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This post is more than 5 years old


December 10th, 2009 12:00

Received your system?

Due to the amount of delays AW is having, I thought it would be a good idea to kind of track the build progress of these systems, or at least have a guess.

Please post your order date, system type (just the model), and your shipping date.

Thank you!

31 Posts

February 23rd, 2010 20:00

Production is being backed up. There was a huge number of orders over the weekend, so don't be feeling neglected.

As for me, order #1, 1/24

2/12 cancelled

2/12 reordered

3/9 EDD

58 Posts

February 23rd, 2010 20:00



I am not dealing with this anymore. I cancelled my order and I just purchased an Origin Genesis PC. EDD Monday! YAY!


PLUS! Made in the USA and US Support! YAY!




No shotty Chinese manufacturing or awful India Support.


 Lisa G - Thanks so much for all your help!


 Good luck to all!





I had checked them out too, along with VM, and found them to be considerably more expensive.  Did you make any concessions to keep price in line with the AW system?

20 Posts

February 24th, 2010 04:00

So just as I suspected, at around 3:00 a.m., I decided to check the website for my order status and lo and behold my order has been delayed yet again. My new EDD is now 3/5/2010. Having started out with an EDD of 2/12/2010, this has now become an exercise in sanity. The defenition of insanity is when one does the same thing over and over again, but expects a different outcome. That's me expecting Dell to actually assemble and ship my computer by each alleged EDD. I am insane to continue waiting. The EDDs are a joke - a calcuation that some machine computes based on some faulty logarithm that obviously doesn't compensate for such things as real-time supply versus real-time demand. I think that until Dell can get their act together, the EDD should be eliminated altogether and Dell should just use an open-ended window statement, like: "Your order will be processed in approximately 6-8 weeks." I think that no one here, myself included, would be as angry nor disappointed as they currently are if Dell had just kept things straight with us from the beginning. But a move that big would greatly deflect from sales, as turnaround time plays a huge factor for anyone when deciding upon the purchase of a new computer. So rather than disclose this to the consumers pre-sale, Dell did nothing to correct the wildy misestimated delivery dates, regardless of numerous client complaints (since at least 12/10/09, as exemplified by this forum). Subsequently, hundreds upon hundreds of consumers contracted the purchases of computers with estimated delivery dates which would never be met. Long story short, Dell's negligent attitude towards their inability to meet estimated delivery dates continues to disservice the public and make a mockery of their customer service. I have worked in the copying industry in the past, so I know a little something about production environments and deadlines. If a client's job was scheduled to be completed by a certain time, and we couldn't complete it, I would contact the client as soon as possible (the sooner the better) and let them know when it could be done, making sure to give a real deadline time this time around - even if I had to stay and finish the job myself just to make that second deadline. Never ever would I dream of calling the client a second time around and asking their permission to have a job completed by an even later time. I just don't understand how Dell continues to allow my expected delivery date to be misestimated, not once, not twice, but three times now! I'd rather no EDD at all in lieu of the routine disappointment Dell imposes on me weekly. If Dell overcommited themselves and can't produce the equipment fast enough, why does the consumer have to bear this burden? A company that actually cares about customer service would handle this problem internally with much more finesse or grace than has been seen by Dell. If they couldn't meet the high demand, they should have started outsourcing some of the labor or hiring temps. If there weren't enough parts, then people should have been informed as soon as possible and given a new accurate EDD based on reservation those parts. And anyone's order who has been "delayed" should automatically receive priority status over "non-delayed" orders. This is your problem, Dell, not ours, so man-up and do something about it!

31 Posts

February 24th, 2010 06:00

Chill, SpewHole.

I ordered 1/24, 2/12 reordered and I should hopefully get it by 3/9.

What are your specs? The Media Card Reader, the chassis, and the video card are on delay. So, just chill. They can't get an estimate of how many of one part they need, the number of sales jumps around.

Get your order expedited.

Or, since you are so angry at Dell because you wrote a whole essay and a half, cancel and make your own.

Just my 2 cents.

19 Posts

February 24th, 2010 06:00

Chill, SpewHole.


I ordered 1/24, 2/12 reordered and I should hopefully get it by 3/9.


What are your specs? The Media Card Reader, the chassis, and the video card are on delay. So, just chill. They can't get an estimate of how many of one part they need, the number of sales jumps around.


Get your order expedited.


Or, since you are so angry at Dell because you wrote a whole essay and a half, cancel and make your own.


Just my 2 cents.

QFT.  He has every right to be upset and angry.  He has even more right to come here to vent and alert other potential buyers.  Dell/Alienware certainly aren't being honest and forthright.  As for your cancel advice, I agree with you.  I canceled mine immediately after they delayed my order.  That was on the day they told me it would be delivered by the way, and I had to call them to get that info!  I have ordered a better set up from and saved roughly 1,000 dollars.  Yep, a better sytem 1,000 dollars cheaper.  So I ordered a 28" 1920x1200 monitor to go with my new system.  So, thank you Dell/Alienware for your pitiful customer support and woefully inadequate business model.

A last thought, to those of you waiting it out; good luck.  I had wanted an Alienware for years and was truly looking forward to owning one, I just wasn't going to deal with what has become a bad company over it.  I wish you guys and gals well.

20 Posts

February 24th, 2010 07:00

I would copy and paste my specs, but the computer my Alienware was intended to replace has officially died. I've now resorted to using my PS3 just to check the status of my order. Perhaps that's why it's so hard for me to just roll over and play dead while Dell does me dirty like this. If you scroll back a few pages, you'll see all my specs are on page 33 or 34. Why should I chill? I've been doing that since January 26th, when I placed my order and it hasn't gotten me anywhere yet. I understand parts being on delay, but you can't expect me to believe that a huge company like Dell doesn't have a system in place for ordering or producing these supplies in bulk. A system wherein needed parts are ordered and Dell then pays for say 1,000 units, then the third party turns those parts around by an agreed date. It's not a guessing game - it's a contracted agreement between two companies with a fee and a deadline. When I order something from a normal company, wherein the warehouse is out-of-stock and the company doesn't know when they're getting more in, that is where the status "Back-ordered" comes into play. If things are back-ordered, Dell should be informing us of this, instead of providing us with erroneous EDDs that just serve to antagonize even the most rational of people. Sales are unpredictable - that's what I've been saying all along. They can't get an exact estimate as to how many of any one part they may need ahead of time, but they are a huge company with sales and marketing departments. They have the means to predict trends based on previous sales and to stock/staff appropriately during busier seasons. Furthermore, although they may have lacked the preparation and sense to plan ahead for the holiday and income tax flux of computer purchases, they certainly had all the information they needed once these orders were placed. At that point, everyone who ordered parts that were out of stock should have had those parts reserved for them in the coming shipments, and been provided with new estimated delivery dates based on this. This is not rocket science. It's just a complete lack of commitment to customer care on the part of Dell. Rather than spending the time to accurately estimate our delivery dates, a computer somewhere spits out some obsolete calculation that is wildy inaccurate. How is that helpful to anyone? My order has been expedited since last Monday. Still waiting. And the funny thing is that I went with Dell originally, because based on the original EDD, I thought it would be faster than waiting for my father to help me put together my own computer. I also wanted the proprietary Alienware showcase and was willing to pay the extra money it cost ($400) because of this. Dell has turned what should have been an enjoyable experience, purchasing my first computer, into an unforgettable nightmare. My anger is justified.

22 Posts

February 24th, 2010 07:00

Well, don't get discouraged early on. Not all machines are being delayed. I do believe those who are getting delayed repeatedly should have their patience compensated some how. You guys should all contact Lisa G since she seems to be the one who can get some balls rolling for you guys.

My unit will arrive Friday - 4 days (2 business days) earlier than the original EDD. Apparently the EDD is hit or miss depending on which parts you've selected. I thought for sure because everyone else was being delayed that I would be too, but that's apparently not the case.

Since this is a public link, I see no problems in sharing it:

It shows my specs, my original order date, and even tracking number, but no personal information without logging in. (As me I hope? :))

I'm just sharing this information for those who are on the edge about ordering an Alienware. There are those who are saying stay clear, you'll get a delay - but this is proof that it's not exactly the case. Just choose your parts wisely - notice the 'This part may delay your order.' messages during the ordering process, and watch the estimated delivery dates then.

You can call 800-254-3692 - Dell's automated status system - to a little more information about your order, though it's not much more helpful than the order status page you view online.

Lucky for me I didn't have to call any of the sales reps from India. I totally hate that - there are other companies I avoid calling customer support because I have difficulties communicating with the reps. I didn't have to contact Lisa G directly either, though that would have been my first choice if I had any issues at all.

Good luck everyone. I'll post again after I get my machine Friday and let you know how things go.

49 Posts

February 24th, 2010 07:00

Yeow...that's cold.  On your projected delivery day they didn't notify you it would be delayed.  I'll be giving them a buzz shortly as I have already performed some recon on Falcon NW and Velocity and will order immediately from them if I'm hearing 'delay.'

16 Posts

February 24th, 2010 08:00

Although I, too, have been impacted by continuing delays without a consistent explanation, the tone of some of the latest posts has moved me to put in my 2. For one of the last posters who, to me, crossed the line from irritated/whining to mean spirited, and for others who have written in a similar vein, I have a few things to share.

First, I ordered my Aurora 1/16 during a whopper of a sale. It's "on Fed Ex vehicle for delivery" as we speak. I was delayed 3X with no explanation and yes I was very irritated. (Thanks to Lisa G, I,m getting it about 5-7 days earlier than I was told).

I have been in Fortune 500 consumer products companies for 30 years and know how difficult it is to order parts for anticipated volume. Many companies use Just In Time parts delivery to lower inventory costs. But when you order these, you look backwards to get an understanding of how previous sales affected demand. In this case, Dell appears to have missed their projections big time. As well, Dell buys from the same parts makers as every other builder -- nVidia, Radeon, Seagate, Intel, etc. So if demand shoots up in general it doubly impacts Dell.

Also, a lot of folks seem to be taking this personally. I know it's hard not to when you talk to CS and they have little to offer, but Dell doesn't know you. You are one customer order number among thousands. While my corporate experience tends to let me forgive the business reasons why many of us have endured many delays and unexplained cancellations, I cannot excuse the way Dell has handled this situation from a CS and overall customer reputation standpoint. Lisa G. has said plainly that Dell is aware of their shortcomings and will endeavor to fix them.

So where am I going with all this self-righteousness? It's this: This forum has moved from a place where people could compare notes and try to figure out remedies, to a place where some people believe they have the right to excoriate Dell, many times for things beyond their control. HP, ASUS and others all have to deal with similar issues. The only place Dell has really fallen way short is in it's information sharing and managing customers' expectations.

Could we please try to return to being helpful to one another and end the brinkmanship?


20 Posts

February 24th, 2010 08:00

When I placed my order on January 26th, I made sure to choose only parts that would not cause delay. When I spoke with a representative on February 3rd, she confirmed that none of my parts were delayed. The only reason Dell has given me for my delay is that the Alienware is one of the best computers and is in very high demand. I don't understand why they were not prepared to meet this high demand and even so, why they can't accurately estimate our delivery dates. Is this code for them being understaffed? Then hire temps and outsource - as long as they have good quality control in place, they should make it through this "high demand" crisis. Do they need more parts? Then order them, figure out how long it will take, and re-estimate our orders based on this.

148 Posts

February 24th, 2010 09:00

No doubt.  Looks good to me.

148 Posts

February 24th, 2010 09:00

Ordered: 2-10-2010

System:  Inspiron 1545 w/ Office 2007 Installed.

Original Date:  3-2-2010

Actual Date:  2-23-2010

13 Posts

February 24th, 2010 09:00

Just got the email my order has shipped.

Original order date 2.15.2010

Original EDD 3.09.2010

New EDD: 2.25.2010

specs below.

1 Alienware Area-51
1 Intel® Core™ i7 920 2.66GHz (8MB Cache) Quad Core Processor
1 6GB DDR3 1333MHz (3x 2GB) Tri Channel Memory
1 Alienware TactX™ Keyboard
1 No Monitor
1 Dual 1GB NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 285 - SLI® Enabled
1 640GB - SATA-II, 3Gb/s, 7,200RPM, 16MB Cache HDD
1 Cosmic Black, Alienware Area-51 Chassis
1 Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium, 64bit, English
1 Alienware TactX™ Mouse
1 AlienFX Color, Mars Red
1 Adobe Acrobat Reader
1 24X CD/DVD burner (DVD+/-RW) w/double layer write capability
1 1525 PCIe WLAN card with 11n mini-Card & external antenna
1 Automatic Updates: Enabled
1 Alienhead 3D
1 1 Year Basic Service Plan
1 Steam and Portal™ Factory Installed
1 Alien Red Glyphs
1 Alienware™ High-Performance Liquid Cooling

49 Posts

February 24th, 2010 09:00

Yeow...that's cold.  On your projected delivery day they didn't notify you it would be delayed.  I'll be giving them a buzz shortly as I have already performed some recon on Falcon NW and Velocity and will order immediately from them if I'm hearing 'delay.'

Got a hold of a CSR who emailed me his contact info and said he'll give me an update call on Friday.....says there is no backorder on my parts.  I won't list everything here but it's an Area 51 with a GTX 285, 1KW power supply, 6 GB of 1067 memory, i7/920/2.66 processor, 24X CD/DVD burner, SB Titanium, 640 GB HD (7200 RPM).  EDD 3/9.  Anyway, we had a good conversation....I'm sure the CSRs catch heck all the time.  I found out you can cancel all the way up to final production.  Just wanted to let him know that I intend to use that option if needed.

37 Posts

February 24th, 2010 09:00

Congrats on the shipped pc. It is a great system.

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