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February 21st, 2023 09:00

Problem Extending FIleSystem on a Data Domain



We have a problem with a Data Domain.

Basically we added extended the vmdk of the datadomain, without adding disk as for the procedure.

on the storage, it show all the space we assigned (11Tb) but we are unable to extend the Filesystem from 6tb to 11tb as the software says that there is no spare disks available.


can you help me out on the matter?





1 Rookie


20.4K Posts

February 24th, 2023 22:00

DDVE I assume? I would suspect that you need to add new VMDK volumes (x number of volumes) instead of extending an existing VMDK.

March 21st, 2023 14:00

Assuming you have a supported DDVE, I guess you would know by know that to expand DDVE capacity, you should not treat it like a normal VM with Linux or Windows? So do not increase the vmdk file as DDVE will not be able to deal with that (unless you would redeploy the whole DDVE), which is also stated in the some KB articles (if one actually looks for it).

KB "DDVE/DDMC can NOT see the newly Added capacity to the Downloaded Image V-Disk(.vhd/.vhdx/.vmdk) when it's increased from the VMWare/Hyper-V" states:


  • DDVE/DDMC can't see the newly Added capacity to the Downloaded Image V-Disk(.vhd/.vhdx/.vmdk) when it's increased from the VMWare/Hyper-V
  • If for example you had DDOS installed on a VM of 1 x 500GB V-Disk and now expand the V-Disk Size to 1 TB, DDVE/DDMC will still show the V-Disk size as 500 GB.
  • It will not show the added 500 GB till you redeploy the DDOS there.
  • Adding more capacity from VMWare/Hyper-V to Downloaded DDVE/DDMC image disks will not reflect on DD V-Disk Capacity.


Once the DDOS is installed / imaged on a VM, any changes to the existing V-Disks will not take any effect until we Re-install/Re-Image the DDVE / DDMC on the expanded virtual disk.


Enlarging existing disks used for DDVE / DDMC is not the right way to increase storage capacity for existing DD virtual machines.

To add more capacity, you need to add (additional) New V-Disk of prescribed configuration as per EMC Standard and then Expand the Partition(DDFS/DB).

above KB references towards: "How to add/remove storage to your Data Domain Virtual Edition (DDVE)".

Both are somewhat older documents however, while the more recent DDVE on prem guide does not really state what to do actually on vmware Vsphere end: which doesn't say much more than :


Using the CLI

When you add a new virtual data disk to an existing DDOS file system, use the filesys expand command instead of the filesys create command.


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