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3 Posts


July 24th, 2018 15:00

unkown filesystem type 'boostfs'

I'm new with Data Domain. I followed "Dell EMC BoostFS for Linux version 1.2" and successfully installed DDBoostFS- in my RHEL 7.5 server. I can use "/opt/emc/boostfs/bin/boostfs set lockbox" to create a lockbox, then I can run "/opt/emc/boostfs/bin/boostfs mount" to mount my storage unit successfully. But when I try to use "mount -t boostfs myddr:/mystu /mnt", or add the line "myddr:/mystu /mnt boostfs defaults,_netdev 0 0" in my /etc/fstab file, as mentioned in the document, the system reports "unknow filesystem type 'boostfs'". I guess I missed some setting somewhere, but I cannot find any info in any document I found online. Please help. Thanks.

3 Posts

July 25th, 2018 08:00

On page 20 of the Dell EMC BoostFS for Linux Configuration Guide (Version 1.2, 302-003-987, REV. 03), look like there should be a BoostFS daemon/process running all the time at the background after the installation. But I cannot see it when use “ps –aux”. And there is no boostfs service file in /etc/systemd.

I need to mount the boostfs space using the fstab when my server reboot. But I see the "mount: unknown filesystem type 'boostfs'" error in the /var/log/messages log file. Same error when run mount -t boostfs command.

3 Posts

July 31st, 2018 12:00

Actually it is my fault. I thought I upgraded the plugin to 1.2, but it was still 1.0. I uninstalled the 1.0 then reinstalled 1.2 and now the problem is fixed.

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