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This post is more than 5 years old



December 21st, 1999 03:00

Dell Talk

Dell Talk Sucks!!

Techs don't answer your questions, except with more questions. When you do answer them you never hear from them again!!!

What a waste!!!!!!!!

112 Posts

December 21st, 1999 04:00

bob1414nj wrote:
- Dell Talk Sucks!!
This is not going to get you much support. Try posting your trouble and your system tag ID and possibly someone will help. The techs have their hands full right now. There is lots of customers with trouble and out of forum posts and whines don't make things any better.

Have a Wun-Dell-ful day!

Satisfied Dell customer since 5-8-98 :-)


Shortcut to DellT@lk users FAQ Web Site. Will open in a new window.

F91W5 EF29F V8X1F / Krups 466c ( Tahoe Blue)

ATTENTION everyone on the forum.....Dell has added a "scratch pad" conference to post test messages and test sig's. It will be cleared out weekly so it can keep the extra traffic off the boards. Your help is greatly appreciated!!!

221 Posts

December 21st, 1999 20:00

Hi, There are only one or two Dell Techs at this site. Most of us are Dell users who try to help each other out. We answer questions based on our experience. When presenting a problem we need to know what you did to cause the problem. That's why all the questions. We have all learned from our mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, but some people blame the computer for their imput errors. Computers only function by imput and if the imput is bad, wrong or incomplete they break down. Just like autos that break down, some people repair their own, others go to a mechanic. I have learned quite a bit from the people who take time to read these messages and respond to the questions. If you insist and need tech support then by all means call the Tech professionals. They are very busy so you will have to wait, but when you get through they can usually help. They can only help if you know how to follow their instructions and you give them enough info so they can understand the problem. Just some thoughts on what I consider to be a great site.

2.1K Posts

December 21st, 1999 20:00

Bob: Is this about the Stand By problem you are having?

As suggested, post your Service tag and a description of the problem - start a new post so we can monitor it easily.

For that matter why not call support and talk to them?

I'd give you everything I know, but I don't know anything about it...

If you think the techs are busy now, wait till Monday!

1 Message

December 21st, 1999 22:00

I would have to agree with the earlier post. Not all problems are input error. Sometimes the hardware is faulty like in my Dimension XPS T600r with 16MB Voodoo3 card. It does seem like people (customers) know more about the systems than do the techs. It took me quite a while to get Dell to admit that there was a problem with the video card. I'm still waiting for the replacement card. The Dell system and Dell tech support have been a huge disappointment and I can understand the frustration the person who started this thread is feeling.

189 Posts

December 23rd, 1999 02:00

A friend in passing, devised a
multi-step approach that customers can use to address ugly comments to
DELL, thereby ending this thread. The precise use of this multi-step
solution should satisfy both those "computer challenged" customers who have
decided that DELL is against them, and other users who value this
message board on its own merits.

Step 1: Place a person-to-person, collect call to Michael Dell.
For those unhappy customers who are also "telephonically challenged", pressing "0" on the
phone, will usually provide human assistance. If Michael fails to accept or return the call in
person, then go to..

Step 2: Write a letter to the Justice Department, Bureau of Consumer
Affairs, relating that Mr. Dell has refused to accept or return your calls
and you believe there is a conspiracy afoot on the part of DELL, against
you personally. If this fails to elicit a response, then go to ..

Step 3: Write a letter to Ralph Nader Consumer Protection, outlining your
fear of this conspiracy and your belief that the US Government is also in on
it, since they have not shut down DELL. If this fails, then go to..

Step 4: Telephone a lawyer, since it is obvious that Ralph Nader is also in
on this conspiracy against you. You can usually find one in the Yellow
Pages, or go to <>. Once again, if
"telephonically challenged," dialing "0" could help. If this fails, then go

Step 5: Order 10,000 placards with the saying "DELL is the One True
Satan." Advertise in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal and find
9,999 other dissatisfied DELL users who also believe in this vast
conspiracy and like you, also are "need-to-get-a-life-Challenged." March
10,000 strong, 24 hours a day, in front of DELL Corporate Headquarters.
If this fails, then go to..

Step 6: Obviously, the NY Times and WSJ must also be in on this conspiracy,
so consider increasing your attendance at Church, and pray for a miraculous
cure for your computer. If this fails, then go to..

Step 7: Consult an exorcist, since your computer is obviously possessed, and
you are personally being persecuted by everyone on the planet, including the
heavens. If this fails, then go to ..

Step 8: Join a devil cult-worship group, since even God has joined the
conspiracy against you. Offer your soul in exchange for a working computer,
and the destruction of DELL. If this fails then, go to ..

Step 9: Immolate yourself and your defective computer in front of DELL
Corporate Headquarters. Be sure to include next to you, a scathing 50 page
indictment of all parties connected to this conspiracy against you, in order
that future generations may recognize the injustice that has been
perpetrated against you by DELL, the US Government, all of humanity, God,
Satan, the NY Times and the WSJ. If this fails, then go to ..

Step 10: Wait for you and your defective computer to rise from the dead,
miraculously restored, and draft a 103 page post to this
message board, outlining each and every misfortune which has befallen you in
your life. Connect to the Internet and prepare to send the 103 page post
to this message board. But first.....Go back to Step One.

This post was lengthy, but necessary, to provide the precise step-by-step
procedure to follow for those who are "step-by-step challenged." I can
assume that anyone who posts a further complaint to this thread, does not
possess the common sense necessary to follow step-by-step instructions.
Further postings would in effect prove my point that whiners are only
concerned with THEIR problem and do not see the effect their complaining has
on others. This message board is a SERVICE provided by DELL, and
administered by a DELL Moderator, to assist in customer support. We
should all use it for that purpose, and that purpose alone. Anyone who
doubts the intrinsic value of this message board has only to read the responses
from others on appropriate problem areas they are trying to address and resolve. In short, think about it, and it's
as clear as this: Morally, If you make YOUR problem somehow become MY
problem, by corrupting the purpose of this message board, or attempting to bring
DELL or this message board down, through the use of this message board, then YOU
are to blame, not DELL. Find other venues to vent your frustration,
whatever they might be, without making your problem my problem!

Dimension XPS T450, 128MB RAM, 20.4GB HD, 8X DVD, Win98SE, PM Platinum 8.0, Snap-On Shop Key32 on DVD, etc on & on...

112 Posts

December 23rd, 1999 05:00

Stephanie A wrote:
- A friend in passing, devised a
- multi-step approach that customers can use to
- address ugly comments to
- DELL, thereby ending this thread.

Excellent!! I suggest that Dell make it required reading, although we are bound to have the DBK's, Artay's, Wes Salmon's and the mpw's of the world - who find a certain fulfillment in life dredging up this crap they so enjoy.

Satisfied Dell customer since 5-8-98 :-)


Shortcut to DellT@lk users FAQ Web Site. Will open in a new window.

F91W5 EF29F V8X1F / Krups 466c ( Tahoe Blue)

ATTENTION everyone on the forum.....Dell has added a "scratch pad" conference to post test messages and test sig's. It will be cleared out weekly so it can keep the extra traffic off the boards. Your help is greatly appreciated!!!

1 Message

December 24th, 1999 01:00

maybe you can tell me ,whats the difference between the xps733r P3 and the 750t p3
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