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This post is more than 5 years old


April 23rd, 2000 02:00

McAfee dat update invalid

I went to the McAfee site tonight to download a new virus definition file (it had been 21 days since last update). It downloaded normally, but when I clicked on it to install it, I got this message:

"4074updt.exe is not a valid Win 32 application."

Downloaded again. Same result.

I've updated dat files a dozen or more times since I got my XPS-T600 in September 1999, and I've never had this problem before. I'm running Windows 98SE.

I have read a lot of negative stuff about McAfee on this forum but thought I'd dodged the bullet. Maybe not. Is this my excuse to upgrade to Norton?

April 23rd, 2000 04:00

Nilo, I was up at Mcafee last night (Friday) and downloaded 4074 and unzip with no problems
I'm runing close to the same as yours, Like you , I have been lucky so far . I have had some bad downloads from Mcafee , but on the second time it allways loaded right . Excuse to upgrade to Norton???
I'm still trying too figure out why Dell droped Mcafee???????? Maybe Dell knows something we dont!!! Hu!! M.C.

Michigan Cat

491 Posts

April 23rd, 2000 05:00


Thanks for your efforts. I just went back to the McAfee site and downloaded the 4074xdat file. It installed OK. Apparently the xdat will replace the updt after May 3. I remember reading something about it in the 6,000 words of one of the recent dat update notes.

I'm not sure how I found my way to the xdat download and not sure I could get back there. Each time I go to the site, the message gets clearer: They just want to sell me something new.

April 23rd, 2000 05:00

Nilo, just got back from Mcafee, searched for every thing under the sun , = zero I'm not sure but I think Mcafee Data base is , is, Well they need to take lessions from Dell T@lk . Sorry Nilo , I've drawed a blank on your error M.C.

Michigan Cat

77 Posts

April 23rd, 2000 15:00

I too had the same error message, but mine was caused by the Netzip Download Demon. I went in and disabled it and redid my download and it installed perfectly.

April 23rd, 2000 16:00

Nilo, I get that drift too $00.00 !! Glad the update went thro, I not realy crazy about changing , I've just haft way got this Mcafee mastered!! and they want me too change!!! NOT!! Well, have a Happy Easter Nilo..... M.C.

Michigan Cat
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