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November 4th, 2014 02:00

Dell T7500 wont power up

I have a Dell Precision T7500 Intel Xeon Dual 6-Core processor + 48GB ECC RAM and NV Quadro 5800. 

It does not power up now. The fans go on for a second, keep running and the power offs and the whole cycle repeats. This can keep goin for 10-15 reboot cycles and eventually at some random turn it will power up and load windows... but once loaded, all the fans start to go super fast. 

I have tried reboots with the following trouble shooting methods - 

- Disconnecting all peripherals 
- Removing all RAM
- Adding just one RAM module in the #1 slot per board
- Disconnecting Secondary Processor Board
- Disconnecting Front Panel
- Tried with different Video Cards
- Ordered a main motherboard through ebay... and that didnt do me any favors either! :( 

I have found similar people with exactly the same problem on these Dell forums but none of them have a definitive answer :( 

Can any one please help?? 

This is not under warranty. 

November 4th, 2014 13:00

You may be getting a high rev due to the intrusion alarm/side panel being removed while the computer boots. If you've tried a known working alternate video card and board then it may be the CPU(very rare) or power supply(common). 

Several tries to get a system going is often a symptom of bad caps. If you don't see any bad ones on the board there may be some in the power supply.

November 5th, 2014 06:00

I tried swapping the CPUs from the secondary board to the primary, and running just the primary, and the error still remains the same. 

The diagnostic lights goes 2...34....2....34.... in a look and then reboots. Manual suggest Memory, but memory seems to be fine. 

It's just suprising how many have the same problem, yet no one has a definitive answer :( 

November 5th, 2014 08:00

Do you mean you swapped CPU's between the riser card and motherboard?

December 7th, 2014 21:00

Yes both CPU's were swapped and still no luck. 

I have ordered a motheboard from Ebay but that arrived with outdated BIOS, so I had to order older processors (2xIntel Xeon 5504 2.0GHz Quadcore) so I could get that to boot... and that sort of worked, but it kept giving "Memory error on Slot 2". After updating the bios, I inserted my Intel XEON 3.33GHZ X5680 6 Core, and it booted up, but the memory error still remained... 
Upon close examination of the cpu socket on the board, I see that some of the pins in the socket are bend, and you can see the reflection is not consistent as you tilt it away form the light... I guess this is why its not letting the CPU to register all the memory. The Merchant refused to accept my plea that the board was defective... and would not return my original shipping cost and the other one if I returned it back...

So I ordered ANOTHER board from Ebay.... (mind you all these boards are listed as New in the description)... Installed the X5504 first incase I needed to update the BIOS... and noticed it had a newer BIOS A13 (previous board had A03 or A04 which was wayyy old) ... I updated the BIOS to A14 version anyways. Inserted my newer processor, and I get Memory Slot Error again. 

After several tries and trouble shooting, I came to the conclusion that the board accepts 2x5504 processors without any error, and max 40GB of ram including those from the second riser... but as soon as I insert the ram in the 6th slot, it gives me error on slot 2 which is weird. 

Anyone has any idea why a board with latest Bios wouldn't accept X5680 processor? I could shop around for new processors, but kinda skeptical to do so, what if the board rejects them? 

The pins on the CPU socket, I notice on this board too one of them near the bottom center is slightly pushed inward... I compare that with my old board pins and that one looks much neater... I am assuming that this tiny hair like pins are the contacts tot he processor and that also affects the way the processor reacts with the board. 

Grr.... I want my 24 core system back!!! Dam&*% you Dell for creating a defective brand!!!! :( 

3 Posts

September 25th, 2015 08:00

I am actually having a similar issue right now.  I was getting the "error at checkpoint [Ithr]" and memory failure at RISER DIMM 2

I checked all my memory sticks, replugged them in, but then my computer started the reboot cycle before i could get any information.  I reduced the RAM to a 24g configuration to reduce the probability of a defective stick, flashed the bios, disconnected peripherals and I have tried running without the riser.  Nothing has worked though.  

After it sits unplugged for 24 hrs or so, it gets further into the boot process on the first startup, so i am beginning to suspect the power supply.  I will be testing that today

September 27th, 2015 23:00

It could be a power issue... I also noticed some of the boards come defective with bend processor pins. 

If you take out the processor, and reflect the light on the processor socket on the board, you can see maybe one or two pins may be bent. I have noticed this was the reason why I used to get RAM errors. Most of the time it would work with just 1 Ram stick... or some more on alternate slots.

I had ordered 3 motherboards from ebay with no luck. I ended up purchasing another T7500 of lower config but same board and motherboard and replaced with the rest from my system. Works fine and still using it :) 

3 Posts

September 28th, 2015 10:00

My power supply seems to be working fine.  I tested it by itself, and then looking at the user manual saw that the lights on the front of the tower indicated a functioning power supply as well.  The tower is shutting down after a shorter timespan now.  

The computer was working fine for a while, so I dont think it would have shipped with bent pins.  It did make a big trip as checked luggage, so maybe it got banged around and some internal issues manifested, but it worked fine for a couple weeks after reaching its destination. 

1 Message

October 1st, 2015 16:00

Have you got any solution for this, we have the same issue. If you could figure it out. I have window 7 and it's same way delaying in boot up.

Thank you,

October 5th, 2015 01:00

Defective chips or capacitors on the motherboard for sure.

Didn't know anyone who would fix it so I just bought some boards from Ebay and it works fine. 

Had to buy like 3 or so motherboards coz most of them arrived with bent processor pins. So make sure you explicitly as the seller to show you pictures of the processor socket to ensure nothing is bent. 

August 11th, 2016 15:00

it has been a week of searching and trouble shooting to get to this thread.  finally someone has the same issue... but alas no solution.  

I also have a T7500 running two E5645s and 24GB (6x4GB ECC 10600) RAM.  I went to update windows 7 to 10 after backing up my system and when i restarted the issue started.  i counted 12 restarts, each showing "Memory subsystem configuration activity is in progress. No memory modules were detected." then "Memory subsystem configuration activity is in progress. Appropriate memory modules were detected but a memory failure has occurred."  Kills power to the system and then restarts.

After all 12 restarts the system boots normally with out issue.

What I tried:

-removing all RAM and Riser down to one stick, Tested each Stick and eventually one started up with memory error.  Removed that stick from the bank and brought my system down to 16GB ofRAM

-Thorough examination of the main board for bad caps or VRMs.

-Ran Memtest86 for 24 hours, memory errors not detected. (even with the 'bad stick')

-Logs in BIOS only show that the amount of memory has changed.  Dell diagnostics (local and the one from the site) don't show any errors. 

While testing i notice that the riser had a bent pin (may have been caused by my testing) after restoring this, it still did no change.  But my gut is telling me that this was bad, but not the break.  as my system was not physically changed when this started.

I have ordered a new bank of RAM, and will continue to report my findings as i go through getting this resolved.

The best part is, when the reboots finish and the OS finally has a chance to load... everything runs fine.  I have noticed when logging in to an account that the OS will 'hang' for a long time (memory error) but otherwise no issues.

Noted the following though:

Could be the case for the "Sudden change"

But the system did not start (normally) with out the riser either.. but then again could be bad RAM ... not sure until the new RAM arrives.

I am going to do some more thorough testing including taking it down to just the basic components until i can confirm the problem..  I need to try to swap CPUs to confirm if one of them has failed.

-Edit for additional details

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