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This post is more than 5 years old


March 15th, 2018 03:00

Limitation Avamar Proxy <-> one vCenter 6.5


we have 27 small avamar single nodes in 27 different locations. So we have 27 different VMWare Clusters but only one central vCenter 6.5 server. At this time we backup all VMs traditional by Client but we are thinking about changing to Image Level Backups.

So is there a limitation of how many proxy`s could connect to one central vCenter Server?



5 Posts

March 27th, 2018 13:00

I had this same question and this is what I found. The info is a little dated but should still be helpful.

Here's the best answer to the maximum number of proxies question I have been able to find.  This info came Avamar Escalation 4916 (6.1.0-333 server) and has been paraphrased for easy reading.

In summary:

  1. The best practice is to limit the number of proxies to 48 (Comment #31).  This best practice is undocumented at this time (Comment # 31 - 2012-08-24) .
  2. 700 VM's is not out of the ordinary and could be handled with less than 20 proxies in a 6 hour backup window (Comment #33).
  3. If the customer needs more than 48 proxies then adjust the groups and have them run at different times so that there is no more than 48 proxies in use at the same time (Comment #34).

In this case the customer reduced the number of proxies to 48 and resolved their performance issue. 

It appears the 20 VMs to 1 proxy rule-of-thumb may be outdated or #3 needs to be enforced if they need more than 48 due to the number of datastores in use.

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