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This post is more than 5 years old


July 22nd, 2008 12:00


Here is the short version of a 1 hour phone conversation with some one in India reading from a script to answer my problems,

Hello my name is Rasheed how can I help?

Good morning my computer is freezing on the bios splash screen.

Rasheed - Have you tried f2?

Me - Yes and f8, f12 ctrl+alt+d and tried booting from disc, still doesn't work.

Rasheed - Can you unplug your system and hold the power button for 60 seconds ?

Me - Yes, but it still doesn't work.
Look I have tried everything can you send me an engineer I've only had it 5 months and it needs a new battery fitting on the motherboard.

Rasheed - We must complete the checks first, can you take the side off the computer case ?

Me - No I am in a wheelchair, just send me an engineer.

Rasheed - Can anyone else in the house do it ?

Me - Well there is my 76 year old mother !

Rasheed - Can she do it ?

Me - If you wake her up at 2am she will take my head off never mind the computer side. Can you just send me an engineer ?

Rasheed - I will send someone to collect it find out the problem and then get an engineer to fix it, will that be okay ?

Me - Well I suppose so.

Rasheed - Can you put the computer in some packing and wrap it so someone can collect it ?

Me - I cannot pick it up never mind wrap it you pillock, all I want is a new battery fitting can you please send someone ?

Rasheed - I will send someone to collect it if you pack it.

Me - I am in a wheelchair I cannot move the system and I have 1YR XPS PREMIUM WARRANTY SUPPORT - PRIORITY just send me someone and get it sorted.

At this stage I hung up because I didn't want to offend the muppet on the other end of the phone and I have just classed it as the same as the sound card issue that is still unresolved a waste of time, £1700 for a computer that has worse audio than an AM radio station and a battery that lasts 5 months. I have come to the conclusion that Dell are not worth bothering with and as far as there systems go I wouldn't buy one if they were half price and the customer service is GARBAGE.

The error by the way was failed at checkpoint Ithr which if my training serves me right is a corrupt CMOS battery ?

552 Posts

July 22nd, 2008 13:00

AK1one wrote:

I have come to the conclusion that Dell are not worth bothering with and as far as there systems go I wouldn't buy one if they were half price and the customer service is GARBAGE.

I came to that conclusion after trying for six months to get Dell to replace a defective system.


I have been promised everything in the world and nothing delivered.


The only thing I have ever received is promises to address the issues, but they never seem to get addressed.


I was told to escalate to Tier II, which I requested, but no one ever contacted me.


I called again for the 15th time and had to go over the issues with this system again and again with every one I talked with. Till this day, no one has ever called me as promised.


Could you give me a constructive approach as to how I should proceed, and not berate me as you did the earlier poster?


Message Edited by Boyd B on 07-22-2008 09:14 AM

19 Posts

July 22nd, 2008 13:00

Ya know, a lot of people are not going to call you a rude jerk because you are in  a wheelchair.  Well I am in one too too, so I will...(26 years after a motocross racing accident....... Quad).  These people are REQUIRED to go thru certain steps before coming to your home.  I would say based on that convo that he did an excellent job and you have some serious anger issues my friend.


I know it can be frustrating, believe me.  People don't understand that a lot of people in wheelchairs have severe hand limitations that limit them from doing what would be the mostt simple things for most.  Everyone gets frustrated in your/my position.  From now on I suggest you try starting in a calm manner.  You can always escalate your attitude later.


Just my 2 cents

Message Edited by CaboWaboMan on 07-22-2008 09:06 AM

182 Posts

July 22nd, 2008 13:00

I can understand this.


Their get a issue thats not on the script reply, their dont know what to do,


I have a issue of the harddrive running at 100% all of the time, so i emailed the XPS support, and their wrote it down as cpu running at 100%, and when the support guy from india called me


He did not know what to ask, so you cpu is runningat 100%, em, no it is the harddrive.


so, what program is causing the cpu to run at 100%, its not, its the faster cpu i seen, its the harddrive.


can you check taskmanager, and tell me what task is running at 100%, emmm, its not, its the hard drive, etc etc etc


took over 2 hours to get to point across that it was the harddrive, and to read my email, as it had all of the steps i did on it.


the support needs to be moved back to the locations closes to wheir people get them from.





2 Posts

July 22nd, 2008 13:00

I am neither rude nor a jerk, I had been trying to explain I needed a new battery for an hour and was getting nowhere and we had been through the checklists. Being in a chair only came into it when he asked me to dismantle my computer. The only jerk on here is you, I don't need any anger management I just need someone who knows what they are doing ( IBM trained before accident so I know what I am on about ) may I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself .


Just my 2p's worth

14 Posts

July 22nd, 2008 14:00

My 720 was a mess, and we couldn't get it running right no matter what we tried. I think the trick is to be very persistant and request the next level of support, just keep asking to move up to the next level.


It is extremely frustrating to have to go through rookie issues, but it is an unfortunate side effect of the sheer number of users calling in I think.

19 Posts

July 22nd, 2008 14:00

I'm not quite sure what the purpose of this post is. 


The title is all caps indicating you are yelling. 


Is it just to rip Dell service as a whole?  If it is, I disagree that Dells Tech service is worthless.  The majority of my interactions with them over 15+ years have been positive, the few that were not, I simply tried again. 


Are you asking the Dell forum community what to do next?...if so, the post does not indicate that...


Are you trying to get an angry mob together for a sit in/protest rally?..if so, I am available, but I must be fed, or I won't come.


Whatever your reason for posting, perhaps if you calmly rationally post again with a little detail on exactly what you want from all of us, you might get what you consider more constructive posts in response.


I will not keep my opinion to myself, you posted a rambling rant in a public forum and everyone, including me has the right to post our observations of it.  Perhaps if you tried calling them again, you might get someone to help you get your issue resolved, and again after that if it is required.


Cheers, and have a good one (if that is possible for you):smileywink:

Message Edited by CaboWaboMan on 07-22-2008 10:10 AM

552 Posts

July 22nd, 2008 15:00

Quote By Rikarus: 

"My 720 was a mess, and we couldn't get it running right no matter what we tried. I think the trick is to be very persistant and request the next level of support, just keep asking to move up to the next level.


It is extremely frustrating to have to go through rookie issues, but it is an unfortunate side effect of the sheer number of users calling in I think."



I have a XPS420 with too many issues to mention here. I have talked to Dell XPS support for at least 20 times without a resolution.


I keep getting transferred to another person in another country and even though I have given all the issues to each and every Dell representative, I still have to recall every issue with my XPS420.


It seems that they don't document what you tell them about the issues.


I was advised by Dell-Chris_M to contact an escalate link and seek some relief there, only to submit all the information they requested and then never to hear from them again. I then talked to a Dell Chat person last night and was advised to call a support number and "ALL MY ISSUES WOULD BE ADDRESSED."


Ha, I was verbally insulted by a support manager for even bringing up the issues and told that another manager would call me, but guess what, no call.


I again called an expedited XPS support number that was supplied for me and talked to a representative and she assurred me I would be taken care of, only to connect me to tech. support, yet once again.


I explained all these issues again for the 21st time and was told I would be put in touch with a manager.


After about 2-3 minutes on hold, I was cut off.


So much for Dell support.

513 Posts

July 22nd, 2008 15:00

@CaboWaboMan wrote:

Are you trying to get an angry mob together for a sit in/protest rally?..if so, I am available, but I must be fed, or I won't come.


Free food has amazing power. :)


(Thanks for your thoughtful measured tone.) 

114 Posts

July 22nd, 2008 16:00

Exactly according to my experiances...


When trying to state something they just keep on talking as if they never heard, and if you repeat your sentence a couple of times they mostly say "that´s not possible sir". And if you then for ex demand to speak to a supervisor etc they begins listening.


But i think the techs are very restricked in what they can say/do.  For ex they have told me several times that "there are no known errors on the 630i modell", and "i´ve never spoked to a costumer with these problems on the 630"


I think it´s a bit strange, How big are the odds that i have only talked with the techs at dell that never served 630? And doesn´t they get informations about known errors?


Someone at this forum once said that Dell probably employees a lot of ostriches...

July 22nd, 2008 17:00

also forgot to say they collected my pc 8 weeks ago today..

552 Posts

July 22nd, 2008 17:00

After being promised a Dell manager would call me today, and has not called, I got on Dell Chat again and was told them same thing I have been told about 21 times now.


I also requested a different model system since the XPS420 does seem to have some considerable inherient issues. Some users don't notice it, but others do. He advised me I would get a refurbished unit which was unacceptable to me since I purchased a new unit with defects.


And since these defects are many and inherient to the system, a refurbished XPS420 was not acceptable.


I have now been beaten down by Dell and it's non-existent support and have decided to just purchase another motherboard and transfer all the usable components from the XPS420 and use the case I already have to build me another system and throw this XPS420 in the trash.


I am willing to take the loss not to have the deal with "The Dell Hassle".


I believe this "Hassle" is by design also from Dell.

July 22nd, 2008 17:00

Welcome to America's outsourcing of jobs.  I bet if americans had these jobs, things would get done faster, more efficiently.

July 22nd, 2008 17:00 going to agree with AK1one i have been trying to get my replacement xps system (damaged)for the last 55 days..and only a few days ago that they said they are sending me an upgraded system.


as i still have no order number after phoning today and them giving me a customer number and a order number that dont excist im getting sick and tired of dell XPS customer PREMIUM support that what they call it ??? PREMIUM...yea its premium alright phone bill is the PREMIUM..i have emailed dell around 15 times about this isue with my damaged pc ..and...NOT 1 reply...i get the automated message that they have recieved it but no actual reply....


after many many phone calls it camr to me speaking to a solicitor and saying to dell that im now taking this matter further ..c'mon ...49 days at the time...really is not good enough and on there terms and conditions it says replacement pc in no more than 2 weeks ...


and there telephone manner is so bad its and again you will get 1 that does no what they are saying and he may even log it into the system....but for all the money you pay for a del its just not worth buying a expreiance with dll has been a nightmare...


when i first had the xps 420 and i had the probelms with the 2 samsung hard drives they came out in 2 days ..but that not before i was on the phone to them for 1 hour and 45 mins..doing all these tests and waitng for these tests to finish phone bill on dell with this issue with my replacement pc has added up to around £40 ..and this is a joke...


i agree with the thread auther...

552 Posts

July 22nd, 2008 18:00


Dont throw it away trading standards if you are from the UK ,,if you are from USA i dont know ..but dont throw it away ...go and seek legal advice...before anything hasty...


i think the service is all due to a language issue and i really do think things are not logged all the time and ..regarding my replacement xps ..i really do think they have lost it to why as it taken them 55 days to today ...and still no thinking of selling the replacement and building my own..


I am in the US and there are no such legal remedys for this here and Dell knows this.


I have built computer systems for over 20 years now so building another one that I can use is really not a problem for me.


The only reason I purchased this defective Dell system is because of my failing eyesight. I find it very difficult to see inside a case now.


But my will is greater than my eyesight, so I will build another system using the very few parts from the XPS420 that seem to be operational.

1 Rookie


139 Posts

July 22nd, 2008 18:00

@KryttosArcadia wrote:
Welcome to America's outsourcing of jobs.  I bet if americans had these jobs, things would get done faster, more efficiently.

Yeah, you would like to think that would be the case. Though if these people were actually trained correctly and familiar with computers it wouldn't matter where they were. It all rests on the shoulders of their employers either way. 

Message Edited by Aurora51 on 07-22-2008 03:30 PM
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