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July 12th, 2011 03:00

DPA Standard Query

I would like to start using standard queries, however I have not been able to get one to work.

I would like to create a simple query that contains all backup clients containing LON for instance.

Would someone know what settings I should use to obatain this?

I have tried to follow the guide on page 83 of the DPA manual, but I can't seem to get it to work.

Any help would be appreciated.

141 Posts

July 12th, 2011 03:00


The following steps should allow you to create a standard query node for the below description:

- in the DPA GUI

- select Tools, Node Editor

- select New, Query

- in the Node Properties select a Type of "Standard Query" and give the query node a name e.g. All LON Clients

- select the Query tab

- in the report field click on the "..." and select the report "Backup Client Configuration"

- in the Filter section select Edit

- in the Condition Expression window select "Add condition" and add a condition of:
Field Name: Client

Operator: contains

Value: LON

- select Ok, and Ok

- in the Window field select a Time Window of "Now"

- in the View field select a view of "Configuration"

- in the Nodes field select the node(s) you want to return the LON clients from e.g.a group containing multiple backup servers or a single backup server

- in the Node Conversion section select:
Children Type: Backup Client:
Server Name Field: Server

Backup Client Field: Client

- select Ok to create the query node

You can now assign the query node to a view. I would recommend creating a new view and assigning it there (or assign it in an existing custom view) and keep the Configuration view clear for configuration data.



David Russell

EMC Technical Support

3 Posts

July 12th, 2011 03:00

Thanks, that worked.

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