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This post is more than 5 years old


August 5th, 2016 20:00

Dell XPS 8900 to U2414H monitor in power saving mode after sleeping

I recently bought a Dell XPS 8900 desktop and Dell U2414H monitor. After hooking the two together with a Displayport to Displayport mini, everything seemed to be fine. There was a signal and the display was on. I turned off the monitor and put the computer in sleep mode for a little while. When I returned and turned both systems on, there was no picture. Just a statement saying the monitor was going into power saving mode. I tried unplugging and replugging the monitor back in and that didn't work. I got the same problem after connecting the computer to a different monitor so I suspect it's the desktop. I also get the same problem using the HDMI port instead. The only thing that seems to fix this is by doing a cold shut down and restart of the desktop. Can anyone tell me what the problem is under these circumstances?

9 Posts

August 17th, 2016 22:00

Experiencing a similar issue between a recently purchased Dell XPS 8900 and my Dell U2413 monitor, except I only have to turn the monitor off.  The computer power settings are set to "Never" sleep.  Yet the computer still goes into an odd power saving mode such that a manual power reboot is required to start the computer.  I have not changed any of the power settings - they are still at the Dell factory defaults.   Started happening earlier this week.  Any ideas on how to fix?

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