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This post is more than 5 years old


January 23rd, 2007 06:00

Computer is hanging when loading up the desktop

Hi guys, before I say anything else, it's worth noting the system in question Dimension 2400.

Well, where to start? The computer was having a lot of trouble with IDE devices, I decided to swap the motherboard and after trying everything I could think of, and swapping pretty much every part possible, it still wasn't booting up correctly so I decided to switch back to the old board.

The system was hanging rather often, and it just wouldn't pick up either of the CD drives, after much messing around, both the BIOS and Windows are picking up both CD drives just fine now, but it's still hanging. Basically, when you first login it'll take maybe two minutes to even begin to load up the desktop and all of the icons, and once that's finished it'll take another 3-4 minutes to finish loading a few extra programs (such as MSN Messenger for example) and actually give you access to things such as My Computer. After these initial 3-4 minutes it runs almost completely smoothly until you try to log off, where it hangs again and generally takes ages.

I have tried doing a Windows repair but can't because it has XP Pro installed but the CD I have is XP home and am currently running AVG but it hasn't found anything as yet. I think a lot of these problems came about when she tried installing her new broadband/wireless router, I've just noticed the firewall is disabled and when trying to re-enable it I'm presented with this error - - could it be related?

Basically, I think the computer is in need of a complete re-install, but I've absolutely no idea how to go about it since it's a Dell. I've actually heard reports that Dell BIOSes are set up in such a way that it absolutely will not let you boot from a standard Windows XP CD, and you are required to have a Dell recovery CD which is something I don't have; is it possible to download these in an ISO format or similar? I've already got the key on the side of the case so that won't be a problem.

Any suggestions on what course of action to take please? Should I at least try to format and hope I can source the relevant drivers from somewhere? Is it possible to maybe download an ISO of the recovery disc appropriate to the machine I'm trying to fix (Dimension 2400). And help would be very gratefully received, I'm doing this for a friend and have had her computer for well over a week now trying to fix it, I bet she's getting really annoyed with me now, hehe. Thanks!

1.3K Posts

January 23rd, 2007 07:00

If a re-install is your focus:
You will be best served with an original Dell OS install CD but it is not absolutely necessary.
This Dimension 2400 will accept any genuine Microsoft OS install CD.
Please use this list and stick to the order
Obtain the original driver disks for this machine.
If not available...
Go to the Dell site from this link:
Download and store in a safe place (preferably a cd)
Video Adapter
Audio Drivers
Install these drivers in the above order after XP has been installed.
Next install any other applications or patches you desire.
If Windows XP repair or Restore did nothing, I expect a fresh install is in order.

Message Edited by ManyDimensions on 01-23-200703:43 AM

18 Posts

January 23rd, 2007 08:00

That's absolutely fantastic, thank you! Just to confirm then: Clear the current partitions and do a clean install using this XP Home SP2 CD, grab the drivers from that link and put them onto a CD or USB pen drive, install accordingly, and it should then be pretty much as good as new?

1.3K Posts

January 23rd, 2007 08:00

Be sure to let us know good or bad.....

18 Posts

January 23rd, 2007 16:00

Result! Seems to be working great now, got a load of software and drivers ready to install :) One final question, I want to install the graphics card so I can change the resolution from the horrible 640x480 it's at currently, but I'm not sure which one to pick:

Intel 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV Graphics Controller
Intel 845 G/GL Integrated Video
Intel Intel Grantsdale G Integrated Video
Intel Springdale G Integrated Video

I assume it's one of those, or maybe the top one and one of the other three to accompany it. I've tried searching for a name on the computer but it just comes up as a standard VGA device.

18 Posts

January 23rd, 2007 17:00

Sorry to bump this, but I really want to get it installed and back to her! :) Any suggestions re: the video drivers would be fantastic, thanks.

18 Posts

January 23rd, 2007 21:00

Hmm, re-installed everything, but when I went to install the LAN device I noticed that it hung on the DOS window and didn't do anything, restarted, re-installed and it all seemed fine.

However, then the computer started taking between two minutes and forever to boot up properly (the three scrolling blue bars below the XP logo), programs were crashing, and it was completely freezing up for a few seconds every so often, all things that it wasn't doing before I format it!

I wasn't sure if it was related to one of the CD drives again because they were doing funny things, and sure enough on the final boot up it couldn't find the (rather temperamental) DVD drive and it seemed to run fine.

Is this purely coincidence do you think? Or is it the genuine cause and should I just completely disconnect the DVD drive? I know I should of checked it more but it's getting late now so thought I'd just check on here and get back to it tomorrow. Thanks!

18 Posts

January 24th, 2007 06:00

Hmm, just when I thought I was getting somewhere, it's now coming up with an error saying something along the lines of "ntoskrnl.exe is missing or corrupt" - absolute nightmare!

I've just been looking at a great page regarding the problem ( ) and since it's happened so soon after a format I must say I'm a little worried that the HDD is corrupt. Saying that, I did mess around with Boot.ini to change the OS selection timeout change from 30 seconds to 3 seconds, so I'm going to rebuild that too :/

18 Posts

January 24th, 2007 17:00

Just checked Event Viewer; there are a good few errors, mostly the following:

The driver detected a controller error on \Device\CdRom0.

The device, \Device\Ide\IdePort1, is not ready for access yet.

I assume, and hope, they're both related to the tempermental CD Rom and not the hard drive or anything else; I'm running the computer after just replacing ntoskrnl.exe and with just the one CD drive and it's working perfectly, it's quick and isn't crashing or freezing.

Question is, do I give the PC back to her, or could it break again? If it's finally resolved it'd be the biggest relief ever, but last night I thought I'd resolved it and look at what happened this morning, meh.

18 Posts

January 24th, 2007 18:00

Hmm, it was working fine for ages, a good couple of hours, was installing stuff, browsing the internet and absolutely no problems at all, no crashes, no freezing, it was rather quick, great!

... then it rebooted after installing some Windows updates, and yet again; "ntoskrnl.exe is missing or corrupt" - Any more suggestions would be fantastic, I'm almost certain the HDD isn't corrupt since it's not showing any errors at all in the Event Viewer, but in the same respect, something must be wrong for it to do it twice in two days!
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