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1 Message


May 31st, 2020 07:00

Order didn't go through - paypal payment still pending?

Yesterday I placed an order for an XPS desktop PC (or I thought I did, I went through all of the steps and reached the verification page), and I received an email from Paypal acknowledging that I had placed an order for the price of the desktop. 

Today I logged in to check the status of my order, and it's just... not there? 

I understand I was also supposed to receive an order confirmation email from Dell, containing an order number, which I never did (I checked spam too.)

My paypal account is still reporting a pending payment.

Does this mean my order was never processed? Am I still going to be charged? Am I in the clear to attempt ordering again? 


June 1st, 2020 11:00

Alright, I found my answer. For whatever reason my paypal payment was declined but they didn't email me to tell me. When that happens it apparently takes 7-10 days for your paypal to tell you it was declined. After talking to 6 different reps, one of them was able to use an old order to find the DPID of the one they rejected. I used that DPID with their sales department to bring up the order and complete it by using credit card over the phone (which I hate doing [please don't steal my CC info Dell]). Anyway, hope that helps. Lastly, if you're in Canada, tell them that, because I talked to a bunch of wrong reps because they thought I was in the US.



25.2K Posts

June 1st, 2020 12:00


Sorry to know about your experience with the support. Hope your issues are addressed. Please reach out for any further assistance needed. 

Kiran J. 

1 Message

August 22nd, 2020 17:00

#i got the same issue 
# help me please
do i need to order again or i need to wait for email

2 Posts

November 17th, 2020 14:00

Complete garbage, I "TRIED" to buy a monitor, same **bleep**, order pending, Dell declines my order only to tell me don't use pay pal, just give us your credit card. Really? Don't think so. POS company. Can't even buy a monitor i guess they don't need money that bad. losers.

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