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46 Posts


December 4th, 2019 12:00

CSI driver: csi_sock: bind: address already in use

This issue was recently brought to my attention...

The Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver container may not start with the below error in the container log.:

time="2019-10-25T16:10:07Z" level=fatal msg="failed to listen" error="listen unix
/var/lib/kubelet/plugins/ bind: address already in use"


There are currently 2 workarounds.

Requires reboot

1.  Remove the file under /var/lib/kublet/plugins/

2.  Reboot the node.

Does not require reboot

1.  Uninstall the CSI Driver for VxFlex OS

2.  Removing the file under /var/lib/kublet/plugins/

3.  Reinstall the driver

i.e. no node reboot is necessary.

CSI Engineering is currently addressing this problem, but has not provided a fix in a released patch.



Please see the following KB article.  This KB article will be updated with the patch when it has been released.:

539374 : Container Storage Interface (CSI) Drivers: The driver container will not start with the error csi_sock: bind: address already in use


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