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This post is more than 5 years old


July 20th, 2011 13:00

Upgrade M17x

I have an M17x model with an Intel T9600 processor, 4gb ram and an Nvidia 9400m video card.

I've been strongly considering upgrading this laptop, as I would hate to part from it. I was looking at upgrading the processor to one of the newer quad core processors (i3-i7) or any quad core processor, really. I was wondering if this is possible and if so, which processor would be the best to get. 

As for the video card; how do I go about upgrading that-if even possible? And which one would be the best choice?

As for the ram, I was looking at upgrading to at least 6-8gb of ram. Is there a certain type I would have to look at purchasing?

I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to these things, but some help and insight would be well appreciated! :)

Thank you all for your time.

1.2K Posts

July 20th, 2011 17:00

well getting new genration cpu .. not gonna happen this will require replacing motherboard aswell  ram wont give you much increase  unless your ram intense programs  video well  you can get a 260M or a 280M pending what power adapter you got ...  proly the lower watt version so  SLI wont be an option without a new adapter 240 watts .......  as for CPU you can get a quad core  Q 9000 series Q9100 or  or a QX9300 Extreme cpu all can be found on ebay but for a Extreme cpu its around 400 US, video varies  but around 200 usually ram can be bought anywere for like 100 bucks NEW for 8 gig ddr3 1333 

July 21st, 2011 12:00

I forgot to mention that both cards have the heatsinks, etc. attached.

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