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December 8th, 2006 07:00

Anyone using Invista?

Is there anyone out there actually using this? If you are, what do you think about it?
I've all ready heard all of the sales pitches so I'm interested in hearing only from actual users. Thanks.

45 Posts

September 15th, 2008 07:00

That's great that you're already familiar with the SSM modules. That will help you along quite a bit. As I'm sure you are aware, you would be in trouble if you were using the SAN or host-based splitter for RecoverPoint.
I forget if I mentioned earlier, but now that I have Invista running, I will be implementing RecoverPoint to replicate from Chicago to Las Vegas. I have been using Mirrorview/S to replicate between Chicago and the suburbs, so this will be my use of RecoverPoint.

In this other post (򎠍) I mention one of the main reasons why we chose to implement Invista. It was so we can create large pools of spindles (using Clariion MetaLUNS), and present that to Invista as 2TB Storage Elements. This allows me to quickly and easily create Virtual Volumes on these Storage Elements and know that they are spread across a large number of spindles on the back end. It makes provisioning the storage much easier and faster. I have had good success striping large numbers of spindles (60) for like-traffic types (Exchange data, SQL Data) for most of my servers. I reserve dedicated spindles for my highest performance servers to eliminate contention. But, most of my servers share spindles with other servers.

So, it's easier for me to provision that storage, but I realize that there is a risk that one server or LUN may pound on the spindles and take resources away from other servers. In this case, I want to be able to transparently migrate this data off of these shared spindles and put it onto dedicated spindles, for this I use an Invista Data Mobility job. Similar to a LUN Migration on a Clariion, but with Invista, I can move the data to a different array.

I also used Invista DM jobs to migrate data off of old arrays onto new ones for lease roll-off / trade-in. Once again, this could have been accomplished using other Clariion technology (Mirroview or SANCopy), but the hosts would have had downtime at the end of the migration to finalize the cut. With Invista, I can move the data wherever I want, whenever I want without any impact to the hosts.

Deciding if the cost of the product is worth it in your environment is a tricky thing to evaluate. I didn't do a cost/benefit analysis to compare the amount of time saved (mine and downtime) for the lease-rolloff. If you have a data migration coming up, work with your sales team to see if they can get you Invista for next to nothing to make it a no-brainer. I did not demo any other SAN virtulization products from other vendors. We are an all EMC shop and believe in the "one throat to choke" mantra.

Best of luck to you. If you have any other questions about my Invista experiences, please let me know what questions you have.

128 Posts

December 28th, 2006 13:00

... "virtually" no-one?

128 Posts

April 11th, 2007 11:00

It's been about 4 months since I originally asked about this.
Does anyone actually use this?

410 Posts

April 12th, 2007 00:00

its just opened to market sometimes ago...and i am sure it would cost few thousand dollars. it would take a while before designers actually decide to buy it and submit procurement request and then get it approved and then wait for it to arrive, be setup ...

128 Posts

April 12th, 2007 09:00

I believe it released possibly back in 2005. There are release notes dated back to then. It's been out at least a year though.

128 Posts

April 23rd, 2007 10:00

Ok since nobody appears to be using Invista, is anyone out there who is an actual user of any other vendor's virtualization?

13 Posts

April 29th, 2007 00:00

What is problem in Invista? It first release came in May 2005. Let me know the problem. I was part of Invista team. This is first Network Virtualization product in market.


128 Posts

May 2nd, 2007 05:00

I was just looking for some general feedback from actual customers to see how they liked it and if anyone is actually using it. Maybe if there are any issues with it too. Based on the feedback, it doesn't look like many people are using it.

666 Posts

May 2nd, 2007 07:00

Hello SysMgr. I see you have been waiting for a response from a customer perspective for some time.
The following link will take you to the ESG Lab Report: EMC Invista SAN Virtualization Platform.

Although this is a report from EMC it does include interviews with customers utilizing Invista.

I hope this is of some help to you.

Kind regards,


13 Posts

May 10th, 2007 12:00

Invista has many customer but all of them are in testing fase except 1-2 in production.But most of customer's requirement is scalability. Invista's next realease would be supporting 12000 Storage Element in single instance. Once of the best feature of Invista is online DM. They gave live demo last year at EMC World. They were playing live video and in the background they move data from one drive to another one.

Customer like the out-band virtualization implementation of Invista. Because of this your IO performance will increase no slow path comand will come in Fast Command way. In the sense all slow path command manage by Invista which is out of band.

Other good thing they are using network virtualization which give you more flexibilty to change your back-end and host without bringing system down.

I never heard till now except scalability any customer has given any complain as far I know. Big Big Custiomer using Invista just because invista minimizing downtime.

if you can give your requirement then we can give you that Invista will be good or not acording to your requirement.


128 Posts

May 11th, 2007 10:00

Thanks Diwakar, I'm familiar with the product and understand it's technology and architecture. I've seen the demos and the sales pitches too. I was just curious as if real life actual users liked it or not.

25 Posts

August 29th, 2007 14:00

We have looked at the Invista but don't want to jump in to a product that has not been around in production environments for a while. With any virtualization you can put a lot of eggs in one basket... better be a solid basket.

We currently have an IBM SVC cluster that we have been pretty happy with. I like the Invista's design theory, but am always cautious of jumping into something that is not fully baked. Like you, I don't know any enterprise customers that use the Invista in production, but I do know some that use the SVC. With the SVC in its 6th generation of hardware, it has been around a while. Most sales people will tell you it does not scale, which can be true to a point, but as long as you keep an eye on performance and CPU usage of the cluster nodes you can predict when you hit the dog leg of the performance curve.

4 Posts

September 7th, 2007 08:00

Diwakar, do you know anyone used this product for SAN and Frame migrations in production ??

8 Posts

April 4th, 2008 12:00

Yes, We are using Invista now to migrate from Old DMX to new DMX4.

2 Intern


20.4K Posts

April 4th, 2008 12:00

can you share your experience ..any gotchas, tips ? We will be evaluating Invista this summer.
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