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October 2nd, 2012 18:00

How does Deletion Policy work ?

I was doing a test using a CIFS share on an Atmos VE at version 2.0.

There was a policy set for the sub-tenant which set retention at 2 minutes and deletion at 3 minutes.

A file was coped to the Atmos CIFS share and as expected it could not be deleted until the 2 minute retention had expired.
Another file was then copied to the CIFS share and left there with the expectation that it would be automatically deleted after 3 minutes.

After checking the file 5 min later it had not been deleted. After checking the next day it had not been deleted.

I assume this is because there is some periodic task which when run will delete and files that have exceeded their deletion date ?
Is this a correct ?
If it is correct how often are files which have passed their delete date deleted ?


281 Posts

October 3rd, 2012 06:00

You are correct.  Per your policy, the object will be "expired" 5 minutes after it is created, but the actual job to delete expired objects only runs once a day.

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