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This post is more than 5 years old


April 29th, 2009 15:00

GTX280 in XPS 730x

I received a Dell 730x two weeks ago with the GTX 280 video card, about a month after I placed the order.  About three days after I received the machine, I found that it had crashed overnight (I leave it on all the time) and when I booted it, the BIOS boot screen was covered with white horizontal lines.  The lines persisted into the Vista-64 boot, but before it got all the way up, Vista blue-screened with a video driver error and the process started again.

I reseated the card to no avail, finally called support (a step I just dread) and after some back and forth, convinced the rep that the GTX-280 had failed.  I have next-day service, but figured I could save myself the trouble of meeting a tech if I just have them overnight me a replacement card, as I can easily install it myself.  The tech agreed and got my shipping info and arranged for a call back in two days to make sure that the new card works.

That was over a week ago.  I called customer service two days after this to find out where my replacement GTX-280 is and wound up being transferred FIVE times!  Each time, I was asked to give my name and order number, and that resulted in "please hold while I transfer you to someone who can help you."  As I said, that happened FIVE times -- I was snickering towards the end.  Finally, when the sixth rep asked me for the same information, I stopped him and said "do you know you're the SIXTH person that I've talked to on this call?"  I think that caused him to actually make an effort to help me, rather than to just pass the buck.

He then tried to tell me that the normal shipping time for a replacement card is 8-10 business days!  And here, I thought I had next day service.  I asked him if I had requestedd a tech come out to replace the card, would it have happened the next day and he just reiterated "8-10 days".  It was like talking to an automaton. 

So just now I've checked the order status on the website (BTW, they charged my Dell account $500+tax for the stupid replacement card, which will presumably be credited back when I return the defective card -- Newegg is selling the GTX-280 for $329, and the newer GTX-285 for $350, so I'm not sure what Dell is smoking by charging $500) and it still says "In Production" with no estimated ship date.  I just *dread* calling Dell again, talking to five difficult-to-understand customer support representatives (sorry, but it's the truth) and not getting an answer.

So, the question is, is this normal for the new Dell?  Every machine I've ordered since I switched from Gateway to Dell in 1998 has been just fine -- can't remember ever having to meet with a tech, or return a failed part.  I found a NVidia 8600GTS in the closet (came with one of the aformentioned Dells but my son replaced the card with a 9800GT) and my brand-spankin' new 730x is now running with that relatively ancient but servicable card, confirming that the GTX-280 is truly the source of the problem.

I'm happy with the machine in every other respect -- great case, PSU, great performance (not really a gamer, but a software developer and I got the GTX-280 to use with CUDA and video rendering/transcoding) but I'm so incredibly disappointed with Dell and the fact that they just don't seem to care anymore.  Any tips on how to shake loose the video card that I already paid for without spending an hour on the phone, repeatedly spelling my name and service code would be welcome.

1.7K Posts

May 1st, 2009 08:00

That is an excellent write-up.  Unfortunately, I really don't know what to tell you.  You would think that they would be listening and providing better support to a customer who purchased a nice system like the 730x.  That's too bad that your 730x has to run with an old 8600GTS in it.  Generally, you will always find the prices to be less expensive at Newegg for video cards versus what Dell is charging which is why I just get them on my own and depending on the brand you get, you can get a lifetime warranty on the card.  It is a nice system so it's too bad you have had the problems with the video card and have to wait.  I wish I could offer you a tip.  I hope the new one works.  Maybe you'll get lucky and they will be out of 280's and send you a 285.  I know it has happened.  Good Luck! 

22 Posts

May 1st, 2009 09:00

Thanks for replying.  Since I wrote this, I sent email (trying to save myself the frustration of an hour on the phone) and got a reply from someone who said they would "take ownership" of this issue.  That was two or three days ago.  Now I'm thinking that maybe Dell really doesn't have any of these cards and are waiting for someone to return a system or for a truckload of refurbs to arrive from NVidia before they can send out the replacement card (order status "delivery date" still says "Data temporarily unavailable", which it said for a week).  Not cool, Dell.

I guess I'll call into XPS support and give yet another person a chance to take "ownership" of this problem (maybe I can get through to a supervisor).  I'm at home and have my case # in front of me.

22 Posts

May 3rd, 2009 16:00

A followup -- called XPS support on Friday and was told that the difficulty was that, because I was within 21 days of my purchase date, I would be receiving a new rather than refurbished GTX280 and that was handled by a different department.  The rep called over and assured me that it was now expedited and would be shipped on Monday.  We'll see.  On Sunday, the order status is still in limbo with no ship date.

My guess is that Dell has no more new GTX-280s since they now offer the GTX-285 with this system and they're either waiting for 21 days to pass so they can send me a refurb, or they just can't muster the internal Dell-telligence to simply ship me a GTX-285.  My replacement part is probably stuck in some kind of infinite loop.

I really can't believe someone from Dell hasn't seen this thread and has contacted me since this is really awful publicity for them.  If I didn't have that old 8600 board, I'd be going into my third week with a useless new XPS 730x computer.  21 days indeed.

650 Posts

May 5th, 2009 07:00

I really can't believe someone from Dell hasn't seen this thread and has contacted me since this is really awful publicity for them.


Why not? I can easily believe it. Dell is all about the money and they hire some illiterate buffoon stationed in India to read from que cards to answer your questions. THIS is why Dell's stock price hasn't been above $12 in only God knows how long. However, I'm somewhat more intelligent than quite a few on this forum. Why do I make that claim? I purchased my 730x on eBay for $1200, which is what the system is REALLY worth, and not a penny more. I also got the 1 year warranty and next-day tech support with it. I can't even begin to imagine what it's like for some who have spent $3000-$6000 for a 730x only to have problems from day 1.

22 Posts

May 9th, 2009 16:00

I paid just over $2k and am very happy with it, except for the video card issue. I do think it's worth the $2k -- every computer I've ever bought for myself seems to be in that range, from the 1994 Gateway 486 with 16MB of memory, to my 17" Dell laptop, to this computer.   I personally would not be comfortable buying *anything* for $1500 from EBay, but to each his own.

Anyway, another six days has gone by and I believe my original theory has been validated -- Dell has no more GTX280s.  On Friday yet another person who has "taken ownership" of the issue (the third one, apparently) called and said they were going to send me a GTX-285 to replace the card, and I should have it Monday.  That's a fine solution, although I wish it was two weeks ago, and since the order has not shipped, I doubt it will arrive on Monday.  Now, online, I can see the $500 order for the GTX-280 has been cancelled, and my account has been charged $750 for a GTX-285.  I just hope they get the credit right when I return the orginal GTX-280 and I hope my lowly 8600GTS doesn't give up the ghost first.

Staying tuned....

22 Posts

May 22nd, 2009 22:00

Ok... still no video card and it's now been a month since the original card failed, within a couple of days of getting the computer.  The order status for the replacement video card still has no ETA despite a call from someone two weeks ago swearing that it would be delivered within 3-5 days.

I am soooo tired of this and just can't bear to call again just so they can lie to me again..  I've bought my last Dell.

Pathetic.  Customer.  Service.

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

May 23rd, 2009 20:00


Let me investigate this. I need the following sent to me in a Private Conversation -
Email Address:
Shipping address:
Phone number:
Service Tag number:
Reason: Defective GTX 280. Send GTX 285

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