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March 2nd, 2016 01:00

DDVE space overhead and leak

I’ve noticed that writing to DDVE test dataset of small size files causes dramatic space overhead. 100Gb of raw data takes all 370Gb available at DDVE. Also most of the space stay used after data deletion.

At next test I write and then delete about 1.2Gb of data. After that /data:post-comp used space increased by 15Gb, cleanable increased by about 1G. Even after cleaning procedure used space stay the same (I mean +15Gb).

Is it normal behavior?

30 Posts

March 15th, 2016 10:00

So to answer more about the overheads of small files:

- Each file ingested into a DDR will have two types of data on disk on the DDR:

L0 segments - chunks of physical data (i.e. the contents of the files)

Lp segments - file metadata describing the layout of the individual file

- This data will be held in 4.5Mb containers on disk however due to DDFS design when a container is initially written:

A 4.5Mb container can only hold data from one file

A 4.5Mb container can only hold L0 *or* Lp segments (we cannot mix segment types in a container)

- In addition to the above DDFS has various pieces of metadata (prime segments, directory manager btrees, cleaning delete lists and so on) which are held in their own 4.5Mb containers

Due to the above, if you write a small file to a DDR (for example 1Kb) its likely that this 1Kb of data will consume at least 3 * 4.5Mb containers on disk:

- One container for L0 data

- One container for Lp data

- One container for associated DDFS metadata

As a result if you quickly write a large number of small files you will use up physical space on the DDR extremely quickly (which is what the OP was referring to). Basically initial ingest of these files is *extremely* wasteful in terms of space consumed on disk.

Note, however, that when cleaning runs we relax our rules about containers only being able to hold L0/Lp data for one file - segment types still can't be mixed but a single container can hold L0 *or* Lp data for multiple files. As a result we will attempt to consolidate multiple files L0 containers into a smaller set of L0 containers and multiple files Lp containers into a smaller set of Lp containers effectively getting some of this wasted space back.

Note that clean may have to be run a couple of times to get all wasted space returned and it may not be able to get back everything. For this reason we really don't recommend workloads consisting of large numbers of small files being stored directly on a DDR - you are much better off combining small files into a large archive (for example tar file) on the client before writing to the DDR. Note that this archive should *not* be compressed/encrypted (otherwise de-dupe/compression rate will suffer).

This phenomenon is by design and doesn't really matter when DDRs are used to store a relatively small number of large files (as commonly produced by backup applications).

I hope this helps to explain.

March 2nd, 2016 13:00

I may be seeing similar issue as the OP.  I added only a minimum 200gb disk to the ddve to use for my filesystem.  I didn't look too close after adding and assumed I had 200gb to work with.  I setup an integration of networker using ddboost with a 100gb test client and was very surprised to see I had filled the filesystem at 75gb.  Looking at the filesystem tab I see the following sizes allocated:

/data:post-comp 76.5 GiB

/ddvar 49.2 GiB

/ddvar/core 158.5 GiB

Based off my existing 5.5 Data Domains, "/data:post-comp" seems to represent all the real usable filesystem.  I would expect that /ddvar and /ddvar/core would have landed on the internal disks defined by the ova template.  Where did the remainder of my 200gb (186 GiB) go or what is the behavior here?

March 3rd, 2016 01:00

Hi, in response to your capacity question.  the space you are seeing is normal for the system overheads on the 1st data disk.

When a DDVE is deployed for the 1st time we see 2 disks automatically configured.  These two disks are seen as a 250GB system disk, and a 10GB NVram disk.

We do not have any storage for customer Data configured on initial deployment of DDVE2.0.

You will need to add a minimum of 200GB storage for the 1st Data disk presented for customer usage. This 200GB will be broken down in the following way to give you usable storage:  200GB – 120GB for system disk – 5.6% for Raid on Lun = Usable storage.

Math Example:

200GB – 120GB = 80GB – 5.6% = ~76-77GB

300GB – 120GB = 80GB – 5.6% = ~169.92 – 170GB

(The 120GB on the  1st added Data Disk is for DDOS to make backup copies of Lic’s /reg / core / logs etc on the ext3 partition – this is the same as when we have ext3 partition on the 1st Physical shelf of a standard Datadomain.)

NOTE: After the 1st Data disk has been added and the filesystem is created, you can add further increments of 100GB Data Disks.  You will see only the 5.6% overhead for Raid on Lun.  We only take extra capacity for the system requirements from the 1st Data disk.

for further in depth explanation of the 'real' utilization pls see:

how are your cleaning figures showing now after some more ingest & cleaning?

Thanks, Ben.

30 Posts

March 9th, 2016 02:00

With regards to total usable space on an instance of DDVE, as mentioned by Ben, you need to be aware that a significant chunk of the first data disk will be taken for internal metadata so, for example, if you add a single data disk of 200Gb in size you will actually only have a usable file system of ~76Gb in size. Please refer to the link Ben added for more information.

With regards to small files - this is a known issue with DDRs in general. Basically they are designed to hold a relatively small number of large files (commonly the type of files which backup applications create) rather than a large number of small files.

To explain this further - when DDFS de-duplicates data it does this by splitting incoming files into variable sized chunks of 4-12Kb (with each chunk being a segment). We then check each segment to see if we already have it on disk and if we do its a duplicate so can be dropped from the incoming file and essentially replaced with a pointer to the existing data already on disk.

When you write very small files (i.e. < 4Kb) these are smaller than our minimum segment size so DDFS will:

- Pad the files to 4Kb (minimum segment size)

- Not de-dupe them

- Will compress them (however compression ratio of a very small amount of data is generally poor)

- Write them out to disk

When cleaning runs we try and reclaim some of the space taken by small files by looking for duplicates however, in general, overall compression ratios and so on will suffer if your data set consists mainly of small files.

In addition to the above there are performance issues caused by small files - in previous versions of DDOS these caused slow cleaning (however this is not an issue with DDOS 5.7/DDVE) and in all versions can cause poor directory lookup performance (i.e. browsing directories via CIFS/ls vi NFS) and poor replication performance. The reason for this is beyond the scope of this forum suffice to say that storing huge numbers of small files on a DDR is generally not a good idea (and not really what DDOS was designed for).

With regards to why writing 1.2Gb data caused file system utilisation to increase by 15Gb - this is hard to say without more information about the system. In addition if you are deleting files and not getting as much space back as 'cleanable gb' indicates this might be because:

- Cleanable Gb is an estimate (again too much information to go into this in depth here)

- The physical data for files which have been deleted might be being held on disk by files written after the files which were deleted

- There might be file system snapshots which contain copies of the deleted files causing their data to be held on disk

- There might be replication lag causing deleted files data to be held on disk

In all versions of DDOS the cleaning functionality has been found to be generally robust so if you really are deleting a large amount of data and not getting any space back by running clean I suspect its due to one of the above reasons.

I hope this helps.

March 15th, 2016 12:00

James, thank You for in-depth answer.

I noticed that leaked space starts reclaiming to cleanable space during write operations of next dataset. This behavior match internal DD processing that You describe above.

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