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This post is more than 5 years old


July 1st, 2014 13:00

Xenserver hosts keep disappearing from OpenManage Essentials

I installed OM administrator on two host servers that are running 5.6 xenserver. I also enable SMNP on both servers called Xenhost. I used the OpenManage troubleshooting tool to test the SMNP and Services. I get no errors and I can see the host fine. But when I add them to OpenManage Essentials in the discovery and inventory and it sees them both. But under the devices tab I only see the one that I inventoried last. I check that the Mac addresses are different. Is there anything else that I’m missing? I looking to roll this out across all my servers. I even tried two different SNMP names and two different discovery groups.

2.8K Posts

July 2nd, 2014 08:00

Thanks for the question.

I think I'm not one server is called "Xenhost".  What is the name of the other server?



3 Posts

July 7th, 2014 06:00


Xenhost is the SNMP community name for both servers the DNS name of the servers are S02-Xenhost001 and S02-Xenhost002. When i do a device and inventory it see them both but only adds the last one scanned to the found devices tab. Im looking to roll this out over allot of servers.

Thank you,


1K Posts

July 7th, 2014 09:00

Hi Adam,

Is the name resolution happening for both your servers? What is the name of the device which you see in the OME device tree? Is it either one of S02-Xenhost001 and S02-Xenhost002?

Can you try flushing your DNS on the OME server? You can do this by ipconfig /dnsflush

3 Posts

July 8th, 2014 06:00

yes they are resolving to there domain names. The name in the device tree that i see is the DNS name of the host. I already tried flushing DNS couple times. For some reason it only keeps the last server that is inventoried and discovered. Do you want to contact me directly so maybe we can do a remote session and i can show you whats going on? my email is <ADMIN NOTE: Email id removed as per privacy policy>

Thank you,


1K Posts

July 8th, 2014 12:00

Hi Adam,

You may want to log a trouble ticket and let the support guys have a look into your configuration and figure what is it exactly which is causing the merge of your 2 systems. The support number is 800-945-3355.

The service tag, MAC address and the hostname are the three attributes which should be unique, although it is better you log a trouble ticket now.

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