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This post is more than 5 years old


1 Rookie


5 Posts


February 19th, 2013 18:00

Does anyone know how to file an official complaint with DELL's Corporate Office?

I bought a new XPS Convertible Laptop and paid over $1600 for it but didn't even get to use it before I had to send it back for repairs.

I spent 6 hours on the phone with 3 IT staff (one was a supervisor) and they couldn't do anything to fix it as it had MULTIPLE problems as well as a hairline crack in the monitor.  I had purchased a "Priority" Warranty but it's almost laughable as they expect you to wait for their tech to come to your house to fix it (which would mean I would have to take off work).

So, I told all 3 staff that I'm not home during the day Mon. through Fri.  If their tech couldn't come in the evening or on a weekend, then I'd have to package it up and courier it to the repair depot (which I did).  I made it clear to the Supervisor (Mir) that I'm only available after 5:00 p.m. Mon. through Fri. and I included that detail in the paperwork I sent with the laptop but yet their repair techs called twice through the day anyways (to give me an update on the repairs).  Each time they left a message saying they'd call back the next day but never left a number where I could call back.

When I called back the toll free # on my call display, I got the U.S. office who couldn't help me as I live in Canada.  So they transferred my Srini, who transferred my call to Sohail, who put me on hold.  I finally asked to speak to a Supervisor (Jude) who told me he couldn't tell me any details about what was done to repair my laptop.  He could only tell me that it was in transit back to me via Purolator.  He also refused to transfer my call to his Manager, Vijay.

So my friends, after 7 1/2 hours of trying to get this problem resolved, I would love to know how to contact the corporate office.  I think they have to be aware of this sort of Customer Service (although, something tells me I'm not the only one who has tried to bring this sort of thing to their attention).

And after almost 20 years of dealing with DELL (I've purchased numerous computers/laptops from them in the past), I can say without a doubt, this will be my last purchase.  I just don't have the time nor the patience for incompetant staff and difficult customer service.  And I'm not willing to jump through hoops to try and contact corporate.  I'll simply buy local and make sure it can be repaired/warrantied local.

It's a real shame....they USE to be a great company and they USE to have great products.

Please let me know if anyone has contact DETAILS.  A general corporate address will only ensure that any correspondence sent to them floats from one desk to the other before it ends up in India.  lol


3 Apprentice


8.8K Posts

February 19th, 2013 18:00

Here's Corp.'s addres:

Dell Corporate Headquarters

Dell Inc.

One Dell Way Round Rock,

Texas 78682 United States

4 Posts

February 20th, 2013 00:00

DON'T MEAN TO HIJACK YOUR THREAD.... BUT IT STRUCK A NERVE...I have been searching for days to find a way to complain about Dell's products, only to keep going around in loops and circles....that said....

If you find out, let ME know.  The last 2 dells I have purchased one being a state of the art XPS, (lasted just over a year) and an alienware MX15, which was not even taken out of the case for the first year, and only recently was used  has also joined the ranks of the non working computers.I've had it 2 years this month, the first year, we had moved where there was no internet worth paying money for (hence it stayed in the case)...  Is it me or I am crazy to expect a computer that  I spend upwards to 2k on -- to last more than one to two years?  I HAD been a loyal Dell customer for probably almost 20 years now, not only configuring my own computers, but doing so for my son, sisters, family and friends.  I have been responsible for so many Dell purchases, I used to get teased asking if I got commissions..  With this last FIASCO, (trying to sell me a replacement video card for my  alienware laptop
for $450.00...(which is probably a refurb anyway, and lets face it 2 years old...)

I have decided I'm DONE  with Dell.  I am now in the market for a new computer.  Guess what it's NOT GOING TO BE???  A dell.
I also think it's pretty lame there is nowhere to lodge a complaint other than here.  There is no place to lodge a complaint, no one in "customer service to send a normal EMAIL to" one to call, every time I call tech support, I get transferred to India, only to be told it's MY fault for not buying an extended warranty.  The DELLs I USED to buy, simply didn't need them, at least not in the time periods that were offered. 

Again, sorry for posting on your thread, but I feel your frustration.

1 Rookie


5 Posts

February 20th, 2013 06:00

Thanks for the info. but without a specific department or contact person, I suspect my correspondence will likely be floating from desk to desk for months before it lands in India.

If you have contact "details" that will be helpful, I'd greatly appreciate I'm sure MANY OTHERS will also.

The above address/response is an example of the kind of information/details I get from DELL staff.

1 Rookie


5 Posts

February 20th, 2013 06:00

No problem at all my friend....hijack away!  :-)

I feel for ya and totally understand/agree. 

They really should be ashamed of themselves for taking such a great company/product to such low levels and poor quality now.

We can only hope that others will read these posts and NOT end up where we are.  It's a VERY EXPENSIVE that will not be repeated.

Thanks for sharing your nightmare with us.  Something tells me there's a lot more of them out there.

I have managed to get a corporate address but no specific department or contact of course so any correspondence sent will likely end up floating for months as it's passed from desk to desk.....much like when you try calling tech support (or any other department at DELL).  I wouldn't be at all surprised if it landed in India.  lol

Good Luck....I'll let you know if I get any useful contact information.

3 Apprentice


8.8K Posts

February 20th, 2013 07:00

First of all I have dealt with computer companies for quite a while.

I am not part of Dell but I do volunteer here some.

Write the letter, make it to the attention of whoever is currently the the CEO of Dell, send it Registered Mail signature required and your mail will be read.

I did the exact same thing with Gateway Computers and the attention and satisfaction I received was excellent.... but do what you wish.

The above address/response is an example of the kind of information/details I get from DELL staff.

Glad I took the time to try to help you....

3 Apprentice


8.8K Posts

February 20th, 2013 07:00

First of all I have dealt with computer companies for quite a while.

I am not part of Dell but I do volunteer here some.

Write the letter, make it to the attention of whoever is currently the the CEO of Dell, send it Registered Mail signature required and your mail will be read.

I did the exact same thing with Gateway Computers and the attention and satisfaction I received was excellent.... but do what you wish.

3 Posts

February 20th, 2013 08:00

I'm very sorry about the presentation of the above post, I did use separate paragraphs when typing my post, but for some reason it was squished it into one big long paragraph. Again, my apologies as I do realise it won't be easy to read.

3 Apprentice


8.8K Posts

February 20th, 2013 08:00

Again, please accept my apologies.....I did not mean to offend you.

No problem....but a hard copy letter does wonders.
As far as the logo on my sig.
Dell did give it to me and a couple hundred more Forum users.  We all have our specialty, mine just happens to be Malware  and it's removal.
take care

1 Rookie


5 Posts

February 20th, 2013 08:00

My apologies for offending you ZBESTWUN2001.  When I saw your signature information, it gave me the impression you are an employee of DELL.

Like it or not, it's still an example of what I've been experiencing with DELL but that does not mean I don't appreciate your efforts in trying to help me and I hope it doesn't discourage you in helping others either.

Thanks for the extra information and for clarification of your status.

Unfortunately, this is also an example of how difficult it is to lodge a complaint with DELL.

Again, please accept my apologies.....I did not mean to offend you.

3 Posts

February 20th, 2013 08:00

I'm sorry for your troubles, but have you tried asking dell for a new replacement laptop instead of a repair? Unfortunately I have an annoying problem with Dell myself and too would like to officially complain about it.. Iv ordered two laptops from them and will explain what my problem was for both. First off, I ordered an XPS 15 laptop here in the UK for ~£1200 (on behalf of a friend - 60% paid by me as a gift). I received right before Christmas (was very pleased at the timing). However, when I received it it had 3 problems that stood out. 1) The screen was faulty and had a flicker whence the laptop was moved or when the palm rest was touched 2) The touchpad was very loose 3) the OS wouldn't load and being setup (I know how to work computers, so I set it up correctly). When I called they dell person said he send a tech out (as I have 1 year next day in-house tech support) but I didnt want this...... why would anyone spend ~£1200 for what would be a repaired laptop? Anyways, tech came out (who was very nice by the way. He was not part of dell, but part of another company hired by dell) and told him the problems, he agreed with me and we called dell and opened a case for a replacement laptop (new) to be sent out. Later in the day I got a call from dell to confirm the order. About a month after the initial order (of the first laptop) I received my new replacement laptop and everything was perfect! Was pleased! Now shortly after receiving this laptop and handing it over to my friend, my own laptop broke..... now I needed a laptop too as I was about to start my masters degree I decided to spend another £1200 on an XPS thinking that the last order was a complete fluke....... Now this time, the trouble started at the ordering stage. Now, in the UK you can be VAT exempt for many purchases, I enquired about this from the live chat people on dell and they said they couldn't deal with it, but instead that I would need to email them and they would take me through the procedure of purchases an item VAT exempt. I emailed them within minutes of this conversation and nearly a month later didnt receive a reply...... I then contacted their live sales again. The person gave me their apologies and assured me he himself would sort it for me, all I had to do was send proof that I was VAT exempt.... Which I did. He then asked for more proof, which I then sent, he then asked how I was eligible (even though I sent him the papers to prove I was eligible - so I think he was just prying.....) so I reluctantly sent him howi was. I received no reply from him for several days so contacted the live sales chat. And complained, got a phone call a very short while after (whilst still in the live web chat) and was told "I don't think I can get you VAT exempt" (even though I was assured I could... And I am eligible) he then proceeded how he can get me..... Wait for it ..... £5 off the order. So what I did was hung up and used an e-voucher! So that's how my order started..... Over a month to order my second XPS 15. Unfortunately that's not where it ended,! I received my laptop a few days before starting my MSc and found that the laptop had a fan problem! Whenever the fan needed to work it was VERY loud. I did a diagnosis on the fan speed, which was in the limits and it seemed fine..... Checked a few more things such as the bios and that was fine too (all up to date and matched other laptops bios version (so deemed it as a hardware fault). So I called up dell yet again and ordered another new one. I am now into my MSc without a laptop and have already been given 2 big assignments on my first day. So I am now wasting money travelling to Uni on days off to use their computers... NOT HAPPY AT ALL! Now I have spend ~£2400 on two XPS 15's in a relatively short period of time..... you'd think that they'd treat a customer a bit better. Now I I'm looking at my order status online and its in production.... I'm now hoping their so called "quality test" will actually catch something this time! If I receive another faulty dell I will be most unpleased. Btw, the dells that I sent back - I get no receipt at all from them, so if you do send it back, email them straight away that youv sent it with the courier

4 Posts

February 20th, 2013 14:00

That option was never even offered.  The only thing they offered me was a replacement video card for $450.00, or to purchase an extend my warranty (several hundred dollars), which I considered, only to be told, that for some reason they could not, that that option was "greyed out".  Every time I called I was routed to India -- it was the same thing... "well YOU should have bought a LONGER warranty". ..... like I said, you expect for that amount of money to last longer than a year.

Dell USED to make products that were built to last... sadly those days (as well as their excellent service and customer appreciation) have seem to have gotten lost. 

I will find another computer I am sure.  Looking into several newcomers in the field.  I just really never expected to have to lay down more money this quickly.  It was sort of a life long dream to own an alienware.... what a rude awakening.... in many respects.

Thanks for taking the time to listen.  Good luck to you all.

4 Posts

February 20th, 2013 14:00

UPDATE:  Just had a chat with Alienware... THEY say, that not only would I need a new video card,-- to replace it, I would have to replace the motherboard as well.  Oh this is choice... seriously.  I guess India doesn't have all the facts, or the Alienware tech from Utah doesn't.... whatever.  I'm so done with this whole thing.  Months wasted trying to do this "the right way".  From now on, I will be warning away all my friends and family from both Dell and Alienware.... and to think I have been a loyal customer for almost 20 years..... fool me once shame on you, fool me twice... shame on me.

3 Posts

February 20th, 2013 15:00

Doesn't sound good at all! I know you say you weren't offered to exchange it for a new one, but you should ask (if you received it faulty).  I was also talking to the India call people and specifically stated I wanted a new one and not a repair. Again, sorry about the lack of paragraphs, I do make them, they just don't show when I submit a post.

4 Posts

February 27th, 2013 13:00

Well, Friday I got a note/response from, "saying" they wanted to help and could I please send more information?  Model # customer # etc.  I responded almost immediately, (and counting today) have sent at least 3 responses back.... only to be met with ROARING SILENCE.  Something tells me, they don't want me posting negative threads, and thought that may keep me quiet for awhile. 

I am beginning to believe they honestly do NOT want to help, even though the letter stated otherwise.  Here it is word for word:

2/22/2013 2:06 PM
Dear Valued Customer, We have received your feedback submitted online on and would like to help you. Thank you for your feedback. In order to reach you to provide additional support we require further contact information. If you still require support from a Resolution Expert please respond to this email at with the requested information below.
We request one of the key identification numbers so that we can best direct your need to the
appropriate Resolution Expert.

We appreciate your time to provide the information. Can you please provide any of the following information so we can contact you? • Country of Order: • Customer #: • Order #: • Case #: • Service Tag #: Please also provide the best phone number to reach you; this is in case our files
do not reflect the best number to contact you: Again, please send this information to
and one of our Resolution Experts will be happy to assist you. We appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with us. Thank You. The Dell Team


PS, and frankly yes, I do believe it was defective from the get go.
The few times I used it way back at the beginning, I was getting 20 FPS.
My ancient laptop gets over 100 FPS, in the same test.... and to think I was actually considering
configuring a new Dell when I got their letter Friday. Shame on me.

May 28th, 2013 15:00

I too am done with Dell. Forever. I have had problems these last 3 weeks and have spent over 8 hours with tech support  on the phone. That have sent me disks. They do not work. The people we are forced to work with barely speak english. I clicked on 1 for english. Good luck. Some of them are better than others, none of them deliver what they say they will deliver with any kind of ease. The entire process is one big pain. They are far away and it is often times hard to hear them. They say they will call back. They don't! In no way are they offering up in kind of decent service. It is all a dis-service. Good bye Dell.

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