. GPU in the low 60s and CPU in the low 70s. I also ran memtest and AlienAutopsy again and everything came back okay. I played GW2 for a few hours and it didn't crash so I just assumed it was FFXIV, until I was checking my email a week ago and it happened while in Outlook. It was then that I decided to take it to a repair shop. Well, they ran all sorts of tests, stress tests, and played games on it without it crashing. Their diagnostic tools suggested that the video driver was causing the crashing, so they updated the video drivers. I thought this was strange because I was certain that I had already done that, although nvidia seems to release new drivers fairly regularly, so who knows. I went to the shop to pick up my laptop today and they had me play my game for a bit before I left. It played fine. I paid my thirty dollars, their fee, brought it home and played for a couple of hours with no issues. Then later in the evening I played for ten seconds and it crashed. I'm at a total loss. Tomorrow I will be contacting the shop again, but at this point I'm not sure what can be done, or rather, what they can do. I did run their "What Crashed" (not sure if that's the exact name) program they left on my computer and it was an nvidia 331 driver kernel responsible for the crash.  

I will let you know what they say/do, and please do the same!



January 13th, 2014 17:00

Still having trouble with this.  I took it to a local shop that determined the video card (580m) was the problem using a basic stock card they had there to test it.  It seems like there are a lot of problems with the 580m's and Dell is currently out of stock...based on posts here they were also out of stock a few months back.

The shop thought a GTX 760m would work in my computer and in a similar Alienware M17x-R3 with a 560m that came in at the same time mine did.  Although x60m is a big downgrade from x80m with 2 generations newer it would be a significant net upgrade so that sounded good to me.  The 760m also uses less power and should heat up less than the 580m. 

I understand from looking around the forums that people have done similar upgrades, but the shop has not been able to get the cards to work in either computer. now.  Any recommendations?

January 14th, 2014 16:00

Apparently GTX 580m's are tough to find now and installing anything more recent requires a BIOS reload/unlock.  The shop considers that too risky to make sense for them to do, so they have punted it back to me.


I'm back to planning to do the work myself and I'm researching the unlock process as well as video card options.   I'd love to throw a 780m in there, but that may be more than I'm willing to pay right now and I'm concerned about the power load.  760m and 770m both sound like they might be good options.

Any recommendations?  Maybe this should be a whole new topic.

1 Message

January 16th, 2014 14:00

After reading your post due to experiencing the same issues.  I bought by R3 approx. 2 years ago and since then I have had nothing but issues with it.  I have had replacement heat sinks, gpu, cpu, keyboard and now since around November I am experiencing the same issues your are mentioning. 

I tend to have issues in games and the laptop beeps and restarts after seeing a blackscreen.  Surely it cant be a hardware issue if their Is more than one person experiencing this?

February 23rd, 2014 13:00

The card has been removed and replaced and it seems to work for a while but then stopped working again.  If I go into the settings and deactivate the 580m and run off the on-board video the computer operates (albeit without a good graphics card) fine, so it's definitely the card.

Due to there not being any supported upgrade from Dell and the 580m's no longer being available, the local shop after trying the 760m decided they couldn't get it to work and sent it back.  So, I'm now back to trying to source a 580m or make a 770-780m work on my own.  It sounds like the 780m may actually be easier to make work so I may end up going that way.

30 Posts

April 30th, 2014 14:00

I think we got screwed over on this expensive computer , there should be a recall and/or reimbursement for a better model .

1 Message

November 12th, 2014 17:00

I agree, after spending all that money the least they could do is either recall the laptops or reimburse us with video cards that will work in them.....  I had dell replace my GTX 580m right before the warranty expired, and now a year and a half later my card is dying again and Dell now says well it's out of warranty and they don't have the parts for the M17xR3, discontinued.  Told me to try for replacement parts....   So sick of Dell....

30 Posts

November 15th, 2014 15:00


After black screening repeatedly and getting no firm or consistent advice .... I right clicked my desktop and went into NVIDIA CONTROL PANEL and first tried DEFAULTS and then played with a bunch of settings --- can't tell you exactly where or what I changed (it was a year ago ) ........BUT ,

THE BLACK SCREENING STOPPED and I've been happy with my computer since then ---


Hope this works for any and all too ; It certainly is worth a shot !

3 Posts

November 19th, 2014 17:00

I have a 3D R3 and I don't have an option for integrated or discrete graphics in the panel.  I was messing with the settings yesterday and will continue to do so tonight.  Would you mind posting what options you have in your nVidia Control Panel DoubleGeeBar?  What driver are you running?  My computer only black screens when the video card goes into high power mode (i.e. when gaming of watching video while plugged-in).  I can actually run games on battery, but of course it's terribly slow.  I tried a different PS, two more 580m video cards (not sure if they are functional though...bought them from eBay and they were claimed to work), re-pasted, re-padded with Fujipoly, etc.  I even ordered a motherboard from China, but it gave me the 8-beep LCD failure chime, so I'm waiting on a replacement.  I'm at wits end, but I'm determined to get it working again!  Any input would be appreciated.  


PS - Wishful thinking:  Does anyone have a GPU I could borrow to test?  Or could I test my GPU in someone's R3?

30 Posts

November 19th, 2014 18:00

Driver and other info in here ...

Current Time = Wed Nov 19 19:46:57 2014 Central Standard Time

Computer Name
Number of Processors = 8

========== CPUID Info ==========

Processor 0:

Brand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2820QM CPU @ 2.30GHz

Family = 6

Model = 10

Stepping = 7

 L1 Instr Cache Size = 0

 L1 Data Cache Size = 0

 L2 Cache Size = 262144

 L3 Cache Size = 0

 Feature flags:

 CPUID 00000001[edx]=0xbfebfbff:

 fpu : Processor supported vme : Processor supported
 de : Processor supported pse : Processor supported
 msr : Processor supported pae : Processor supported
 mce : Processor supported cx8 : Processor supported
 apic : Processor supported sep : Processor supported
 mtrr : Processor supported pge : Processor supported
 mca : Processor supported cmov : Processor supported
 pat : Processor supported pse36 : Processor supported
 cflush : Processor supported ds : Processor supported
 acpi : Processor supported mmx : Processor supported
 fxsr : Processor supported sse1 : Processor supported
 sse2 : Processor supported ss : Processor supported
 htt : Processor supported tm : Processor supported
 sbf : Processor supported

 CPUID 00000001[ecx]=0x1fbae3ff:

 tm2 : Processor supported est : Processor supported
 cid : No processor support sse3 : Processor supported

 CPUID 80000001[edx]=0x28100800:

 syscall : Processor supported nx : Processor supported
 lm : Processor supported

========== CPUID Info ==========

Processor 1:

Brand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2820QM CPU @ 2.30GHz

Family = 6

Model = 10

Stepping = 7

 L1 Instr Cache Size = 0

 L1 Data Cache Size = 0

 L2 Cache Size = 262144

 L3 Cache Size = 0

 Feature flags:

 CPUID 00000001[edx]=0xbfebfbff:

 fpu : Processor supported vme : Processor supported
 de : Processor supported pse : Processor supported
 msr : Processor supported pae : Processor supported
 mce : Processor supported cx8 : Processor supported
 apic : Processor supported sep : Processor supported
 mtrr : Processor supported pge : Processor supported
 mca : Processor supported cmov : Processor supported
 pat : Processor supported pse36 : Processor supported
 cflush : Processor supported ds : Processor supported
 acpi : Processor supported mmx : Processor supported
 fxsr : Processor supported sse1 : Processor supported
 sse2 : Processor supported ss : Processor supported
 htt : Processor supported tm : Processor supported
 sbf : Processor supported

 CPUID 00000001[ecx]=0x1fbae3ff:

 tm2 : Processor supported est : Processor supported
 cid : No processor support sse3 : Processor supported

 CPUID 80000001[edx]=0x28100800:

 syscall : Processor supported nx : Processor supported
 lm : Processor supported

========== CPUID Info ==========

Processor 2:

Brand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2820QM CPU @ 2.30GHz

Family = 6

Model = 10

Stepping = 7

 L1 Instr Cache Size = 0

 L1 Data Cache Size = 0

 L2 Cache Size = 262144

 L3 Cache Size = 0

 Feature flags:

 CPUID 00000001[edx]=0xbfebfbff:

 fpu : Processor supported vme : Processor supported
 de : Processor supported pse : Processor supported
 msr : Processor supported pae : Processor supported
 mce : Processor supported cx8 : Processor supported
 apic : Processor supported sep : Processor supported
 mtrr : Processor supported pge : Processor supported
 mca : Processor supported cmov : Processor supported
 pat : Processor supported pse36 : Processor supported
 cflush : Processor supported ds : Processor supported
 acpi : Processor supported mmx : Processor supported
 fxsr : Processor supported sse1 : Processor supported
 sse2 : Processor supported ss : Processor supported
 htt : Processor supported tm : Processor supported
 sbf : Processor supported

 CPUID 00000001[ecx]=0x1fbae3ff:

 tm2 : Processor supported est : Processor supported
 cid : No processor support sse3 : Processor supported

 CPUID 80000001[edx]=0x28100800:

 syscall : Processor supported nx : Processor supported
 lm : Processor supported

========== CPUID Info ==========

Processor 3:

Brand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2820QM CPU @ 2.30GHz

Family = 6

Model = 10

Stepping = 7

 L1 Instr Cache Size = 0

 L1 Data Cache Size = 0

 L2 Cache Size = 262144

 L3 Cache Size = 0

 Feature flags:

 CPUID 00000001[edx]=0xbfebfbff:

 fpu : Processor supported vme : Processor supported
 de : Processor supported pse : Processor supported
 msr : Processor supported pae : Processor supported
 mce : Processor supported cx8 : Processor supported
 apic : Processor supported sep : Processor supported
 mtrr : Processor supported pge : Processor supported
 mca : Processor supported cmov : Processor supported
 pat : Processor supported pse36 : Processor supported
 cflush : Processor supported ds : Processor supported
 acpi : Processor supported mmx : Processor supported
 fxsr : Processor supported sse1 : Processor supported
 sse2 : Processor supported ss : Processor supported
 htt : Processor supported tm : Processor supported
 sbf : Processor supported

 CPUID 00000001[ecx]=0x1fbae3ff:

 tm2 : Processor supported est : Processor supported
 cid : No processor support sse3 : Processor supported

 CPUID 80000001[edx]=0x28100800:

 syscall : Processor supported nx : Processor supported
 lm : Processor supported

========== CPUID Info ==========

Processor 4:

Brand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2820QM CPU @ 2.30GHz

Family = 6

Model = 10

Stepping = 7

 L1 Instr Cache Size = 0

 L1 Data Cache Size = 0

 L2 Cache Size = 262144

 L3 Cache Size = 0

 Feature flags:

 CPUID 00000001[edx]=0xbfebfbff:

 fpu : Processor supported vme : Processor supported
 de : Processor supported pse : Processor supported
 msr : Processor supported pae : Processor supported
 mce : Processor supported cx8 : Processor supported
 apic : Processor supported sep : Processor supported
 mtrr : Processor supported pge : Processor supported
 mca : Processor supported cmov : Processor supported
 pat : Processor supported pse36 : Processor supported
 cflush : Processor supported ds : Processor supported
 acpi : Processor supported mmx : Processor supported
 fxsr : Processor supported sse1 : Processor supported
 sse2 : Processor supported ss : Processor supported
 htt : Processor supported tm : Processor supported
 sbf : Processor supported

 CPUID 00000001[ecx]=0x1fbae3ff:

 tm2 : Processor supported est : Processor supported
 cid : No processor support sse3 : Processor supported

 CPUID 80000001[edx]=0x28100800:

 syscall : Processor supported nx : Processor supported
 lm : Processor supported

========== CPUID Info ==========

Processor 5:

Brand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2820QM CPU @ 2.30GHz

Family = 6

Model = 10

Stepping = 7

 L1 Instr Cache Size = 0

 L1 Data Cache Size = 0

 L2 Cache Size = 262144

 L3 Cache Size = 0

 Feature flags:

 CPUID 00000001[edx]=0xbfebfbff:

 fpu : Processor supported vme : Processor supported
 de : Processor supported pse : Processor supported
 msr : Processor supported pae : Processor supported
 mce : Processor supported cx8 : Processor supported
 apic : Processor supported sep : Processor supported
 mtrr : Processor supported pge : Processor supported
 mca : Processor supported cmov : Processor supported
 pat : Processor supported pse36 : Processor supported
 cflush : Processor supported ds : Processor supported
 acpi : Processor supported mmx : Processor supported
 fxsr : Processor supported sse1 : Processor supported
 sse2 : Processor supported ss : Processor supported
 htt : Processor supported tm : Processor supported
 sbf : Processor supported

 CPUID 00000001[ecx]=0x1fbae3ff:

 tm2 : Processor supported est : Processor supported
 cid : No processor support sse3 : Processor supported

 CPUID 80000001[edx]=0x28100800:

 syscall : Processor supported nx : Processor supported
 lm : Processor supported

========== CPUID Info ==========

Processor 6:

Brand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2820QM CPU @ 2.30GHz

Family = 6

Model = 10

Stepping = 7

 L1 Instr Cache Size = 0

 L1 Data Cache Size = 0

 L2 Cache Size = 262144

 L3 Cache Size = 0

 Feature flags:

 CPUID 00000001[edx]=0xbfebfbff:

 fpu : Processor supported vme : Processor supported
 de : Processor supported pse : Processor supported
 msr : Processor supported pae : Processor supported
 mce : Processor supported cx8 : Processor supported
 apic : Processor supported sep : Processor supported
 mtrr : Processor supported pge : Processor supported
 mca : Processor supported cmov : Processor supported
 pat : Processor supported pse36 : Processor supported
 cflush : Processor supported ds : Processor supported
 acpi : Processor supported mmx : Processor supported
 fxsr : Processor supported sse1 : Processor supported
 sse2 : Processor supported ss : Processor supported
 htt : Processor supported tm : Processor supported
 sbf : Processor supported

 CPUID 00000001[ecx]=0x1fbae3ff:

 tm2 : Processor supported est : Processor supported
 cid : No processor support sse3 : Processor supported

 CPUID 80000001[edx]=0x28100800:

 syscall : Processor supported nx : Processor supported
 lm : Processor supported

========== CPUID Info ==========

Processor 7:

Brand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2820QM CPU @ 2.30GHz

Family = 6

Model = 10

Stepping = 7

 L1 Instr Cache Size = 0

 L1 Data Cache Size = 0

 L2 Cache Size = 262144

 L3 Cache Size = 0

 Feature flags:

 CPUID 00000001[edx]=0xbfebfbff:

 fpu : Processor supported vme : Processor supported
 de : Processor supported pse : Processor supported
 msr : Processor supported pae : Processor supported
 mce : Processor supported cx8 : Processor supported
 apic : Processor supported sep : Processor supported
 mtrr : Processor supported pge : Processor supported
 mca : Processor supported cmov : Processor supported
 pat : Processor supported pse36 : Processor supported
 cflush : Processor supported ds : Processor supported
 acpi : Processor supported mmx : Processor supported
 fxsr : Processor supported sse1 : Processor supported
 sse2 : Processor supported ss : Processor supported
 htt : Processor supported tm : Processor supported
 sbf : Processor supported

 CPUID 00000001[ecx]=0x1fbae3ff:

 tm2 : Processor supported est : Processor supported
 cid : No processor support sse3 : Processor supported

 CPUID 80000001[edx]=0x28100800:

 syscall : Processor supported nx : Processor supported
 lm : Processor supported

========== Operating System Information ==========

Microsoft Windows 7  Service Pack 1, Build 7601
========== Motherboard Information ==========

Motherboard Vendor: Not reported
Motherboard Version: Not reported
Motherboard Model: Not reported

========== DirectX version Information ==========

DirectX 11.0 (6.1.7600.16385)

========== Driver Version Information ==========

Nforce Driver Package version Not reported
Audio Driver
GART Driver  Not reported
Graphics Driver  331.65 (
Ethernet Driver  Not reported
IDE Driver  Not reported
nTune 6.05.30

========== Processor, Bus, and Memory Speed Information ==========

CPU Speed = 2293.084
CPU Multiplier = 1.000  
FSB Frequency = 0
Memory Frequency = 0.000  
AGP Frequency = 0

========== GeForce Information ==========

GPU 1: GeForce GTX 580M
GPU 1 Video BIOS version: 70.24.2b.00.04

========== GPU's Core and Memory Speed Information ==========

GPU Core Speed = 620
GPU Memory Speed = 1500

GPU Shader Clock Speed = 1240

========== System Voltage Information ==========

========== Processor and System's Temperature Information ==========

CPU Temperature = Not Reported
System Temperature = Not Reported
GPU 0 Temperature = 31 C

========== Memory SPD Information ==========

Memory Dimm 0 (0x50) Memory not present
Memory Dimm 1 (0x51) Memory not present
Memory Dimm 2 (0x52) Memory not present
Memory Dimm 3 (0x53) Memory not present
Memory Dimm 4 (0x54) Memory not present
Memory Dimm 5 (0x55) Memory not present
Memory Dimm 6 (0x56) Memory not present
Memory Dimm 7 (0x57) Memory not present
========== NVIDIA PCI Device Information ==========

NVIDIA Device At PCI Bus 0x1 Device 0x0 Function 0x0:
 Vendor ID = 0x10de     DeviceID = 0x1211

 PCI Config Space Register Value for This Device

 PCI Address     Reg Value
 0x80010000     0x121110de
 0x80010004     0x00100007
 0x80010008     0x030000a1
 0x8001000c     0x00800010
 0x80010010     0xcc000000
 0x80010014     0xc000000c
 0x80010018     0x00000000
 0x8001001c     0xc800000c
 0x80010020     0x00000000
 0x80010024     0x00006001
 0x80010028     0x00000000
 0x8001002c     0x04901028
 0x80010030     0x00000000
 0x80010034     0x00000060
 0x80010038     0x00000000
 0x8001003c     0x00000110
 0x80010040     0x04901028
 0x80010044     0x00000000
 0x80010048     0x00000000
 0x8001004c     0x00000000
 0x80010050     0x00000001
 0x80010054     0x00000001
 0x80010058     0x0023d6ce
 0x8001005c     0x00000000
 0x80010060     0x00036801
 0x80010064     0x00000008
 0x80010068     0x00807805
 0x8001006c     0x00000000
 0x80010070     0x00000000
 0x80010074     0x00000000
 0x80010078     0x0002b410
 0x8001007c     0x012c8da0
 0x80010080     0x00002910
 0x80010084     0x00062d01
 0x80010088     0x11010143
 0x8001008c     0x00000000
 0x80010090     0x00000000
 0x80010094     0x00000000
 0x80010098     0x00000000
 0x8001009c     0x00000010
 0x800100a0     0x00000000
 0x800100a4     0x00000000
 0x800100a8     0x00000001
 0x800100ac     0x00000000
 0x800100b0     0x00000000
 0x800100b4     0x01140009
 0x800100b8     0x00000000
 0x800100bc     0x00000000
 0x800100c0     0x00000000
 0x800100c4     0x00000000
 0x800100c8     0x00000000
 0x800100cc     0x00000000
 0x800100d0     0x00000000
 0x800100d4     0x00000000
 0x800100d8     0x00000000
 0x800100dc     0x00000000
 0x800100e0     0x00000000
 0x800100e4     0x00000000
 0x800100e8     0x00000000
 0x800100ec     0x00000000
 0x800100f0     0x00000000
 0x800100f4     0x00000000
 0x800100f8     0x00000000
 0x800100fc     0x00000000

NVIDIA Device At PCI Bus 0x1 Device 0x0 Function 0x1:
 Vendor ID = 0x10de     DeviceID = 0x0e0c

 PCI Config Space Register Value for This Device

 PCI Address     Reg Value
 0x80010100     0x0e0c10de
 0x80010104     0x00100006
 0x80010108     0x040300a1
 0x8001010c     0x00800010
 0x80010110     0xce000000
 0x80010114     0x00000000
 0x80010118     0x00000000
 0x8001011c     0x00000000
 0x80010120     0x00000000
 0x80010124     0x00000000
 0x80010128     0x00000000
 0x8001012c     0x04901028
 0x80010130     0x00000000
 0x80010134     0x00000060
 0x80010138     0x00000000
 0x8001013c     0x00000211
 0x80010140     0x04901028
 0x80010144     0x00000000
 0x80010148     0x00000000
 0x8001014c     0x00000000
 0x80010150     0x00000000
 0x80010154     0x00000000
 0x80010158     0x0023d6ce
 0x8001015c     0x00000000
 0x80010160     0x00036801
 0x80010164     0x00000008
 0x80010168     0x00807805
 0x8001016c     0x00000000
 0x80010170     0x00000000
 0x80010174     0x00000000
 0x80010178     0x00020010
 0x8001017c     0x012c8da0
 0x80010180     0x00002810
 0x80010184     0x00052d01
 0x80010188     0x1101010b
 0x8001018c     0x00000000
 0x80010190     0x00000000
 0x80010194     0x00000000
 0x80010198     0x00000000
 0x8001019c     0x00000010
 0x800101a0     0x00000000
 0x800101a4     0x00000000
 0x800101a8     0x00000000
 0x800101ac     0x00000000
 0x800101b0     0x00000000
 0x800101b4     0x00000000
 0x800101b8     0x00000000
 0x800101bc     0x00000000
 0x800101c0     0x00000000
 0x800101c4     0x00000000
 0x800101c8     0x00000000
 0x800101cc     0x00000000
 0x800101d0     0x00000000
 0x800101d4     0x00000000
 0x800101d8     0x00000000
 0x800101dc     0x00000000
 0x800101e0     0x00000000
 0x800101e4     0x00000000
 0x800101e8     0x00000000
 0x800101ec     0x00000000
 0x800101f0     0x00000000
 0x800101f4     0x00000000
 0x800101f8     0x00000000
 0x800101fc     0x00000000

========== Other PCI Device Information ==========

Device At PCI Bus 0x0 Device 0x0 Function 0x0:
 Vendor ID = 0x8086     DeviceID = 0x0104

Device At PCI Bus 0x0 Device 0x1 Function 0x0:
 Vendor ID = 0x8086     DeviceID = 0x0101

Device At PCI Bus 0x0 Device 0x16 Function 0x0:
 Vendor ID = 0x8086     DeviceID = 0x1c3a

Device At PCI Bus 0x0 Device 0x1a Function 0x0:
 Vendor ID = 0x8086     DeviceID = 0x1c2d

Device At PCI Bus 0x0 Device 0x1b Function 0x0:
 Vendor ID = 0x8086     DeviceID = 0x1c20

Device At PCI Bus 0x0 Device 0x1c Function 0x0:
 Vendor ID = 0x8086     DeviceID = 0x1c10

Device At PCI Bus 0x0 Device 0x1c Function 0x2:
 Vendor ID = 0x8086     DeviceID = 0x1c14

Device At PCI Bus 0x0 Device 0x1c Function 0x3:
 Vendor ID = 0x8086     DeviceID = 0x1c16

Device At PCI Bus 0x0 Device 0x1c Function 0x5:
 Vendor ID = 0x8086     DeviceID = 0x1c1a

Device At PCI Bus 0x0 Device 0x1d Function 0x0:
 Vendor ID = 0x8086     DeviceID = 0x1c26

Device At PCI Bus 0x0 Device 0x1f Function 0x0:
 Vendor ID = 0x8086     DeviceID = 0x1c4b

Device At PCI Bus 0x0 Device 0x1f Function 0x2:
 Vendor ID = 0x8086     DeviceID = 0x282a

Device At PCI Bus 0x0 Device 0x1f Function 0x3:
 Vendor ID = 0x8086     DeviceID = 0x1c22

Device At PCI Bus 0x7 Device 0x0 Function 0x0:
 Vendor ID = 0x1969     DeviceID = 0x1083

Device At PCI Bus 0xd Device 0x0 Function 0x0:
 Vendor ID = 0x168c     DeviceID = 0x0030

Device At PCI Bus 0x19 Device 0x0 Function 0x0:
 Vendor ID = 0x1033     DeviceID = 0x0194

No Events found!
