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This post is more than 5 years old


August 2nd, 2008 16:00

Motherboard dead?

I think my mobo is dead because the PC won't actually turn on.. It will but it actually turns on for 1 split second then powers down, so I can't even get into the bios. The light on the mobo is still on.

This whole issue began when I attempted to change the fan on my 8600GT graphics card and then attempted to turn the PC on when I finished but it didn't. I know for a fact that its not my graphics card or power supply unit that is causing the problem because I tested it in another computer. It also shouldn't be the RAM cos I didn't touch it at all. I also checked 5 times that all cables are connected properly.. Any ideas to bring my PC back to life??

Message Edited by mingj_14 on 08-02-2008 12:00 PM

2K Posts

August 2nd, 2008 17:00

Can't tell you what it is, just confirm what it isn't.  If the card and PS work in another system, you're right, it's not that.  It's not the switch, because it does respond, briefly.  It's very unlikely to be memory, but just to be sure, remove it and see if results change.


This is fairly difficult, as very few things turn the system off, and I can't name one that does, can't ever remember seeing it happen.  MB power problems turn the power light yellow, but not off.   Chipset problems light the diagnostics, or make them start over, but not off.  Even if the PS were somehow overloaded in this system but not in the other, that should light the power light yellow.


Before replacing motherboard, remove all plugin cards.  Still does the same?   Disconnect the power wires to all drives.  Still same?  Unplug, hold in power button 10 seconds, remove clock battery, move reset jumper to alternate pins for 10 seconds then back, replace clock battery with a new one.  If none of that changes anything, only the motherboard is left.

4 Posts

August 2nd, 2008 19:00

I tried removing the memory method, no difference.

The mobo light is yellow when powered off.

Another thing I forgot to mention is that within that split second that the PC powers on, the power button is orange (if that helps) and the PC powers down before it goes to green.

I tried removing all the cards and plugs to the HDD and DVD drive, no difference still.

But, when I done the battery and moved the reset jumper to another pin, the PC powered on but the light on the power button was flashing orange continuously and the front fan was extremely loud (I believe it was on 100%, which doesn't occur before when my PC was fine and I got scared). I couldn't turn off the system when I holded the power button for a few seconds so I pulled the plug.

I put the jumper back to its original spot then its back to square one. I tried moving the jumper where the fan thing happened but it never happened again.. so confused right now but mostly think motherboard malfunction?

2K Posts

August 3rd, 2008 14:00

Pretty much confirms motherboard, that it would stay on and flashing with the jumper set to reset.  What's happenening is that BIOS detected a condition and told itself not to try again.  Reset cleared that, but it came right back.  Don't bother with the battery then, it's not that. 


The MB light just says that startup power is available; color is irrelevant.  The fast fan won't hurt anything, it just means MB is not controlling the fan.


Ordinarily at this point, you'd be split between MB and PS.  BUT, the PS works in another system.  All that's left is MB. 

13 Posts

August 3rd, 2008 21:00

I've been going through similar problem with my E510.  After buying another motherboard and power supply, having all cards out, trying the memory in another computer (it works) and the other's memory in this one, all that's left is the CPU.  I even bought ASUS motherboard, case, with a 3rd PS (had the disk drive) to build a replacement PC from the E510's parts, but it had the same problem (won't start, no POST).  So I'm waiting on a replacement CPU (and another CPU to finish the replacement PC).  If this works, I'll post back.  IOW, your motherboard may not be the problem.


4 Posts

August 3rd, 2008 21:00

Right, erm I'm going to try my processor on another motherboard then if I can find some friends with AMD mobo.. or I'm going to try to find another processor and try it on my mobo. I'll post back as well if I get any progress

4 Posts

August 8th, 2008 00:00

Well i bought a new case, new mobo, and used my old processor, PSU, hard drive, DVD drive and 2GB rams and it worked. Turns out that it was the dell mobo that died. Problem solved.
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