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July 10th, 2015 17:00

NS-120 control station hangs after loading smartd during boot

The company I work for acquired a Celerra ns-120 with 2 extra dae's a few years ago when it bought a company that went chapter 11.

It's been sitting idly by in a rack for some time, and I took it upon myself to wire them back up and bring them up to working order so we can have some extra storage while we contemplate future infrastructure replacements

Everything is green lit, there are no hardware faults on any of the sp's or data movers.

Every time i try and boot the control station (i modify the grub line that redirects to serial b) and it starts to boot up the control stations unix environment and then freeses after smartd (the smart disk data monitor) loads.

the hang.jpg

I thought to myself, maybe the drive is just on its way out it is an old array. so i pulled it from the control station (since it's long out of warranty) and checked it. The raw read error rate is far below spec minimum smart tollerances (so clearly, time to replace it)

I then (while still being able to read from it) did a raw sector by sector copy to another 250gb hdd, and verified each sector (this took almost 8 hours).

The replacement drive boots grub, but hangs at smartd just like the previous one.

I tried booting from the express install nas cd, and attempted to begin a install (as the old data stored isnt required), and yes, i do understand that it will also require a back end cleanup.
the halt.jpg

This is as far as it gets, then it just sits there doing nothing, just looking pretty (from what i saw in the scripts on the cd for it, its supposed the reboot the server and run through the process of the restore).

Any ideas, because im fresh out, and my company isnt willing to throw $ at antiquated hardware that will only be used as temporary slush storage for a test environment, as it is definitely not fit for our production environment.

note: fault light is from one faulted disk that is being replaced (ebay special), and have the necessary pbu and nas ei iso's to do the refresh.

July 21st, 2015 13:00


After more fiddling, I cleaned up the back end of the CX4-120 by going into the service lan port of SP A (

and using the engineering password to deregister those pesky luns.

reset spa and spb's ip addresses back to defaults.

rebooted management server on both sp's

Once that was done, I upgraded Flare with the last release via USM - Success

Back to the control station - The express install dvd still does not work at all, any option, hangs after initializing the install.

Use the regular non EI dvd and it boots, install and kickstart both work (even though it says serialinstall and serialkickstart)

however, upon reboot and the running of all the install/setup scripts, the only config that works is Integrated > FC Enabled even though the setup we have is integrated>Integrated (all traffic goes to the network via the dm's and not directly from the sp's)

the finalization of integrated>fc finishes with successes across the board.

Upon reboot after a successful install, the control station still hangs at smartd, there are no hardware faults in the cs, extensive hardware testing has removed that possibility.

Anyone have any ideas?

July 23rd, 2015 06:00

After another wipe and destruction of the backend, the install of integrated > integrated completed successfully (seems the update to flare is what did the trick)

CSA now detects the celerra as well, however, CSA and older are not able to set up

The only other one available is which is locked out... before I go putting in another SR, does anyone know if CSA would work on NAS ?

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