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April 24th, 2008 06:00

Best way to OC the 630i



I'm recently trying to OC my 630 to around 3ghz. I have red about it, and it should be easy doable with stock volt and cooler.

But as i tried, i coudn't do it the old way.. trough the bios. Simply because i can't find anything there that alows me to adjust the FSB...  I can change the volt, the mem, etc.. but not the FSB


So i tried the Nvidia tool.. but that is really anoying. I reached 2.7ghz with no prb, but as soon as i hitted 2.8, it still loaded to windows.. but then the whole screen just froze and you coudn't do anything. The only way to undo it, was to go to save mode and delete the profile you made in the Nvidia tool.


Have any of you have experience with Oc'ing your 630 and what result did you get? And especially, how did you managed to get it?


Kind regards,


2 Intern


597 Posts

May 2nd, 2008 16:00

well it's sorta good news.

this oc son't pass prime past 30mins before the temps shoot up to dangerous.

hopefully some cooling will fix that, then i'll be stable and can push a little more towards that elusive 4ghz mark.  :)

2 Intern


597 Posts

May 2nd, 2008 16:00



i ran prime stable at 1333x11 for 3.67ghz.  voltage was cpu1.4mem2.10chip&fsbAuto(1.3&1.2i think).


i'm set at 1232mhzx12 for 3.696ghz, core 1.45v, chipset 1.35v, i think i left the fsb auto(1.30)


30 mins of prime shot 2 of the 4 cores up to 70* before i stopped the test.  prime was still all green and running.  it was me that stopped it.




2 Intern


597 Posts

May 2nd, 2008 19:00

Whizzers, on occt:(  it crashes with in like 60secs of starting.  temps shoot up like rockects.

i'm gonna call dell tonight and see what they say.

2 Intern


597 Posts

May 3rd, 2008 16:00

Now this stress testing for your OC is really gettin' confusing.  in my quest for a good STABLE oc with temps i can live with, without liquid, i started messin' around with the volts last night.  here's what i wound up with.


cpu   x11  AT are you ready, 1.0VOLTS!!!!!!!

fsb  1199   auto volts

chip      auto volts

mem 1000mzh 2.05 volts AND 5,4,4,15,2T timings!



now here's the kicker:  it passes occt!!!  and NOT prime95, it's the exact opposite than the OC at 3.6ghz!

can't figure that one out.  plus my idle temps were 40* across all 4 and max load was 59,59,56,56.  i can live with those for now until i get some liquid in this thing.




the rig really doesn't like any of the fsb setting at 12xx.  at all!  nor does it like the x13 multiplier.  nor does it like any fsb areoun 1000 or a bit higher.  i can't figure the fsb deal out.  i think i may be hittin' the mobo limits around the 3.7g mark.  i don't know we'll see with some cooling.  if occt runs at 3.7 cool, i'll go up some from there and see what happens.


just figured i'd give you guys an update.  the 1.00 volts really had me laghin' last night.  can anyone else run stable at that low of a setting?


ps-one thing i can't figure out is the speed at idle, with idle temps, says the 3.3gz.  without any load why would it hang there.  this didn't happen till i got the vcore down to the 1.00?  curious, huh?

Message Edited by Mr. Scary on 05-03-2008 01:01 PM

2 Intern


597 Posts

May 5th, 2008 06:00

OK, now i know i need some liquid!  Hopefully Rambler will have some good results with the 500.  I'm takin' my back and gettin' another Tuesday:(  If it works out and cools well, I see 4ghz on the horizon.  This oc is stable in prime with the exception of the temps.  YUMMMMMMMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




guess i need to start readin' about gpu oc'n:)


who's done it and what'd ya do?????

244 Posts

May 5th, 2008 11:00

Nice oc m$.


I think I see 4.0Ghz on the horizon for you also.

Hopefully Ill be able to get there too.

This Q6600 get hot tho, lol

526 Posts

May 5th, 2008 18:00

@xps420OC wrote:

This Q6600 get hot tho, lol

Yup - exactly the reason I'm trying the liquid cooling route.  Though I would've preferred the thermo-electric setup that you have, it just won't fit in the 630's box.  Hopefully should have it today, but depending on when it actually gets here I may not be able to play with it for a few days.

2 Intern


597 Posts

May 5th, 2008 19:00

hey rambler


i was just gonna chime in here, and ask you if you've rcvd it yet??  :)  i'm takin mine back tomorrow for another.  i'd was hopin' you'd have yers in and get some results/feedback before i exchange this one.


I hit a 3.80 this weekend and i'm dyin' for some liquid:)

526 Posts

May 5th, 2008 19:00

Not yet.  Just checked UPS tracking, and it's not expected until the 7th (Wed). :smileysad:  But I already have the Artic Silver 5 and distilled water waiting for it!

526 Posts

May 5th, 2008 19:00

Yeah, I also read it's best to let it run for a couple hours to check for leaks.  Supposedly there's a way to jumper the main board connector so that only the power supply runs - just for this purpose.

2 Intern


597 Posts

May 5th, 2008 19:00

Whizzers:(  well we might be puttin' the in at the same time.  the guy at fry's told me that he'd let it run hooked up outside the case for at least a couple of hours just to be safe.  figured i'd let you know and you can make your own decision:)

2 Intern


597 Posts

May 5th, 2008 19:00

i think from what i saw in the box, you hook up the power like usual and mount the plug and the pass thru piece in the slots in the back.  we should be able to just plug in and rocknroll.?.?...
Message Edited by Mr. Scary on 05-06-2008 11:51 AM

121 Posts

May 6th, 2008 15:00

Don't rock too hard, you'll tip it over. ;) :smileyvery-happy:

I'm happy for you guys, and jealous at the same time :( :smileysad:  (Bad me!) lol ;)

2 Intern


597 Posts

May 6th, 2008 15:00

some great water cooling reading.




take a look at the section; water cooling maintenance!  these guys say 6-12 hour test before install to assure no leaks.  considering what we're doin' and how we wanna oc, i'd say that's at least reasonable if not prudent.  just my .02.  let us know when you get it.  hopefully i'll have mine tonight or tomorrow as well.


check out that thread, it's got great info and they seem to like the Corsair(for a kit, anyway).


ps-ruski, "it's a long way, to the top, if ya wanna rock-n-roll!"  in this case top for me meaning 4ghz!  hehehehehehehehehehehehe!

Message Edited by Mr. Scary on 05-06-2008 11:58 AM

526 Posts

May 6th, 2008 17:00

Nice find m$!  Everything you wanted to know, but were afraid to ask... 


Whoa - after just checking UPS tracking, looks like my Nautilus is out for delivery and I should have it today instead of tomorrow.  Now it's just a matter of getting the time to break open my computer and do this right - take pics, etc. :smileyhappy:

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