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This post is more than 5 years old


February 5th, 2013 10:00

Dell UK, misinformation, poor support

So, the story so far; left speaker grill not lighting up, technician comes out, repairs speaker and fits some RAM for me, (since my hands aren't steady because of my Epilepsy), but does more damage in the process, the second technician repairs most of this damage but wasn't able to do the entire job, the next time he gave he had faulty parts where the touch-pad wasn't connecting; the fourth time he was given a palmrest which had what I'm now calling "left speaker syndrome".

Now when I recently received a call this morning I was told that I'd receive a new system but I'd have to take the existing RAM out first, (it took me well over half an hour when I removed the chassis when I added a HDD and I hadn't had a seizure for a few days at that point), he told me that his supervisor confirmed this who I then asked to talk to; who said the same to me.

I told him that this was not possible and that the only two people in this house are Epileptic and Blind, he then states "I'm not sure if you're lying or not"....what kind of a sick person would lie about being disabled when they're not; I wouldn't wish my disabilities on even my worst enemies and I feel that both my Mother and me were second-guessed on the severity of our disabilities, (the UK Government and all of our Doctor's say we're both disabled), I had to take off mid-way through a call-back after I got disconnected as I had a medical appointment; ironically enough to check my blood-pressure.

I received a call back this evening from the first guy and I explained all of this to him yet again, and he asked me if I could go round a friend's house and have this done, (I made a call to a friend and their brother and neither of them were willing to do it through lack of experience), when he asked if I could ask anyone else I said only my fiancee who is in Virginia, (obviously he didn't comprehend that a distance of a few thousand miles would make this impossible), I met my fiancée online and use my laptop to connect with the world as I'm somewhat agrophobic to which he remarked "you have every condition on the planet it seems".

So that's my Mother's blindness insulted, my Epilepsy, Narcolepsy, Aspergers and even more insulted; I can't help but wonder how much more verbal abuse I'll be given based on the cards that life dealt me; it took me a long time to come to terms with what I have over the past 14 years, and I'm used to this kind of ignorance in the real world, the last think I need is to receive it from Dell's staff as well.

I was told it could be taken off-site for "examination", and I said that if this was the case then my on-site support wouldn't be honoured, of which an extension is valued at £180, I then asked if I could have the £180 refunded and they said "no"; so I've gotta' pay for a service I'm not receiving, take receipt of a new computer with lower specs and give one back with higher-specs because I don't have a steady hand, (as stated above, the first engineer fitted the RAM because of this), I can keep having repairs done until it's of MY satisfaction, (not that of a Dell technical engineer's, unless they want to pay my credit amount off for me), and whilst one of these is slowly going somewhere I can receive free discrimination against my disabilities as part of the deal?

When I asked if the call is recorded, conveniently it wasn't, so it's a "he says, they say" case here, and only my word to go on.

I wouldn't mind if I was given a loaner of similiar specs, (I'll need to keep the primary HDD from this system due to some programs and data that can't be re-copied, cloned, or backed-up; nor re-installed/purchased without similiar cost).

I actually asked for a new system when the first issue caused since it was a new system and I figured it'd be more convenient; then the engineer that was sent damaged the system in several ways, and the only thing he did right was add the RAM, (the second technician has been great throughout and I can't compliment him enough).

Dell Complaint and Alienware Management are now stonewalling me; not replying to my emails and very rarely phoning me and that's only when I make enough noise about it, and when I do talk to someone, they seem to want to play Doctor and ask if I'm lying about my disabilities.

What is so hard about that....if Dell wants to honour the ON-site support, (not OFF-site), then I'm entitled to request replacement palmrests for the duration of the agreement unless a £180 refund, (plus the interest of 19.9%, which would total £215.82), is refunded to me, plus whilst I didn't ask for compensation before, now I'd strongly consider it just for the insults; disability discrimination is bad enough from the average Joe, but from a company such as Dell; it's unforgivable.

So I'd like to ask if Dell UK have something against disabled people, and if not; why can't what I've been asking for for a few months now, not be done on my terms; send a replacement system with an engineer, (and a spare part, just in case), he can then swap the RAM around, (which I've seen done within minutes), and we all end up happy; me with a working computer in the condition it should be, and Dell with my money and the shareholders smiling.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

February 6th, 2013 13:00

Hi Scott,

My name is Lorna and I am responding to your post on behalf of Dell, Inc. Thank you for taking the time to voice your concerns and observations. Customer feedback remains our most important tool for evaluating our products, services and representatives.  I appreciate you sharing your customer experience with me and I sincerely apologize for any frustration or inconvenience you may have experienced.
I was especially concerned to read that a Dell representative provided you with anything less than the most courteous and professional service.  Clearly, any degree of rudeness on the part of our representatives is completely unacceptable.  I assure you, Scott, we take such issues very seriously, and appropriate corrective action will be taken.

I am US based and not able to view your account records. I am happy to forward your customer account information to customer service representatives supporting the UK. Please provide the following information via private message (click my user name and then click Start Conversation). 

Email Address:
Shipping Address:
Phone Number:
Order Number:
Service Tag #:
Country of purchase:
Current country location:
Please accept my sincere apologies for any difficulties you may have encountered during your interactions with Dell up to this point. While I realize that only our future service opportunities can restore your confidence in us completely, I want to assure you our success has arisen from our ability to consistently meet our customers' needs, and Dell always aims to provide a purchase experience that is both satisfying and enjoyable.

I look forward to your reply,

58 Posts

February 8th, 2013 16:00

Please let us know on this forum Scott how this scenario finally pans out, and if DELL ultimately satisfies your repair and/or replacement needs.

—All the best mate, Geoff.

16 Posts

February 9th, 2013 06:00

Hi peeps,

Unfortunately Lorna; it's the customer services responsible for this; even before the first technician came out I asked for a new system but was told "this wasn't possible", all of a sudden it is; but not to swap my RAM over, (since my posts, Dell are saying they can now send a technician out to remove the RAM but don't mention about replacing this); Dell Complaints and Alienware Management are now also stonewalling me on this; not responding to any emails since Crimbo.

I'll provide the information as requested but I think that this now needs to be dealt with someone much higher than the people I've been dealing with so far.

Someone who called me recently correctly said that they'd send a new laptop out but there's every chance it could have the same problem; which is true, and I was offered a refund, which isn't an option; the reason I ordered a laptop is because I needed a laptop; as I mention to them when they said it's cosmetic that I'm not paying for it with cosmetic money; if they want me to accept this then I'll accept a full refund and send them some cosmetic money; for pure irony I'd send out some Monopoly money.

The problem I face is I've got no proof that they even said what I'm claiming they said, (which I respect people only have my word for, but what kind of person would make up that they're disabled, and they did say what I'm claiming); they stated they weren't recording the calls and back-peddled faster than Lance Armstrong.

The irony is Geoff; I'd accept a sorry; a 3rd person called me and said that I mentioned the Disability Discrimination Act within the UK, but the problems there is Dell know I don't have any money to take any action and even if I did, their calls are outsourced and I've got no proof, I even said that I had no intention of taking any action and that I only mentioned what laws they were very close to breaking, if not having done so, though the key word is "proof"..

I'd happily accept them trying one more ON-SITE attempt with new produced parts, not the parts that their contract technicians have, (example, those from a newly produced system), which would mean I'd have new parts for existing problems and they could sell the newly produced system off as a refurbishment.

I even said they could attempt that one last ON-SITE repair and if it didn't work that I'd accept a partial-refund of the cost of the ON-SITE contract plus the interest of the amount at the rate I'm paying off the credit; a reasonable amount I feel, but they declined; I've since had to get the people who gave me credit involved in this.

The 3rd guy though; as with Lorna; actually said sorry about the incident, and that's OK with me; it's a few bad apples here, and Lorna has no need to apologise on behalf of these other people, but I accept it with gratitude; in fact, the 3rd guy and me had a light-hearted discussion about my conditions and felt he respected me, though as I said; he told me my request for a partial-refund was declined.

I was actually thinking of getting my Mum a low-spec Inspiron laptop as she has a tiny bit of sight left, enough to make out the screen if I use very large cursors and decrease the sharpness a bit; but now; I'm not so sure; heck, since Dell gets the hardware in at trade-value I'd even accept that as compensation, but alas I've got no proof I was offended and that my request for either a RAM swap or the like would be adhered to rather than Dell's "resolutions" which I don't feel are suitable for how things are now, both hardware and customer based, (for reference I can't copy and re-install some data which is why I need the same HDD's too).

Dell as a corperation doesn't care about one customer though, especially with rumours that their shares dropped by nearly a third, even if I told everyone I knew never to buy a Dell product again and to tell everyone they knew the same thing; it wouldn't matter.

I've got the email for the Board Of Directors, but again without proof I probably wouldn't stand a chance even if they did read it, (I even offered the 2nd person complete access to my medical records if Dell requested it, at which point he tried to get around the subject), saying that; if they did contact me I hope they'd understand this issue; as mentioned below with my XPS system I was amazed at Dell's customer support, but something over the last 6 years changed; I'm guessing that perhaps it could be, that with most companies, Dell may have chosen the lowest bidder for their supplies and support.

This incident now is causing me to be more agitated than usual, as well as paranoia and disrupted sleep, but as mentioned above; I've got no proof of this.

My satisfaction is very simple Geoff; a palmrest that has balanced lighting and heck, maybe even a keyboard that's etched properly and does the same, (though I even said I'm willing to let that slide), the last palmrest even the contract technician mentioned it was a dud, perhaps if they even upped the RAM from 2-4-4-4 to 4-4-4-4 as a goodwill gesture, that'd be well appreciated and I'd consider this a "one-off" experience.

I used to own a Dell XPS 720 and when the PSU sparked Dell built me an entirely new system and sent one of their technicians around at my request to swap the HDD's, (and I only requested they swap the PSU, it was Dell's choice they send me a new system from the first phone call, and I even emailed them back with a "thank-you".

Forgive my rambling, I guess this is part of the agitation I'm feeling at the moment.

The one thing I haven't mentioned publicly on this or any other discussion; despite my medical conditions and my mild agrophobia; I'm a musician and comedian; and evey gig I've done over the past 4 years has either been for free or for charity; I bought my M17X R4 not just for gaming but to see how I could expand my music talents and provide the audience and the Scottaholics, (the name for my fans/followers/supporters), with a more robust show and a fresh experience, over 24 years performing and confidence is a very big part of what I do, though I'm not feeling too confident right now about this, (and I can actually provide proof of my charity work, everything from cover-letters to merchandise).

And thanks for your empathy rather than sympathy; I don't want people to feel sorry for my conditions but just to understand them as a 3rd party; that means a lot to me; and discrimination of all forms exists on a global scale; England, Australia, everywhere; I mutually offer my empathy too, though I wouldn't grade any disabilities as "minor" or major"; and you're right, people refuse to believe I'm disabled because I'm 6'2", 198lbs, and can calf-press over two times my weight on each leg and bench almost my own weight.

I'd like to thank you too Lorna, (something important's just come up, so I'll send you the requested information soon), and thank you to anyone who supports my issue here or indeed who fights against any discrimination or donates money to charities; it means so much to my Mother and me.

16 Posts

February 12th, 2013 15:00

Many thanks for the support. I anticipate more possible bullying; if they're offering a full refund, (which I've turned down; I bought a laptop because I needed one), then surely a partial refund for a sixth of the amount is more financially beneficial, and if you've been keeping up with the news you'll know why.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

February 13th, 2013 09:00

Your concerns have been forwarded from this USA Forum to Customer Care Representatives supporting the UK, Someone will contact you as soon as they can.

Thanks for your patience,

4 Operator


4.4K Posts

February 14th, 2013 00:00

I had sent a private message to you yesterday. I am looking forward for your response to help you further.

16 Posts

February 14th, 2013 08:00

Thanks for the heads-up Roshan; checking it now; I did see it yesterday but I'd recently had a seizure, feeling a bit better now. By the way, have the posts by ausGeoff been censored, seems like Dell is trying to hide something; it's as if we're not allowed to advise each other or support each other....and they did quote that they had a disability themself.

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

February 14th, 2013 17:00

Scott Bull,

ausGeoff refused to follow the Forum Code of Conduct which he agreed to when joining.

16 Posts

February 15th, 2013 10:00

Intriguing; thanks for providing me this information; whilst it's not totally related, it's appreciated I'm being kept in-the-know about even these things; if it matters; I'd like to still commend him for his support, if that would help any kind of appeal process.

Thanks again.

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