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This post is more than 5 years old


May 28th, 2013 20:00

where has support gone

 Let me begin by saying I am very upset with what happened today and yesterday with the lack of customer care that I received.  I have spent two days receiving the complete run around dealing with my laptop that has a known issue according to Dell blogs, CNET, PC WORLD, and various other sites that show the level of issues that is happening. When the same thing happens in less than a year of owning the computer and your own techs saying there is no fix and stating motherboards go bad every 3 months. This instilled the thought that there are very serious issues here with the customer service that is being provided to me and to others. Outsourced members in other countries can’t fix the problem because they read from a script and aren’t allowed access to the Dell Web site or other sites that I have mentioned. I am very aware of how outsourcing is provided and how a call center is run. These calls seem to be sent to whatever country that answers the lines.

The recent care I received showed that it was a means to an end and they pray I don’t get sent back to that person. Being sent around so many times to the point where you have memorized your tag number and can answer the basic warranty techs questions before they ask tells you that you are not being properly taken care of. All American based companies tell you that this is being recorded for quality and insurance purposes. This never happened today or the next person in my long line of people would be able to check on when I last called in and/or on the documented case history of the issue. Again I will repeat I told each member that they are being recorded and so is are phone numbers and extension. They are all being tracked and since most would not give their name and/or badge number this caused a lot of issues.

Let me mention I have a Master in Information Technology. I also have a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice.  I fix and work on computers, servers and networks daily and I know normal life span of  the products. When I see so many laws and best business practices being violated it is an utter shame to witness. This is not the first time this issue has happened to me, My motherboard has been replaced once already by your company and the technician at the time advised that there was an issue with the motherboard. Stated that they are having to replace a lot of them and unsure of when or if a fix will ever happen. After hearing that today I am from the members that I spoke from your outsourced country office stated that mother boards go out every 3 months or so and I needed to buy new warranty. This at first made me stop and laugh and asked if they were joking. When they stated know I advised what I did for a living and normal lifespan of a motherboard, also if a motherboard is crashing with complete failure that is a recall situation not a you need a new warranty. My warranty with Dell ends June 7, 2013 followed by a 3 year extended all inclusive warranty offered by Dell through AAFES (Army &Airforce Exchange Service).  The same gentleman also had the nerve to tell me they do not honor that. The arrogance, ignorance, and audacity of that comment was ridiculous in itself because that right there can get me to call AAFES who with enough push can pull the contract from Dell, that would be the cause.

After finding most of my information which I was very diligent with on a Dell blog and numerous other sites about this problem, it shows a lack of quality control in manufacturing that leads to failures that are systemic and not being addressed. No motherboard should be acceptable to fail every three months and the user shouldn’t have to buy additional warranty when they haven’t even started their extended warranty which I have. On Memorial Day my laptop had the same symptom and would not turn on, that I had three months ago. This was when I went to the Dell site and find a now known issue with the motherboard having a defect that has not yet been addressed.  This is on your own site and has many complaints where people asked for help and are told no or to bad or something of that nature. So I can’t reach anybody with knowledge about the product that I am complaining about. C-NET and PC world also show this issue, but the best one is BBB, and what do thousands of complaints, hundreds dealing with this laptop and the motherboard.  Dealing with the customer service for 8 hours yesterday and then another 8 hours today showed the truth of what I come to understand of dell. My company also has a contract with Dell, I will be writing a personal letter to them about my experience. They tend to listen to their technicians especially their main IT. In American when a customer asked for a supervisor they will be given or showed to that supervisor. When I asked for a supervisor they hung up on me today. So I decided I will find every bit of information that I can so I search your blogs, BBB and found the major problem that you have Something based on what I see I can also look into going that route.

When I was finally given a badge number this member also gave me his superior which proved to be true for this man. He did what we was supposed to do and was an actual supervisor since he could access your site and wasn't reading from a script. At this time I have had enough. I explained that all I want is a complete refund plus a technician to come to my house to retrieve my data. Short of a complete refund I would be open to a new PC that is equal to or better than the unit I have. It must meet or exceed the specs that meet what I bought or better or guarantee that they have resolved motherboard malfunction that dell is completely aware of it. The supervisor today took all the information and generated a reference number which he couldn’t give me at the time due to connection problems. He did send me the number in an email though.  He stated that this will go to America for resolution 24 to 48 hours. . 

The joke to me is if you care at all about your customer service then this would have not happened. All customer service and technician numbers for Dell in Texas can't be reached. Trust me I have tried several times in fact. You outsource everything to a support location that doesn't have the knowledge or skill to resolve the issue from what I have seen and read. They try to cover the own   but reading a script, and over and over again trying to sell new warranties without any knowledge of technical support or customer service skills.   I understand that outsourcing saves money for companies but you should still have some set goal of customer service and satisfaction. During standard business hours in the United States there is and should always have an American representative or technician available. Many best business practices have been broken and ignored. All I ever wanted was fairness and little respect for what I paid for. Especially since it’s a highly expensive computer. I promise one thing that if this is not settled in 48 hours as I was told, there will be a fight on many fronts. Today social media as you know is a great tool.  Unlike the other complaints that I saw who did not record their calls, I have and I informed the members several times.  Those people could not make it stick I can because of these tapes. Why not make it simple and always have a dedicated line for customer service and tech that has the knowledge about what they are talking about and there is always someone available in the united States.  Most times this can’t be proved because other countries don’t log there call so no loss of job. This time I have proof, I hope dell really hasn’t dropped that low to just not caring but there is still time to prove me wrong. 

803 Posts

May 29th, 2013 05:00

Hi Shadow1814,

We're sorry for the tough time you had dealing with support reps and thanks for giving us a change to make things right. Please allow me to apologize on everybody's behalf. I appreciate the time and effort you have put in writing this post because customer feedback remains an important tool in evaluating our services and support.

I am sure you are aware of the reasons why we outsource but we strive to provide quality service that meets global standards. I will check the previous case logs and will ensure a proper feedback is given to the customer care reps you spoke with.

We do have an option where you can receive support exclusively based out of North America, however this is fee based support (Your Tech Team -YTT- 1- 866 223 5417). Now that you have already contacted tech support and got the issue escalated, I am sure the escalation team will get back and get this taken care of.

Please be informed electronic devices are prone to failure and we have warrantied the system in order to support it. However if the same issue re-occurs at regular intervals, be assured it will be investigated.

If this is a known issue which is being discussed in other forums, I am sure the product team is working on a permanent fix. Please let me know how the call goes and we shall decide on the best course of action. Should you feel the need to discuss about this case with me after you spoke to the escalation team, send the system service tag through Private message. 

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