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This post is more than 5 years old


November 22nd, 1999 12:00


Okay, you guy's have done great in speeding up the server.. but you have missed ONE MAJOR function.. the "mark read" button!

Now, when I come back after a weekend, I see a bazillion threads.. Yes, I know there are different colors.. but that is almost useless. If there are new replies.. I have to scroll thru all the old replys... etc

I want a button to mark a board read.. and never to have to wade thru all the old posts.

Think of it this way.. the server may be running twice the speed.. but it now takes four times as long to find the new messages and read them!!!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring back the ability to mark the current posts read.. and then not have them show up when you return!!

If you do this, I'll buy another Precision workstation.. hehehe.. just kidding.. O:-)

51 Posts

November 22nd, 1999 20:00


This is where you will want to look at the time stamp on the thread. This will always show the date and time of the latest post in a thread. New posts in a thread will be in red for the first two days, after that time the time stamp changes to black.

I am sorry but the "Mark All Read" feature is not an option with our new configuration.

5 Posts

November 22nd, 1999 23:00

To look at the time stamps, you may have to click through 10 pages of messages to see if a question posted a couple of days ago has received a reply.

It would be fewer pages to click through if expanded view is not selected, I grant you. But then, you may have to scroll through 16 messages in a thread to find one new ones at the end of the line. There is no indication of how many, if any, of the 16 messages listed in the thread are new. The the red colour seems to refer to time of posting -- not whether or not I have looked at it.

Was any usability testing done of this? Obviously speed and appearance were high priorities. I would be interested in what usability features were given high weighting when this software was being evaluated and adopted. Were the testers regular users, or were they Dell administrators who use an expanded version, and who also must read every message, rather than just those threads that might interest them.

I know we are all supposed to hate Microsoft, but I never met a new version of a MS program that removed this much flelxinility! From every usability perspective this new board seems to me to be a regressive step. If there are factors which the common users are unaware of, perhaps we could be enlightened on the subject of why the changes were made. Reasons might offer some consolation when it takes so much more effort to follow threads I am interested in.

-- sarah

20 Posts

November 23rd, 1999 10:00


I agree with several of your comments. I think that if I were a DellT@lk moderator, I would probably like the new board design. In fact, some have admitted as much in posts. When they enter a conference, I assume they pore through all the new posts in the conference and, therefore, spend a good deal of time in each conference. They do not move from conference to conference with any great frequency and probably do not see having to go back to the Dell Home Page as any big drawback to navigate through the conferences. The users do not always enter a conference with that intent, sometimes looking just for new postings or a response to their post, and the lack of "features" on this board has made that task much more difficult. I also think it interesting that the time-date changes after a two-day period. I wonder if that was also designed for the DellT@lk moderators for the over the weekend period. If so, David Voegtle, or whoever, may have to hustle on a Sunday night before that feature becomes a non-feature for him. Also, we all know that all questions do not get responses within a two-day period nor do all users visit this board with the frequency I do, and that feature for them is virtually useless.

I don't think all the blame for the board features and design should be placed on Dell or DellT@lk moderators. Some must be shared by GXMedia. For Dell to request a signature box so that users could enter html for a signature, and for that text box to insert breaks and spacing where none were intended is just poor design. Some of the things mentioned in the HELP section would have been nice to have in Frames/Expanded view, but are missing or in very questionable positions. For example, if you were reading a post and then wanted to go to the next or previous post , wouldn't it make more sense to have the Next/Previous options at the bottom of the message and not the top. An even better idea would to have those commands not scroll with the post. There are many other problems with this board design that are shared by other boards I have seen, but this board is designed for users that are somewhat different than the general boards you see on the web.

I have not been at this board for as long as some of the old-timers, but when posts referring to a new webboard began, I remember only one question posed by Tommy to users for our opinion. Now, I am not blaming Tommy for the end result. I am sure if he had any big influence, the Spell Checker would have remained intact. I also agree with you the speed and appearance of the new board are its strong points...but at what price? Two quotes (paraphrased) come to mind:

"Fernando Lamas": It is better for the board to look good than feel good.

Function is nothing...Image is everything!

Finally, since SusieF and now Kay have started posting pictures on the board, I thought I would be the first male to initiate this. And please excuse the photograph...I was not having a good day.

394 Posts

November 23rd, 1999 16:00

Hey David,

I have to jump in and claim absolute ignorance of Dan's findings--how was I supposed to know I turned into Sophia Loren?? I usually avoid mirrors if at all possible. In any case, while it's certainly good to know that Mel is your alter ego, please rest assured that I can only hope that Ms. Loren is a really good sport, and I personally wouldn't dream of insulting the poor woman in this fashion :)

Have a good day--

2 Posts

November 23rd, 1999 16:00

I'll say that is a bad photograph..

Your toupee glue line is showing!!


5 Posts

November 23rd, 1999 21:00

Enjoyed your thoughtful reply, and I certainly want to make it clear that I don't hold the Dell people on the board responsible for the new software. However, I trust that those who ARE responsible will receive information on user response.

I just feel strongly that software should be tested for usability. I spend a fair amount of time helping people discover the pleasures of computers, and how well an interface works makes a big difference.

Loved the photo. I just named the new kitten (grunge black) Max after Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome (in my view Mel's best movie).

-- sarah

13 Posts

November 24th, 1999 02:00


That option is only a good idea for those of us who live on this webboard as long or longer than dell moderators. The only reason I was able to post as many times as I did was because I could quickly scan the updated messages, and usually I would just check the subjects of those messages.

Did someone say Moo?

13 Posts

November 24th, 1999 05:00

Did someone say Moo?
No Events found!
