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July 6th, 2008 22:00

AX4-5 Password Reset

How do I reset the admin's password on an AX4-5? I believe there's a password reset button on the rear of the DPE....Is this what I press? What's the procedure?

1 Rookie


5.7K Posts

July 11th, 2008 03:00

Good question. I was merely suggesting the steps I would take in a "normal" Clariion.
But you are right. Perhaps to prevent "polution" of a "pure" thread nobody would answer at all. for a pure and 100% good answer you should open a SR and wait until a dedicated engineer answers your question.

This forum is for communication, sharing oppinions, gathering new knowledge, discuss problems we all have and learn new options, settings (and buttons in your case) from others.

1 Rookie


5.7K Posts

July 7th, 2008 04:00

A password reset button ? No way, that would be something like the "flush cache" button. Hahahaha, oops, sorry.

To reset an admin's password you need to login to one of the SP's as another administrator en reset the other user's pw from there.
I've tried http: /setup , but that doesn't work, since you need to login there as well. Normally each Clariion (in my country) is installed with 2 extra users for EMC to use in case of emergency: "emcfield" and (in my case) "bull". I'd contact your CE if I were you and have him do a reset of your account, since he can use his own account to login.

30 Posts

July 7th, 2008 14:00


I've just read through the "CLARiiON AX4-5 Differences Guide" and pages 67-70 explain how to reset the admin's password using the "reset security" button located ot the bottom right-hand corner on the rear of the DPE. Once this button is pressed, anyone can login to Navisphere Express for 15 minutes without having to enter a userid or password. A dialouge box automatically appears prompting you to create new user credentials.


1 Rookie


5.7K Posts

July 8th, 2008 01:00

Really ? A button to reset security ? That's cool ! I must admit I've never even seen an AX before. Good to know. Thank you too ;)

30 Posts

July 8th, 2008 15:00

No problem. May I ask - why are you contributing information/suggestions/assistance on the "AX-series arrays" forum if you've never seen an AX before??

1.3K Posts

July 13th, 2008 06:00

that is correct and i second RRR.. There are lot of people think the same way !!

1 Rookie


5.7K Posts

July 14th, 2008 00:00

Thank you :)
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