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13 Posts


December 3rd, 2019 10:00

Dell has an issue

I don't normally come onto forums like this to call out people out of anger, but I feel that this needs to be said. Dell is beyond awful with its support. The Alienware laptops they make are good and all, but they don't have any regard for what happens after the purchase. I have a 15 R4 laptop. The Alienware command center started having issues so I uninstalled it and reinstalled it (several months ago), but that caused the lights to stop working entirely, and resulted in the FX and Fusion tabs disappearing entirely. Nothing I tried worked, not even factory resetting my PC which is what support told me to do, and they just kept recommending I reinstall different versions of the CC. I looked around on the internet and there are hundreds of others who have the same issue that I have, and Dell has said nothing about this. 90% of community posts have a Dell mod commenting to uninstall and reinstall the Command Center as a solution, and that's all they ever say. They have not made an official statement anywhere about this issue, and if your device isn't under warranty they won't help you. And before you say they probably haven't had a lot of time to fix this, here's the best part. I've found that this issue has been going on as far back as 2012. Nothing has changed and they've ignored the issue for years. This is unbelievable to me. Feel free to fact check me or whatever. I just need to put this out here to let people know what's up with Dell. I doubt this is the only issue they've been neglecting.

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